Leonardo DiCrapio Goes On Global Warming Rant As He Receives Dutch Rudder From Hollywood – IOTW Report

Leonardo DiCrapio Goes On Global Warming Rant As He Receives Dutch Rudder From Hollywood

What a dumbbell.

This prick has a carbon footprint the size of Obama’s ego, and he participates in an industry that uses more fuel, resources, food and waste than any other frivolous endeavor.

From the moment the script is being laid on paper, to when the sets are built, the lights are turned on, the food is wasted, the jets hit the tarmac, the junkets and press conferences, to when we drive to the movie theaters and then all watch the Oscars with the limos and the lights, the Leonardo DiCrapio industry is the most evil when weighed against its necessity.

Give me a friggin break.

21 Comments on Leonardo DiCrapio Goes On Global Warming Rant As He Receives Dutch Rudder From Hollywood

  1. Hey Hollywood, you beat yourselves down today. My family sits in our living room and laughs AT you trying to be teary-eyed serious. Obviously DiCaprio memorized this diatribe against me and my family before he accepted his little golden golden boy. Oh and he lied, they didn’t move filming because of global warming, they moved it because there was no snow.

  2. They need to take a nationwide poll.
    “What are your thoughts about the Oscars so white situation after watching the Academy Awards?”

    A) I am even more empathetic to the plight of the blacks.

    B) Those whiny black bastards can kiss my lilly-white ass.

    ( I choose B)

  3. C) I’m tired of the Hollywood cowards for thinking that they are smarter than their audience and trying to ruin everything in this country turning even award shows into political mantras, by the few, of how the masses should behave and think.

    This was Hollywood celebrating Hollywood. And the masses watching from the outside.

  4. Why would anyone give a whit about what some bird brained parrot says? If I want to listen to parrots I can go to a pet store – it is a lot cheaper and I can get up and leave whenever I have had enough or they ask me to leave because I am nekkid.

  5. If you walked into a filming of a movie today, you’d think someone was insane or at the very least trying to raise the dead. Entire sceneries and props the hollywood class interacts with is CGI (aka, makebelieve) on a green screen. The only reason there is any reality in any movie at all anywhere is so the stuck up hollywood elite pieces of crap can still collect what they consider a living wage that white people need to be guilty of. Wasn’t one of the best selling movies a freaking Cartoon featuring a white woman (“Frozen”) where the blacks also lost out in a fantasy world.

  6. Illustr8tr,
    Actually, Chris pretty much Rocked (see what I did there?) and mocked during the entire show. I was pleasantly surprised. You need to find and watch the part where the guest presenter starts ranting about lack of awards for “little yellow people” (wait for it. . . . ) “the Minions”.

    And as for Leonardo:
    Hit your mark, emote your lines, here’s your million dollars, now go away and shut up.

  7. Fuck celebrities. (and fuck their kids with the stupid names they give them)

    Do you honestly think any of those assholes gives a shit about the common man?
    They make millions of dollars by “working” a few weeks out of the year, then attend the oscars while hundreds of stupid sheep scream at them outside the theater. Then they read some scripted speech and pretend to cry, then afterwards hit the million dollar orgies, get drunk, get laid, do drugs, and sleep until noon every day.

    Quit buying people magazine, quit watching ET, don’t go to the emmy’s or oscars and scream behind the red rope just to watch the fucking celebs walk into a theater wearing stupid-looking dresses.
    If you are a sheep, you are part of the problem…So fuck you too.

    My favorite movie is San Andreas….I pretty much smiled my way through the entire movie.
    Superman (1978) is a close second.

  8. Thank you BFH! I’ve always said that the actual utility of what Hollywood provides is zero. People were able to survive and thrive on this earth for a long, long time without movies and TV.

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