O’Reilly to George Will: ‘You’re a hack!’ – IOTW Report

O’Reilly to George Will: ‘You’re a hack!’

cat fight

WashingtonExaminer: Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly’ defended his new book Friday by attacking one of its fiercest critics as a “hack” and a secret member of a “cabal” that wants to “deify” America’s 40th president, Ronald Reagan.

The book, Killing Reagan, which claims that the failed 1981 assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan triggered his mental decline, has drawn sharp criticism from several historians.

Among those who’ve had sharp words for of O’Reilly’s latest offering is syndicated columnist George Will, who wrote this week that the book’s, “perfunctory pieties about Reagan’s greatness are inundated by its flood of regurgitated slanders about his supposed lassitude and manipulability.”

oreilly will


16 Comments on O’Reilly to George Will: ‘You’re a hack!’

  1. Two fake conservative wanna be intellectuals acting like 4th graders. Neither are worthy of publication or viewers. Their true colors are revealed…… childish chameleons trying to get attention.

  2. I can’t stand either of these guys but George Will absolutely demolishes the book in his article. O’Reilly needs to go smack his ghost writers around for putting together such a worthless story

  3. O’reilly is a rageaholic and his rage is spilling over into all areas of his life.

    According to his daughter’s testimony she witnessed him pulling her mother down
    the stairs by her neck. His two kids now life full time with their mom and her new husband.

    He’s a nasty man and he has little to no control over his actions.

  4. O’Reilly’s Killing books would best be left in the dust bins of history. They won’t survive the 21st Century. I left Bill after “A Fine Piece of Humanity.” It was unreadable to me. I vowed then I’d never spend a dime on him again. Too much good stuff out there already. And his promoting his books every day on Fox… gimme a break. Almost as bad as Savage’s Government Zero….”buy my book, buy my book. They have it at Barnes and Noble just behind a few stacks of others.”

  5. Every one of the “Killing” books is speculative semi-historical fiction.
    Neither one of these two assholes is worth another 5 minutes of my day, I don’t care which channel they’re on.
    And if Faux is “Fair and balanced”, it’s only slightly, in comparison to the other DeMSM presstitutes out there hogging bandwidth, airtime, and ink.

  6. “The book’s (Killing Reagan) perfunctory pieties about Reagan’s greatness are inundated by its flood of regurgitated slanders. This book is nonsensical history and should come with a warning: ‘Caution – you are about to enter the no-facts zone.’ ”
    George Will NY Post 11/7/15
    Whoda thunk that? “Regurgitated”? I almost choked on that. Well done George.

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