Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation – IOTW Report

Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

MENREC: A joint FBI-U.S. Attorney probe of the Clinton Foundation has begun, and the federal prosecutor leading the charge has a history of taking down politicians.

Preet Bharara, dubbed ‘The Showman’ in The New Yorker for his penchant for theatrics and wisecracks, runs the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Southern District of New York and has racked up an impressive number of corruption convictions — from Wall Street bankers, hedge funds, and New York organized crime to prominent politicians.

The FBI has enlisted Bharara’s office (along with others) in part for his prosecutorial aggressiveness that career DOJ attorneys may lack.

The New York Times and other media outlets labeled him a “crusader” for his courtroom victories against the two most powerful figures in the New York legislature in 2015. Bharara took on New York Assembly Speaker, Sheldon Silver, in office since 1994, for funneling taxpayer money through his law firm.  MORE

24 Comments on Meet The Prosecutor That Could Take Down The Clinton Foundation

  1. ONE FINE DAY Cankles will go down for funding and ordering hits on American citizens…she is getting overly confident, and her profile will list her as a serial killer with delusions of grandeur and a true psychopath….

  2. Too bad there isn’t a Hall of Fame for law enforcement, including prosecutors, who take out the corrupt and lawless. It could be quite an incentive to win a trophy or be inducted into such a place.

  3. US atty. appointed by Obama, a partisan FBI Director who “failed” to indict Hillary for blatant and intentional National security breaches and record retention laws.

    No, I do not have faith in the DOJ, their Attorneys, the FBI, or that they will serve Justice or the American Public in a non-partisan fashion.
    I’ll begin to believe they have integrity when prosecution is initiated…..then it will be up to “partisan” appointed Judges who have damaged their integrity and I have little faith in.

    Yes, over the years the Government apparatus has made me a cynic.

  4. The accolades sound familiar. Oh yea, similar to what was said about Trey Gowdy and James Comey.

    All of the failures are making ME think that maaaaybe, there is a right wing plot against her. How the hell does she keep sliding home safe? And each failure adds to her trunk of lies, exonerated by supposedly honest ‘investigations’

    She’s slimy, with the smugness she gains as each of these investigations goes with her way. Mr. Bharara, shrilly-shallying around, follow the money and treat this ‘horror’ as you would any common criminal.

  5. So he’s got the cajones that Comey doesn’t have…I hope he doesn’t fall or something odd like that. Seems that lots of people who mess with Hellery have a lot of bad luck.

  6. With Diogenes and his lamp in the ER on life support;
    one can only hope that this guy is the real deal.
    Regretfully, politicians and their appointed lackeys
    are about as low as that chewing gum stuck on the
    bottom of your shoe. Believe it when I see it.

  7. Hey Preet! I’d contact any of the five New York crime families for 24/7 protection. That should take care of it. After all, the Clinton Crime Family® is moving in on their “protected” territories, and besides, the Clintons are in danger of giving organized crime a bad rap!

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