Hillary speech accusing Trump of racism bombs with online viewers – IOTW Report

Hillary speech accusing Trump of racism bombs with online viewers

AmericanMirror: If the feedback on a live YouTube video is any indication, viewers had little tolerance for Hillary Clinton lobbing racism accusations at Donald Trump.

At the conclusion of her speech, 6,388 viewers gave it a thumbs down, while just 317 gave it a thumbs up.

Clinton attempted to link her Republican rival to people she said were racists and white supremacists.

Viewers apparently weren’t buying her arguments.


Also from American Mirror: Trump’s ‘racist’? Only recent presidential candidate with Confederate pin was a ‘Clinton’

18 Comments on Hillary speech accusing Trump of racism bombs with online viewers

  1. White Hillary calling the white Donald a wacist! Doesn’t the perverted puke know that all whites are wacist (unless she was exercising her personal black privilege card then it’s okee dokee)?

  2. It’s the MSM repeating,reinforcing and explaining her smear narrative which is meant to do the real damage. Come on, Reno Nevada or a hot, dusty Thursday afternoon? The only people paying attention were media people getting their talking points. We’ll see how it plays out in the MSM, but expect the massage to be accompanied some fluffer polls which have Hillary up by eleventy points.

  3. Further proof the left dominated media is just not making the leap to people raised on the internet.

    Fact is the alphabets and internet provided information is incompatible. A venn diagram with alphabet info getters in one and people who get their info from the internet in the other would show 2 circles with little or no overlap.

  4. The whole thing was lurid and over the top, but with that gratuitous swipe about Trump causing school bullies, she jumped the shark over a bridge too far. Embarassing.

  5. Former NAACP president Ben Jealous doubled down and went as far to call anyone who votes for Trump also Racist, Xenophobic, and “unlikely.”

    What a crock. I can’t wait to vote for Trump.

  6. 4chan took over the live comment feed during her speech on YT. The person was in the balcony at the venue with a poster of Pepe. They dared him to raise up the poster, he did and yelled out “Pepe!”. Too funny! Then he was immediately escorted out. I think Gateway Pundit has the screen shots. Hilarious.

  7. @JM — If there was a moment in time and a series of events which would lead one to conclude there is such a thing as Divine Intervention and God, this would be it. hahaahah!

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