Mediaite’s Most Influential News People – IOTW Report

Mediaite’s Most Influential News People

  1. Jeff Zucker
  2. Megyn Kelly
  3. Carolyn Ryan
  4. Matt Drudge
  5. Sean Hannity
  6. Andy Lack
  7. Mika Brzezinski
  8. Chris Wallace
  9. George Stephanopoulos
  10. Chris Cuomo
  11. Joe Scarborough
  12. Chuck Todd
  13. Jake Tapper
  14. David Fahrenthold
  15. Katy Tur
  16. The Murdoch Family (Corporations Aren’t People!!!)
  17. Rachel Maddow
  18. Jesse Angelo
  19. Co-Presidents of Fox News 
  20. Robin Roberts
  21. Tucker Carlson
  22. Don Lemon
  23. Jorge Ramos
  24. Martha Raddatz
  25. John Oliver

The color coding is mine. You’ll see that it is a sea of blue, with a nod to some corporate entities that lean right, and some media personalities that are rightish (purple), but not as far right on the spectrum than a Rachel Maddow is on the left.

Of the personalities that are conservative (red), we have Hannity, Drudge and Tucker Carlson. That’s it.

Question: How was this solid blue wall of leftists “influential”?

Republicans have run the table on the federal and state level. The democrats have been gutted, yet, Mediaite thinks this collection of hacks for the DNC are crucial, pivotal and significant.

Imagine what this country would look like if the public wasn’t pounded day in and day out with this sort of influence peddling.

They went on to list, alphabetically, 43 also-rans. This list is even worse.

Of the 43, Eric Bolling, Breitbart, Neil Cavuto, Tomi Lahren and Bill O’Reilly are the only ones that you can consider right of middle.

Mediaite lauds the loser lackies when they should be sent to the gulag for not doing a good enough job for “the cause.” I’m sure Hillary will be sending chocolates and roses to her media henchman real soon.

By the way, let’s not lose sight of what Mediaite means when they say “influential.”

This is best illustrated by the inclusion of Michelle Fields, an astoundingly talentless bint whose “influence” was in the form of a lying, baseless attack that was designed to take down Trump. (She claimed she was nearly thrown to the ground by maniacal and menacing Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, until a video surfaced where one had to analyze the footage frame by frame in slow motion, like the Zapruder film, in order to identify the nanosecond where Lewandowski made incidental contact with the unharmed “reporter.”)

It’s worth noting that Ben Shapiro stood by his “colleague,” the “right-wing” “reporter” that was covering the Trump campaign for Breitbart until she made herself the story.

She left Breitbart and moved over to Huffpo, where she now writes hit pieces about Trump. This was Shapiro’s “colleague.”

Let’s not make Shapiro in charge of rooting out the left-wing moles. He does that as well as he plays the violin.

23 Comments on Mediaite’s Most Influential News People

  1. Gads, no wonder I escaped brainwashing. I don’t know most of the ‘blues’. Thank the Good Lord.

    The few I have heard or seen, quickly displayed their bias and ignorance and I exercised my channel changing finger.

  2. In the infamous words of Slick Willie, “it all depends on what the meaning of influential is”.

    In this case they influenced the results FOR Trump. They may be idiots, but they’re still influential.

  3. Not to bore y’all but here is my baker’s dozen “sphere of influence,” so to speak. In order of merit:
    Rush Limbaugh, Mark Simone, Mark Steyn, Laura Ingraham, Tammy Bruce, Mark Levin (when he stops screaming at me), Ann Coulter, Tucker Carlson(new but brilliant), Sean Hannity (sometimes), Matt Drudge, Dennis Miller, Neil Cavuto, and Bill Burr.
    I refuse to listen to Juan Williams, Geraldo Rivera, Alan Combs,
    Megyn Kelly, The Five, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and The Living Dead.

  4. When I saw the Drudge headline about this earlier, I clicked on the link. All I needed to see was the name John Oliver on this list of most influential news people. After I stopped guffawing and then cleaning up the coffee I snorted out my nose, I forgot about the nonsense. What a load of crap.

  5. I can’t believe Martha Ratzsass is only number 24 on the list. I would have figured her for #1.

    Oh, wait – they said “influential”, not “coyote ugly”. My mistake.

    Never mind.

  6. Moe Tom: I agree with the picks other than Simone who I don’t know, but would change the order. And where is Michelle Malkin and Pamela Gellar? They are fearless.
    I also refuse to listen to or watch the banned list & it really limits my tv viewing. Thank GOD for the internet and tv remote!

  7. Seven of 9. Mark Simone is on 701 WOR Radio nyc each day before Rush. 10 to 12. Mea Culpa. I read Michelle Malkin’s essays and I love them. Next week she will have her own show with Mark Levin and Mark Steyn on CRTV. Looking forward to it. Pamela Geller is a true friend of IOTWREPORT and BFH. I catch her here when BFH has her on. A true heroine.
    Were it not for these patriots, we would all be in the dark.

  8. They left off (not a pun) O’Reilly and Michael Savage*.
    Both gave Mr. Trump substantial air time, and allowed Mr. Trump to practice giving political interviews and to discuss his conservative views. Any time someone said Trump is not conservative I could point to these interviews as proof that was false.

    * Mr. Trump even called Savage election eve for a five minute interview.

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