Snot Good For You – IOTW Report

Snot Good For You

TUK: It might be wise to look away now if you are eating or have a weak stomach, but scientists have discovered that ingesting bogies is good for teeth, and overall health.

Scientists at a number of universities including Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say parents should not discourage their children from picking their noses because they contain ‘a rich reservoir of good bacteria.’

Eating snot can also prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, according to the article published in the journal of the American Society for Microbiology.   more

SNIP: You know what else is good to keep bacteria from sticking to your teeth? Brushing them with toothpaste, you nasty sunzabitches!

23 Comments on Snot Good For You

  1. @Jethro & @MJA:

    I had to look again for any stealth photoshopping (it could happen!). OK, the dark spots on her blouse are stars, not otherwise, at least yet.

  2. Sometimes, I think Skynet’s “dad” must put words together, at random, look for a bunch that pass some grammar nzai tests, and flash them, subliminal-like, across the more popular pr0n sites, just to see which ones catch on with the meat bags. Who would ever think to study the beneficial effects on teeth of eating snot? I suspect Pentium and Xeon are getting quite a chuckle out of it, though.

  3. That’s just gross. I view anything coming OUT of the body as waste, and away it goes.

    Where’s the next article out in lala land about how eating your feces is good for you?
    Or chewing on tampons is healthy? Is the scientist who came up with this Bill Nye?

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