Man Shoots UPS Driver Dead Thinking He Was Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Man Shoots UPS Driver Dead Thinking He Was Donald Trump

Justin Barkley, a 38-year-old Ithaca man, is charged with second-degree murder for the shooting death of William Schumacher in a Wal-Mart parking lot 

  • During Barkley’s arraignment he claimed the person he killed was Trump, not Schumacher
  • The judge refused to allow him to enter a guilty plea and said Barkley will now undergo psychiatric examination 

    Justin Barkley, 38, from Ithaca claimed he knew where the president-elect would be on December 8.

    He told the judge he then waited outside of the store where he shot a man he believed to be the billionaire – however he actually fired at 52-year-old William Schumacher.

    ‘I shot and killed Donald Trump purposely, intentionally and very proudly,’ Barkley said during his arraignment on Monday, according to the Ithaca Voice.

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26 Comments on Man Shoots UPS Driver Dead Thinking He Was Donald Trump

  1. As a former UPS man, I feel sorry for him and his family. I know how hard every one of them work.

    I think the asshole that shot the UPS guy should be dragged behind a UPS truck 500 feet for every year the driver was employed at UPS.

  2. Trump is going to have to be extra, extra careful with all these democrat nutbags running loose. We know their desire is to off him so they don’t lose their piece of the corruption pie.
    Filthy bunch of evil losers.

  3. Second-degree murder?
    Premeditated, planned, and executed with malice aforethought?
    HTF can that be second-degree murder?

    Take this clown out behind the barn and hang him – he’s already admitted his guilt.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Vietvet

    Not sure what to think of the UPS guy that just left a package 10 minutes ago.

    Drop and run. I only heard the drop. No knock.

    Now, I’m weighing the risk of theft against the time it takes out of my day to go fetch the items…

    Which would you prefer? They aren’t going to slow down and wait for interaction with the recipients. That would double their day.

  5. Vietvet and Dadof4,
    I must have the greatest UPS guy on Earth.
    He honks, stops the truck, gets out and either knocks or presses the doorbell button, hands me my stuff, and once, while delivering a mattress, helped me carry it inside. Always friendly, though in a hurry – doesn’t stop to bullshit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Dadof4: I normally get the drop and run treatment myself, but this package required a signature, so it couldn’t be left. When I called to see if I could get it redelivered the same day, they said the driver was too busy, but I could pick it up later at their offices some thirty miles away(!). I asked them why I couldn’t get it at the UPS place here in town; they said that that facility was only for dropping off packages, not for holding delivery items.

    I finally told them to reschedule it for the next day, but that I had a doctor’s appointment in the morning, so please make it an afternoon delivery. They said they would see that the driver got instructions to not attempt delivery before 1 P.M. Later, I got nervous and decided to ask someone to be here anyway, just in case. Good thing, too. The UPS guy showed up at 9 A.M.!

  7. Seems to meet the standard for first degree murder. Planned to kill somebody, did it intentionally, admitted it..getting the wrong victim does not relieve or reduce guilt. See if he can run faster than a bullet.

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