Megyn Kelly Calls Her Trump Interactions ‘Attempted Bullying’ — ‘Felt Like Being a Hostage’ – IOTW Report

Megyn Kelly Calls Her Trump Interactions ‘Attempted Bullying’ — ‘Felt Like Being a Hostage’

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Breitbart– Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Shepard Smith Reporting,” network “The Kelly File” host Megyn Kelly talked to Shepard Smith about the months-long ordeal she experienced in her back-and-forth with then-GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Kelly, who was promoting her book “Settle for More,” did not say she thought it was outright bullying she experienced, but “attempted bullying” from the now-president-elect.

“When it started happening with Trump, it was like this is familiar,” she said. “I’ve been through this before. And so it’s always good to find a silver lining. But I would say that was one. I had already experienced a year of bullying.” read more

41 Comments on Megyn Kelly Calls Her Trump Interactions ‘Attempted Bullying’ — ‘Felt Like Being a Hostage’

  1. As much as I’ve liked watching Kelly over the years I have to admit that she is one of the worst bullies in the media today. At this point her ratings are down when they should have been through the roof, she’s locked in a huge lawsuit with her employer and she’s trying to shill her book. If FoxNews were smart maybe it’s time to part ways with Ms. Kelly as she will never be happy or satisfied with them and the enmity will be evident every day. FoxNews ought to just ask her if she wants out of her contract and if the answer is yes then oblige her.

  2. She thought she could out-smaht Trump and be the one woman who could take him out of the race. “Megan Kelley! Trump Slayer!!” And now she’s pinning her failure on him. Sounds like a progtard.

    (What do you think the dominatrix makeover was all about?)

  3. Bullying?
    What a crap excuse for anything!

    “If someone calls you a ‘punk’ and you don’t hit him in the face … well … you’re a punk!”
    (John, from work)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Why do these “strong feminists” keep portraying themselves as helpless victims? I thought Kelly was supposed to be strong and smart – a trained lawyer – but according to her she gets pushed around by men and is just a distressed damsel dependent on the kindness of strangers.

  5. Oh my, now there’s a team of extreme biased MSM. Despicable Smith interviewing deplorable Kelly. Did FOX preface the program with a warning?

    I think that had I been able watch those two smug liberals together, I would have had to buy a new TV. They don’t work well after you’ve thrown furniture at them.

  6. I’m the same age as Meghan and everyone was bullied in school but I can honestly say I haven’t had it affect my life or have flashbacks ever. And I’ve worked with a lot of assholes and didn’t make the childhood bully connection either. Good thing she found Doctor Phil. Now maybe she can bring her 35 year old tourmentors to justice via public humiliation and we can move on already from the pathetic drama.

  7. I saw here latest book on the stand at the airport. It didn’t look like anyone was interested in buying it. I suppose it will be like many other wanna be cry babies, they’ll end up at the Dollar Store. BTW, there’s not much a man can say to me for me to get offended. I don’t stomp off whining and sniveling that they hurt my feewings. I don’t accuse them of bullying because I know how to put it right back to them. Within a few short sentences, I can tell if a man is a pajama boy or a Clint Eastwood type. Pajama boys run from me. It must be my potty mouth that offends them. 🙂

  8. You went after Trump, and Trump hit back. That’s why you are pissed – politicians aren’t supposed to go after the media talking heads. But Trump did, and Kelly wasn’t the only one.

    You can state your opinion and try to shoehorn accusations into facts, but don’t whine if you get called on this. Too many talking heads think they are untouchable, but they aren’t and they shouldn’t be. Good luck at MSNBC or CNN – you don’t even have the ratings to justify Fox continuing your show much less giving you a giant raise.

  9. Final thought: Megyn Kelly was a Fox News Channel star while Chris Wallace had a Sunday show and floated in and out as a guest on other FNC shows. But Kelly flopped as a moderator during a Republican debate, while Wallace was easily the best moderator of all the Presidential debates. It wasn’t that Wallace was throwing up softballs to the candidates – he asked uncomfortable questions to both Trump and Clinton – but he did a good job reining in both politicians and it was clear that the debate was about the candidates and not Chris Wallace. Megyn Kelly should take notes for her next job.

  10. her 15 minutes burned out quick, didn’t it?

    isn’t the “sexual harassment” claims one of the last ones before an aging has been public beauty is officially washed up?

    you know “the tell all memoir”, “the who I slept with” stuff.

    beauty may be skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone.

  11. It was like being a hostage… But I’m okay now. lol

    I recall her shit talking with Trump for about a month after that debate. She could have walked away from it, but she kept digging as much as he did and she’s still doing it. So spare me.

  12. I’d watch her show if she’d stay home and played reruns of Red Eye instead. I’m sick an tired hearing about her fEeLiNgS. You’re a well-paid professional news reader, Me-Me-Me-GYN. Start acting like it.

  13. She tried to get back on Howard Stern’s show, but he said her lemons had shrunk to golf balls and her kittyKat smelled bad. She then accused him of bullying her. See the trending?? She looks hard bitten, and i don’t mean in a sexy way. More like Gramma Cankles after a 3 day binge on booze.

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