Symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome Are Getting Worse – IOTW Report

Symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome Are Getting Worse

What’s the latest Trump EVIL ACT that convinces #NeverTrump that they are doing the right thing by allowing Hillary to become president?


Here’s the video of what happened.

Now, keep in mind that many of these deranged right-wing #NeverTrump sites are simultaneously publishing pieces about Hillary’s crimes and how Wikileaks is about to spill the beans on what Hillary knew, and when she knew it, regarding Benghazi and gunrunning from Libya to Syria. The sites are upset that nothing seems to stick to Teflon Hillary. It frustrates them, and infuriates them that she may become the president despite all we, on the right, know to be true.

There is a simple way, however, to make sure that the execrable, lying, cheating, corrupt, evil bitch can be punished and never sees the inside of the oval office again unless she has a ticket for the tour. They can support the guy who KICKS A CRYING BABY OUT OF A RALLY!!!

I know it’s a tough call. It’s hard for them to separate the Trump evil from the Hillary evil.

Let’s compare and contrast.

“Has an orange tan” versus “lied about illegal email servers and the wiping of data.”

“Ran a ‘university’ that left some people feeling like they were cheated” versus “bilked Haiti out of millions of dollars in donations after a devastating earthquake killed 100s of thousands of people.”

“May not keep all Muslims out of America, he might let in some that pass stringent vetting process” versus “ending the coal industry as we know it.”

“May not be able to build a wall” versus “sanctuary cities, complete amnesty, open borders and reforming NAFTA to include the free trade of people.”

“Was mean to a ratf*cking leftist reporter with a disability” versus “lied to a fallen hero’s mother about the true nature of why her son was killed, the lie mitigating her own evil culpability.”

I can go on and on, but what’s the use?

#NeverTrump are deranged and has whipped themselves up into a ridiculous frenzy convincing themselves that Trump is WORSE than Hillary!!!!

Meanwhile, they keep saying the people responsible for a Hillary win are the people who voted for Trump in the primary.

“You voted for Trump, so now I will help Hillary, and if Hillary wins it’s because you voted for Trump and has nothing at all to do with my aiding and abetting of Hillary!!!”

I honestly cannot follow this logic.

By the way, an search reveals that 2, once great, high-profile #NeverTrump sites have hit the sh!tter in popularity. Their graphs look like the Ted Cruz donor list graph.

Maybe, like Cruz, they can recover. But not if Hillary wins.

If Hillary wins Cruz will be a pariah, as will these sites.






43 Comments on Symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome Are Getting Worse

  1. So be it.

    And btw, I thought the video reminded me of the same stuff Don Rickles used to do.
    Sarcastic comedy. It was fine. Does he like babies? Yes. Does he want them crying and screaming while he’s talking? No. lol.

  2. These idiots who are so smugly LOLing about the “Cheeto-faced buffoon” care so much about having the opportunity to do a victory dance over their being right in supporting Cruz that they don’t give a shit that they’ll be dancing on this country’s grave. I no longer go to those sites. Their self-absorbed circle-jerk has gone from being tiresome and embarrassing to being repulsive.

  3. I would pay money to see someone interviewing Hillary, asking her out of the blue on live TV,
    “So… What’s with that hole in your tongue, Mrs. Clinton? Is it a concern? What happened?”

  4. He acknowledged the elephant in the room- the crying baby.
    We’ve all been in that situation.
    The baby is a disruption but you don’t want to insult the parent, especially when you are in friendly waters.

    So, he handled it graciously, expecting the mother to calmly (not like a crisis as he said she was acting) ((which, incidentally looked very reminiscent of how he “mocked” the disability guy))(((it might be his go-to move when depicting a frazzled person))) find a place where the kid can cry without disrupting the rally.

    When she didn’t do as he expected, Trump got his point across in a comical way.

    Bottom line, though, the world is crumbling because of the left and the right is ratfucking a guy who wants to fix it with THIS LEVEL OF ABSURDITY!!!!!

    Are you kidding???

    When I am king they are first against the wall. (That’s an expression of frustration. Obviously I do not endorse a kingdom. Just the execution part.)

