Right Now in Times Square, NYC -UPDATE #2 – IOTW Report

Right Now in Times Square, NYC -UPDATE #2

Update #2 – Here is the image that couldn’t run in Times Square (even pixelated) which necessitated Pamela go back to her drawing board and come up with a creative solution and the creation of the artwork  –

(That is Theo Van Gogh, murdered after pleading with his attacker to talk out his grievance.

There is no talking to a jihadist.)

The above iteration is currently running on NYC busses.


This is my proudest moment working for Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer/ AFDI.

t was about a year ago that Pamela knew she wanted to make this film. There wasn’t an urgent deadline but the project was always looming in the background.

The problem with working counter-jihad is that the truth about Islam can’t be printed, it’s too grotesque. The photo of Theo Van Gogh lying on the street was rejected by nearly everyone.

So she had to think of a way to make the violence palatable. How do you do that?

The first idea was to do a chalk outline of a body, but have the head detached with its own outline.

It was clever, but although we kept in in production I could tell Pamela wasn’t thrilled. It was a compromise.

She hates compromises. So she said, use the photo and take out the knife plunged in Theo’s heart and any blood. She told the MTA Theo “resting.” They didn’t go for it. So she said pixelate the image and lo and behold, they accepted it.

Then one day, out of nowhere she sent the poster for Vertigo and said, use the man with his head off with some blood splatter at the neck. But nothing else because she did not want copyright issues. (Pamela is a huge film noir fan and her instincts about emulating this poster is, what I suspect, the main reason it was accepted for Times Square. There’s a built-in provenance as a film poster, which aesthetically helped grease the approval process. Very clever.)

Saul Bass is among my favorite graphic illustrators.

This is the most aesthetically gratifying piece AFDI has produced and it is in TIMES SQUARE with a beheading, courtesy of the religion of peace, and BLOOD SPATTER.

How Pamela got this through the channels is beyond me. The one thing they objected to was the word “beheading” (although beheading did run on the bus ad).

I never thought it would happen, but there it f***in’ is.


Oh, and by the way, it’s also running on NYC busses-

Go HERE for a trailer of the film.

I have to wait a couple of hours before I can lift the tarp.

All I can say is that Times Square has never seen a billboard like these before.

Look for it later.


90 Comments on Right Now in Times Square, NYC -UPDATE #2

  1. Well, we know it’s going to be interactive. The screen on the right is fairly large and long, and the screen on the left is relatively compact. Maybe Comey’s lips whispering in Hillary’s ear eh?

  2. Don’t tell me – it’s going to be a rare amateur video of John McCain in drag and Hillary Clinton in a Mao suit, drunk out of their minds at a party, performing a duet and singing, “I Didn’t Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier”.


  3. Great job, BFH, Pamella Geller, and Robert Spencer. So satisfying to see that up in Times Square and on the busses. The trailers were mesmerizing (not sure that is the right word). Any idea when the movie will be out?

  4. Fur, Pamela — This is really, really fabulous!

    (Just yesterday(?), I wrote here that someone had to come up with a clever, simple graphic to depict the problem with the Left. I didn’t realize I was also talking about the problem with islam, too. And you did it!! Kudos.)

    I’m very excited to see the whole film.

  5. Will pray for the success of this project Pamela and Fur.

    The artwork is great. Whitespace is perfect. Too many ads have too many words which are then ignored. The pic itself is worth a thousand words.

  6. Somewhere there is an ex-president fuming over this.
    “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
    “Heads will roll.” – The Half Black King.

  7. Right in the left ventricle of the left’s bleeding heart. I hope the media notice and generate some publicity for the film (good or bad, it’s all about awareness).

    I have to get over my envy both for the work and being able to participate in something so wonderfully subversive- that’s really making it count- good work and congrats all around.

  8. Terrific!
    The lefties will be so conflicted-excellent graphic design, a movie about a film maker- most days they’d cheer the creativity and the human tragedy would win critics awards BUT mix in the religion of peace…what ta do.

  9. So impressive. Even simple, basement dwelling trolls will get it. They won’t like it, but they will get it.

    Now I’m going to send an email to NY Times to tell them they better do something about this atrocity! In my heart, I’ll be complaining about Islam, but they will think I am complaining about the posters!!

  10. FarmWife-

    Different entities allow different things.
    The transit allowed it, which was shocking.

    The private company wanted it toned down because their billboards are on private property, and some people don’t want their buildings blown up by the religion of peace.

  11. I came to this late this afternoon, so I’m seeing the billboard. All I can say is BRAVO!! BRAVO!! ENCORE!!
    I bow before the master, we’re not worthy of such magnificence.
    Waiting for the Libtard and muzzies heads to go ‘splody, and the screeching to begin in three…….two……one…..

  12. The image that was used in Time Square is more effective, the other seems like it’s promoting a news show or documentary.

    The second makes the decapitation real for the viewer, because that abstract image could be anybody.

  13. As far as the bus ads go, I strongly prefer your “drawing” version to the one with the photo of Theo Van Gogh; the text in the latter is way too overpowering/distracting…so that, even though it’s reality, it lessens the impact of the violence.

  14. (Muslim) We are going to kill all non-Muslims!

    (Non-Muslim) Hey! They just said they are going to kill all non-Muslims!

    (Police to Non-Muslim) Ok buddy that’s enough hate-speech from you, off to jail, and we’re closing all your social media accounts too.

  15. That is fantastic! Some people need a a visual slap in the face to see reality because, apparently, thousands dead at the hands of islamists quoting from the koran didn’t make a lasting impression!

    I think I’ll head over to pamelageller.com and donate.

  16. Crisp, Sir Fur…very CRISP, pointedly so! I give you and Pamela A+++++ on concept and execution.

    Think ‘our friends’ at CAIR might be the first evil walkers to complain?!?

  17. Truth is exciting to me. This whole project is exciting. Makes me proud of everyone involved. Am Grateful for more truth that will be in a powerful format. This ought to trigger a national discussion!

  18. Good work. People of a mind would ignore the photo as soon as they got a whiff of understanding. I think your art will work it’s way into their minds a bit longer because it’s an illustration that makes the horrific abstract. That will give the viewer more time to engage with the words before they’ll be able to shut out the “wrong-think.” Bravo.

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