IG Investigating Obama Admin Cyber Attacks On Georgia Election System – IOTW Report

IG Investigating Obama Admin Cyber Attacks On Georgia Election System

DC: Feds have launched an investigation into why the Department of Homeland Security hacked into the Georgia state governmental network, including its election system, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

John Roth, inspector general for DHS, wants to know why the agency broke protocol on its way to 10 unprecedented attacks on the system overseen by Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp — who is also one of the most vocal critics about the Obama administration’s attempt to designate local and state election machinery as part of federal “critical infrastructure.”

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6 Comments on IG Investigating Obama Admin Cyber Attacks On Georgia Election System

  1. This is why DHS broke the protocol: Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp is one of the most vocal critics about the Obama administration’s attempt to designate local and state election machinery as part of federal “critical infrastructure.”

  2. While they are at it investigate the voting machines in Philadelphia that had more votes than registered voters and could not be recounted. As soon as that came out they sure shut up. We never heard another word about it.

  3. Something funky was definitely happening in Georgia this election cycle. The fake polls showing Hillary up by 11, then back to neck and neck, neither of which was near the truth. Hillary was using Georgia at first like we were going to be icing on her landslide cake, and then as a possible step on her desperate, narrow path to oblivion on election night.

    She ended uo getting a standard Georgia Dem ass-kicking, but they held off until really late in calling it for Trump. That was weird.

    And then, of course, we have the bag of hammers that is Hank Johnson and John Lewis. They surely have their fingers in this tarbaby. I could see them cooking up something stupid with Jeh Johnson and some “rogue employee”, and then somebody stepped on a rake and knocked over the stack of plates, and DHS got busted.

  4. ThirdTwin – Georgia – specifically Clarkston – has been an official government entry point for immigrants for several years now. It is here that many of the legal 3rd world immigrants are settled and, through chain immigration, they bring in their families and entire villages.

    I have no doubt that democrats settle people in areas like this to nullify the votes of American citizens. The polls were all a gaslighting joke meant to discourage Trump voters but there was also an expectation that they’ve successfully undermined American values enough with dependent legal immigrants and untold millions of illegals.

    I’m optimistic that Trump will shine sunlight on this ugly America hating democrat and uniparty policy.

  5. Page O’Turner, my lesbian sister has lived for years just up the road from Clarkston, in Dick-hater. She voted Trump, first EVER GOP VOTE in her life, and it was largely because of what you describe.

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