#NeverTrump Redstaters Considering Backing Gary Johnson For President – IOTW Report

#NeverTrump Redstaters Considering Backing Gary Johnson For President

Readers on Redstate are buzzing about voting for Gary Johnson for president.

Let’s look at Gary-

-Gov. Johnson recognizes that the right of a woman to choose is the law of the land today, and has been for several decades. That right must be respected, and ultimately he believes this is a very personal and individual decision. He feels that each woman must be allowed to make decisions about her own health and well-being.

Further, Gov. Johnson feels strongly that women seeking to exercise their legal right must not be subjected to persecution or denied access to health services by politicians in Washington or elsewhere who are insistent on politicizing such an intensely personal and serious issue.

-Is the climate changing? Probably so. Is man contributing to that change? Probably so.

-On immigration, he understands that a robust flow of labor, regulated not by politics, but by the marketplace, is essential. He understands that a bigger fence will only produce taller ladders and deeper tunnels, and that the flow of illegal immigrants across the border is not a consequence of too little security, but rather a legal immigration system that simply doesn’t work. Militarizing the border, bigger fences, and other punitive measures espoused by too many politicians are all simplistic “solutions” to a problem caused by artificial quotas, bureaucratic incompetence and the shameful failure of Congress to actually put in place an immigration system that matches reality.

Governor Johnson has long advocated a simplified and secure system of work visas by which willing workers and willing employers can meet in a robust labor marketplace efficiently and economically. Aspiring immigrants would undergo a background check, pay taxes and provide proof of employment.
Making it simpler and efficient to enter the U.S. legally will provide the greatest security possible, allowing law enforcement to focus its time and resources on the criminals and bad actors who are, in reality, a relatively small portion of those who are today entering the country illegally.

-How is it that the United States, the land of the free, has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world?
The answer is simple: Over time, the politicians have “criminalized” far too many aspects of people’s personal lives.

…we have too many unnecessary laws, have produced a society with too many people in our prisons and jails, too many undeserving individuals saddled with criminal records, and a seriously frayed relationship between law enforcement and those they serve.

He’s my guy!

Wait, no. He’d be perfect for Hillary’s veep.


25 Comments on #NeverTrump Redstaters Considering Backing Gary Johnson For President

  1. Nice summation, Fur! It really exposes to what lengths of absurdity some on the Right will go to rationalize their “anybody but Trump” position.


    TO Moetom

    What Meerkat is trying to explain to you is that NJ, like Alaska or Hawaiii, isn’t a part of the United States….


  2. HAHA! Red State. So EE and his 4 commenters are going to push Gary Johnson. Kewl, he’s the perfect guy that’ll pry millions of Trump supporters away from Voting Trump. Good luck pal.

    Irrelevance isn’t just stalking the POS Erickson, it’s moved into his house and has it’s feet up on the coffee table.

  3. All ten of them? Fart in a hurricane.

    But maybe they can convince Medved to endorse the “Losertarian”, to use his preferred epithet. That will bring them up to about thirty bitter fools.

  4. @Meerkat – Trump’s 3 main pillars are to secure the border (build the wall), secure trade that is fair to Americans and returns jobs and prioritize Americans over foreigners.

    Now, maybe he’s lying. If so, we’re no worse off that the politicians of the last 30 years who promised those things and then did nothing or actively worked against.

    I’m of the opinion (and it’s just my opinion) that a man with Trump’s ego who has seen massive success in building, book writing, TV and now politics would not want his legacy in history books to be that he lied and perpetrated a giant fraud on Americans.

    My bet is that he will want his legacy to be he Made America Great Again – rescued us from the brink, brought back the rule of law and pride in being American.

    Given Trump’s incredible success at everything he touches tells me he’s a good judge of character, hires people who can get the job done and knows how to deal when he meets opposing forces.

    Name anyone else on the scene with those objectives, that skill set and that record of success.

    If it’s “conservative” credentials you worry about look at the so-called conservative icons the Koch brothers. A search of OpenSecrets.Org will show they have given as much or more to Democrat candidates over the years as Trump (they have business operations in Democrat controlled areas, too). Further, they are on record for open borders and have no problem with massive illegal aliens that you have to support with foodstamps, medical care, housing and welfare because they pay them so little

  5. These brats must be jealous of not being as ‘cool’ as the true SJWs on campuses. They make fun of TriggyPuff but have exactly the same temperament as her.

  6. “… is the law of the land …”

    A “law” must pass both houses of Congress and be signed by the President – at least according to that old, musty, worn-out, and ignored Constitution – if NOT, then NOT – it is NOT a law, it is a dictate – worthy only to be ignored and ridiculed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. @pageoturner…

    “Given Trump’s incredible success at everything he touches tells me he’s a good judge of character…”

    And a good maker of character. All of his children impress me. I wish them the best in withstanding the coming shit-storm Hillary is about to rain down on them. She has to be irked when she compares her bag-of-hammers Chelsea Hubbell to any one of them.

  8. Meerkat,
    my point in posting this is to see the lengths #NeverTrump people are going to rationalize their complete hatred of Trump.
    On one hand they are going to save everyone from Trump by electing someone to the left of Trump (Johnson) and on the other they are going to save everyone from Trump by electing someone to the left of a typical EU leader (Hillary).

  9. Pageoturner,
    Absolutely spot on!
    The best indicator of future behavior for Trump is the part of his personality that bothers people the most, his massive ego.
    How anyone can evaluate his likely performance and think that he wants to be anything but the BEST DAMN PRESIDENT EVER is beyond me.
    He’s going to build the fucking wall, and he’s going to do his best to curb the trade imbalances with China and Mexico.
    And he does, clearly, love America. That puts him one up on the current regime right there.
    I would rather have Trump raising my kids than Hillary or Gary Johnson, I’ll tell you that. Look at the values he imparts, and the kids he’ raised.
    I’ll take one Trump, please.

  10. Has anyone else noticed that Liberal Logic 101 has gone into extreme terminal Trump Derangement Syndrome? I’m still not a big fan of Trump but he’s got my vote unless something cataclysmic happens between now and November to change my mind.

  11. It’s obvious that some people are deliberately assuming the worst for Trump, and ignoring the goals he’s listed in the vast majority of his interviews since he announced
    – Wants fair SCOTUS judges like Scalia or Thomas
    – Wants free trade but fair trade
    – Wants to get to balanced budgets and reduced debt
    – Wants to reduce unemployment through a flourishing private sector

    Coincidentally, I am for all those things too.
    And Hillary is not.
    And Erik Erikson is a blithering idiot.

  12. TO Bad Brad

    Add to that list

    * The Resurgent (Erickson’s newst stand-alone site)
    * Reaganite Republican Independent (yes, he changed the name of the site on Wednesday)
    * Moonbattery
    * Daily Wire (wanna see “Gary Johnson voters”? THERE YOU ARE!)
    * Doug Ross Journal (Bad Blue not far behind)
    * Trevor Loudon
    * Patterico
    * Jen Kuznicki

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