Just 10 of Bernie Sanders’ Stupidest Ideas – IOTW Report

Just 10 of Bernie Sanders’ Stupidest Ideas

1. “Medicare for All.” 

2. $19.6 trillion in tax increases.

3. Breaking up the big banks.

4. Bernie loves him some Fidel Castro.

5. Bernie also loves him some Soviet Union.

6. Prosecuting so-called “climate deniers.”

7. Expanding Social Security.

8. Making college tuition-free.

9. Bernie hates Uber. 

10. Ending private prisons.

go HERE for a fleshed-out analysis of each loony idea.

14 Comments on Just 10 of Bernie Sanders’ Stupidest Ideas

  1. If I hated America, then this is a list of things I would want to see imposed. These things have been tried – notably by the Cuba and the Soviet Union Bernie so admires – and they have either failed or are currently in the process of failing. Without a cold war to keep its citizens in line, the Soviet Union went kaput; without a Soviet Union to prop it up, Cuba sank even deeper into poverty.

    Bernie is either evil or a moron, although lately I’ve been trending towards evil moron. But he apparently knows how to get votes the old fashioned way – he buys them by promising free stuff to people who have no clue that they will bear the brunt of these programs either by way of increased prices or reduced goods and services. Economics is a strange field; some economic principles seem counter-intuitive, some economic principles seem harsh and unfair, and still other economic principles seem superficially suitable for government regulation. However, history has shown that over the long term, and even over the short or intermediate term, economies cannot be successfully managed by a central government and the principles of economics are fairly immutable and the regulators become (or are) inept and corrupt. Bernie and his policies may be as useful as King Canute trying to command the tides to stop, but so long as there are enough useful idiots watching and rooting for him, Bernie will keep pushing this toxic garbage.

  2. Hey, Bernie!
    How bout “Leave me the fuck alone!”

    Pack up your shit, take your slavish rat-people with you, and get the fuck out of America! Go to Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, or any other shit hole and fuck it up!

    Why do we continue to allow 1000, or so, imbeciles to keep fucking up the greatest country the world has ever known?

    Time for a divorce. We keep our shit and they can have their $20Trillion debt and all the socialism they want!

    It’s only FAIR.

  3. I just drove through Olympia today and saw two of my neighbors standing in the rain waving Bernie signs. It sure would have put a smile on my face if they had been standing next to a big puddle.

  4. Well, breaking up the big banks is probably a matter of survival for the country, at this point. It’s not going to happen, because they bought Congress with some of that free QE money from the Fed.

    “Medicare for All” is half of a good idea, because it would involve flushing Obamacare – they just need to stop at that point.

    Ending private prisons is probably not a bad thing. Operating prisons is something I view as an indelegable duty of the state.

    So, 2.5 ideas that are not wholly bad, out of 10.

  5. went to the CNN link from the article & read the comments …(hey, I took a hit for my fellow iOTWorlders…the least I could do!)…. the vast majority of commenters were Berniebots saying that Comrade Bernie’s Single Payer scheme would shut down the evil Insurance Companies & they should be shut down because they made money by denying procedures to people.
    Point of order, dipwads … the biggest denier of procedures is….drum roll please ……MEDICARE/MEDICADE!!! …by a wide margin
    ….look it up Berntards

  6. Having to deal with the affairs of two mothers on Medicare, I’m shocked at how little gets approved.

    Thankfully, we have found some good doctors to treat knee ailments that know how to scheme the system; i.e., Medicare will pay for this procedure every six months and that procedure every six months, so we’ll alternate the procedures.

    I love the Emory Hospital system! 🙂

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