Marco Rubio Now Openly Campaigning in Favor of Obama-Schumer Amnesty Bill – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio Now Openly Campaigning in Favor of Obama-Schumer Amnesty Bill

rubio ms8

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is reaffirming his support for part of his 2013 Gang of Eight bill by touting its alleged security provisions.

Doug Ross: “I continue to support and have supported and sponsored the largest border surge in American history,” Rubio told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos– referring to the security provisions crafted by him, Chuck Schumer, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) and Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) in the Gang of Eight bill. Rubio repeated the Gang of Eight’s talking points, declaring that his 2013 proposal would provide “20,000 new border agents, 700 miles of fencing and walls, a mandatory e-verify system, entry-exit tracking system to prevent visa overstays.”

What Rubio failed to mention about the Obama-backed proposal is that it provided an instantaneous amnesty for illegal immigrants, a fact he himself admitted at the time during a Spanish-language interview with Univision.  more

9 Comments on Marco Rubio Now Openly Campaigning in Favor of Obama-Schumer Amnesty Bill

  1. This automaton for the Dhimmos needs to be silenced…. He no longer gives a shit that he is appearing imbicilic….his mouth overloads his butthole day and night….POS!

  2. When I read “I continue to support and have supported and sponsored the largest border surge in American history,”
    I thought he was suggesting pride at increased border crossings.

    Glad at least that he brought this out prior to the debate. It’s like giving his opponents raw meat, should make things fun.

  3. Good thing he’s giving up his senate seat. So after Trump gets the nomination, he’ll be out of politics. I wonder what sweet deal the CofC promised him to be their whore?

    Too bad one of the Rs running for the seat is even worse then Rubio-Can Not Fucking Win.

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