Persuasion Update: Clinton Vs. Trump – IOTW Report

Persuasion Update: Clinton Vs. Trump

Scott Adams’ Blog: For months I have been saying mostly good things in this blog about Trump’s powers of persuasion, and mostly bad things about how the Clinton campaign does persuasion. And yet Clinton has a solid lead in the polls, assuming the polls are accurate. How can that be?

The quick answer is that Clinton’s side is totally winning the persuasion battle.



18 Comments on Persuasion Update: Clinton Vs. Trump

  1. Not buying it. He’s telling me that Clinton is winning people over to her side by calling Trump a crazy racist?

    I remember 1980 very clearly. RR was labeled a dumb cowboy that would start WWlll, with he’s nothing more then a B actor follow ups. It was incessant. It was a mantra that was repeated over & over. And there was no internet media to counter it. No talk radio. No real conservative talking heads except Buckley If I had a nickel for every warning I heard telling me we couldn’t trust his finger on the nuclear button… Gee does that sound vaguely familiar?

    It didn’t matter to the people out of work across the country. It didn’t matter to those of us that were sick of our military being misused. RR was down at one point 29 percentage points to Carter(left dominated polling BTW) You think it’s going to matter to the 100 MILLION people not working? To us Texans that have seen over 650,000 violent crimes committed against us by illegals in the last 7 years? To the 100s of 1,000s of white collar workers that have lost their jobs because of H-!B visas that let corps. import immigrants at lower wages?

    You know the old saw that if the media says it’s too close to call, which they did in ’80, WE ALWAYS WIN. Trump, despite a bad couple weeks, is even with Clinton in important states and that’s polling from the left dominated media. No doubt Manafort has internals that paint a more accurate picture. He’s a sharp guy and Trump hired him-need I say more?

    One more thing-sundance at CTH has accurately predicted almost the exact numbers of various states’ primaries. I’m talking sometimes dead on to the 10th of a percentage. He predicts a 70 Million plus vote for Trump-we were hearing a lot of people say that they had never voted or hadn’t voted for a long time but were coming out for Trump.

    Well that shit has been smothered, hasn’t it?

  2. And when was the last time that polls got anything right?
    Hell, judging from the media, we shouldn’t need to vote, just install the person who has amassed the most in campaign funds.

  3. If you’re into polls, Quinnipiac says it’s now a dead heat despite the tens of millions spent in anti-Trump ads the last 6 months (Clinton’s $40 million negative campaign is underway). The Q poll also oversamples dems by not by as much as the NBC and WaPo polls did last week. Correcting for that would flip the numbers but still puts them at a dead heat with the margin of error, advantage Trump.

    The questions they ask mirror the MSM and NeverTrumper’s mantra: Trump’s a racist and unprepared to be president. Polls still don’t ask that about Ozero nor point out his deliberately racist policies projected onto others.

    That said, I like Scott Adams blog. He has an interesting take on perception and persuasion.

  4. MM, Scott Adams uses SARCASM quite often…as in his “endorsement” of Hillary (because he doesn’t want Democrats in California to kill him…).

  5. “Racist” is the battle cry of the economic globalists, worldwide. This is the same tactic used by EU ‘Remain(s)’ against BREXIT’s ‘Leave(s)’. The VERY SAME tactic because it is the IDENTICAL actors pushing back hard against those who desire to wrest their national identity and economic independence from the tentacles of globalism in every form, not least of which is economic.

    Very (very) interesting read this morning at This article written by a Londoner ‘Leave’ who identifies exactly what it is about EU proponents that drives their vicious backlash.

    When you have both Ben Shapiro and Jonah Goldberg Tweeting out the exact same warnings/admonishments as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce regarding trade relations with Canada and Mexico, it invites further scrutiny, doesn’t it?

    Don’t believe ANYTHING the MSM media says about ANYTHING, and particularly anything about political polling. This is the same tactic the EU used against the U.K.; attempting to demoralize would-be BREXIT voters. The very last things global elitists would care about are race or racists.

    We have our very own arm of the EU, alive and ferocious, right here in River City. “And that spells trouble. And that starts with ‘T’, ….”

  6. You know who is sick of being called a “crazy racist”?

    Every white person in America. Even the leftists. The difference is that the leftists still delude themselves that they can avoid the label by kowtowing to black SJW’s.

    We are all “crazy racists” now. Vote accordingly.

  7. @ThirdTwin — Killery doesn’t care about women or ethnic minorities. Her marching orders come directly from Wall Street. Anything else is a foil. Her only concern — only concern — is power and money, and keeping both for herself and her globalist friends.

    The D’s should have run George Soros for U.S. President. That’s how bad it is.

  8. And didn’t they all oversample Republicans when Romney ran, giving the false impression that he was not getting steam-rollered?

    Also, I read where the GOP convention will be decorated in silver, not Trumpian gold. Already settling for second. At least it’s not bronze, I guess.

  9. The crazy racist meme *is* important, but Trump will handle it in his own good time. A rousing speech proclaiming his love for the melting pot, for the values (and the English language!) we all share should take care of it.

    Trump can handle it. ….Lady in Red

  10. Trump is well aware of the attention span of the American public. This is only June. September the real fight begins. Trump can wait, Hillary is not liked as much as Trump, or anyone else, in these skewed polls. I read the Q poll, the questions asked were racist and in favor of Hillary.

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