Sanctuary California covers up status of cop killer, others – IOTW Report

Sanctuary California covers up status of cop killer, others

FRONTPAGE: “Combative” Mohammed Abraar Ali Killed Police Officer Andrew Camilleri.  A Christmas story postscript in sanctuary Criminalfornia.

On Christmas Eve, California Highway Patrol officers Andrew Camilleri and Jonathan Velasquez were patrolling the Bay Area for drunk drivers when they pulled to the side of Interstate 880. At 11:30 pm, according to Alameda County documents, a red Cadillac CTS-V drove “directly into the path of the patrol vehicle,” at a speed of approximately 120 miles per hour. 

The crash wounded Velasquez and killed Camilleri, 33, whose wife Roseanna and children Elizabeth, Andrew Jr. and Ryder got the bluest Christmas anyone could expect. Camilleri had aspired to join the CHP since high school and was a model officer who loved to help stranded motorists. Information about the driver who had taken Camilleri’s life, on the other hand, was in short supply.

Initial reports identified him only as a 22-year-old man who had allegedly been intoxicated on alcohol and high on marijuana. A drunk, stoned driver killing a police officer is a serious matter, and many Californians wondered why the CHP had not released the driver’s name, booking photo, and any background information of interest.

Nothing emerged until more than a week later, on January 2, 2018. The CHP explains the delay as due to hospitalization but Californians could be forgiven for their doubts. As it happened, the state’s new sanctuary legislation kicked in on January 1, and the driver who had taken officer Camilleri’s life was identified as “Hayward man” Mohammed Abraar Ali. The CHP did not inquire about his immigration status.   read more

9 Comments on Sanctuary California covers up status of cop killer, others

  1. I live in fucking NorCal. And it’s the first I’ve heard this guy is a Muzzie piece of shit. I’m really tired of being lied to by our local media. Let’s just kick this battle out in the open and get shit done.

  2. I don’t know any muzzies now. Ran into two when I was in my 30’s. Almost choked them both out. That’s way before their intentions were known. An egotistical bunch of men. For no apparent reason. Which back then I explained to them. Today you would end up in jail.

  3. what is it going to take to get you people to understand that this ‘undocumented immigrant’ is so much more important than some white police officer … or any one of you racist tax-payers? … after all, how are we to get 11 million Hillary voters if we deny this beautiful dreamer his rights?

    (sarc off)

  4. Just like liberal Sweden, liberal California is going to hide and cover up data. Then eventually, have police knock on doors and arrest those that notice Muslims are committing disproportionate amounts of crime.

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