HuffPo Writes Rebuke of Dems Narrative That The Election Was Hacked – IOTW Report

HuffPo Writes Rebuke of Dems Narrative That The Election Was Hacked


Remember when Trump said the DNC was rigging the elections for Hillary?

Here’s CNN’s take on Trump’s claims. “No, the presidential election can’t be hacked.” Obama and Clinton laughed at Trump and said empathetically that wasn’t possible. And when Clinton won, Trump should not fight the results, calling it horrifying.

On October 24th, Hillary sent this tweet, “Donald Trump refused to say that he’d respect the results of this election. That’s a direct threat to our democracy.”

So, to be clear BEFORE the election, it was preposterous to think that an election could be rigged. That was the narrative. Fair enough?

Now the Media is Claiming the Russians Hacked the Elections

The media is claiming the Russians hacked the US elections, not by actually hacking US voting machines, but by leaking DNC emails and John Podesta’s emails, Hillary’s campaign manager, that shows that the DNC rigged the primaries for Hillary against Bernie. They hacked the VOTERS with evidence that showed Bernie got railroaded.

That’s when Debbie Wasserman resigned from the DNC, if you remember.

The DNC emails show they robbed Bernie in the Democratic Primaries

The DNC robbed Bernie, but everyone is up in arms that the Russians leaked information that influenced the US election?

BTW, the DNC and Podesta have never stated these emails are fake or fraudulent. In fact, DKIM proved that all of those leaked emails were real, and weren’t manipulated. Domain Keys Identified Mail, or DKIM, is a highly regarded email security system that can be used to independently authenticate the contents and sender of an email that uses it.

My conclusion to this, is this “Russian hacked the election” narrative is a distraction to keep us from talking about the contents of those emails.

The left is pissed that Trump won. Reading through the leaked DNC emails on Wikileaks, you’d know that the reason Trump is president, is mostly because the DNC propped him up and had their media cronies legitimize his campaign. Why? Because they knew they could beat him.

The DNC propped up three “pied-piper” candidates total through their paid media contacts.

Ben Carson. Ted Cruz, and Trump.

Here’s the PDF attachment, which lays out the whole plan to prop up Carson, Cruz, and Trump, which making the other candidates seems as unelectable as possible through their media directions. Read it. It’s eye-opening.

Who REALLY interfered with the Election?

According to the New York Times, the The Clinton Foundation received more than $10m dollars from Saudi Arabia, a place that isn’t very kind to women’s rights.

Did Saudi Arabia interfere with the election?

The media was working with the DNC to move forward the Clinton agenda. Evidence shows Podesta routinely invited 60+ different mainstream reporters to various private, off the record, dinners.

Did the media interfere with the elections?

Obama told the British people that if they vote Brexit, that they will go to the back of the queue on trade deals.

Did Obama interfere with the British referendum?

George Soros funded organization have been shown to pay for the protests at Trump rallies, the DNC emails and Project Veritas show that they have placed all kinds of people at these protests to stir up trouble during the campaign and Project Veritas proved that the DNC set up provocateurs at Trump rallies. Multiple people got fired that were working with the DNC after that revelation.

Did Soros interfere with our elections?


12 Comments on HuffPo Writes Rebuke of Dems Narrative That The Election Was Hacked

  1. The next time Soros flies over international waters, an F-18 needs to shadow his private craft and splash it. America has been seriously weakened by all these wealthy provocateurs; it’s long past time to remove them.

  2. The democrats ALWAYS manipulate the selection of the Republican candidates they can easily defeat. It’s called bait-and-switch. During the primaries and caucuses, the media does all they can to prop up sure losers like Dole, McCain, and Romney. Then when sure losers win the nomination, the media turns on them. They’ve been getting away with it for years.

  3. @J-roybean – you are EXACTLY right.

    After it was obvious that they couldn’t get Jeb or Marco nominated they focused on Trump, only they misread the fact that they (the media) were a major part of the DC Establishment that Trump was running against.

  4. Just find where Soros and sons are hiding out, rush in with ski masks and black armor on,and take them out, cut off their heads, and shout the al ak slogan. Make it a Black Ops.

  5. TO JRB

    Don’t blame that 100% on the Dems…the GOPe blissfully played along, as willing whore of the UniParty. THEY (the GOPe) ALONE did the internal manipulation; the Dems and media only had external influences.

  6. Asked recently how to be sure the news he was reading was “true”. I had no good answer. This article shows why there is no good answer when the media is so manipulated by huge money.

    Reading and trusting my instincts worked for my early, full support for Trump, but it shows how only trusting instincts could sway some the other way, as many trusted Obama.

    This site has many commentors who trash Fox News, but it is the only mainstream media which is a contrast to the other networks and has opened many eyes. Not everyone has the time to read and spend time on the internet educating themselves about the issues.

  7. The leftists are losing their grip on the people even though almost every newsroom, academy, college, k-12 school, government agency, union, actor, and democrat politician has tried their best to keep control. Sure there remain millions of toe the line lefties out there, but the Obama policies hurt even the leftist and the lies of their leaders have begun to come to light.

    Free thinking individuals will now rule the days ahead. Keep “bitch slapping” the left with their own rhetoric and more people will hopefully awaken.

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