  5. I think the writing is, as they say, on the wall. #NT-ers are actually globalist, Wall Street-protecting, Big Government, shills. I see no reason whatsoever in trying to appeal to them. They are the enemy.

    Like Paul Ryan, who also calls himself a conservative, they are liars who are deluded about what the Republican Party is today. And it will only get worse for them as the New Republican Party continues to pull away — and ahead — of their entrenched ‘values’.

  6. I disagree, Abigail.

    You may have a point about top-level #NeverTrump kingmakers. But you’re average, pedestrian twitter hashtagger who follows a #NeverTrump site? Not so much.

    I think they are simply dumb.
    You’re giving them too much credit.
    It’s enough that someone calls him a toupeed cheeto face. Globalism has nothing to do with it.
    And if idiocy got them to where they are now, I still think I can get that vote. (And yes, I want it.)
    I’m not giving up. These aren’t “principled globalists,” these are Sports Fans.

    It doesn’t get any deeper than having decided whose side they are taking for the sheer sake of having something to be passionate about.

  7. “4 years of Hillary”

    Eight years. If she’s in for four, she’s in for eight. I don’t know why everybody is “looking to 2020” to turn it around.

    Unless they’re all pretty sure Hillary will be dead by then. That’s the only path to 2020.

  8. “When the Law is on your side, beat on the law.
    When the facts are on you side, beat on the facts.
    When neither are on your side, beat on the table.”

    The fucking morons are “beating on the table” because that’s all they have.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. The average #NTer does not believe Trump is a conservative and will hurt conservatism in the long run and believes that 4 years of Hiliary is suvivable.>>>

    May I parse this without you thinking I am talking about you?

    The average #NTer does not believe Trump is a conservative >

    Believe is the operative word. It comes down to “belief” versus “confirmed.”
    I think you’re an abject moron if you’re going to subject the world to Hillary Clinton because “you think maybe, maybe Trump is lying about his extremely conservative campaign platform.”

    “and will hurt conservatism in the long run”>>>

    The non-conservative is going to hurt conservatism, eh? It doesn’t get any stupid than that, does it.

    If he’s a conservative then he’s a conservative. If he does conservative things how is that going to hurt conservatism?

    If he’s not a conservative and doesn’t do conservative things, how does that hurt conservatism?

    If I play the tuba at the philharmonic, and it’s obvious I’m not a tuba player, have I hurt tubaism?

    Wouldn’t the cry be, “we have to get a real tuba player!!!” not “never again will we have a tuba player!!!!”

    Sheer weapons grade stupidity being displayed, and I resent it. I think THESE PEOPLE and their stupid thinking is setting conservatism back, because if they are really conservatives I’m questioning whether I am one of them. I thought conservatives were smart.
    I am going to start the SMART PARTY, and these assholes aren’t allowed in the tent.

    << and believes that 4 years of Hiliary is suvivable.>>

    See my comment above.
    One of us is not conservative, because this is astoundingly stupid.

  10. I believe the average #NT fool cannot bring him/her self to ever being thankful or respectful to Trump. They would rather suffer under more Obamcrap with their egos intact.

    Trump is an ordinary man who happens to be a billionaire. They want to be in the elite class Trump is in, but don’t like that a man like Trump is in the elite class. They’re small people.

  11. Let’s say the tuba player was billed as one of the greatest in the world. People come to the philharmonic, hear the noise generated by the tuba, and never will go to another philharmonic if a tuba player is invited. They fear that Trump will drive independents away from conservatives and conservatism forever.

    I don’t see Trump as a conservative. I see him as a moderate on most issues. He is EXTREMELY right of Hiliary and she must be stopped. The #NTers need to see that and vote Trump in November.

  12. What I don’t get is if they believe Trump is such an incompetent clown show, why do they act like he has some preternatural power to destroy conservatism? Or, is it that they believe conservatism is as fragile and weak as a hot-house orchid that it isn’t capable of surviving a Trump presidency? Either way, they have very little faith in the very principles they claim to espouse.

  13. In an interview, Hillary laughed as she recalled how she got a client, who she knew to be guilty, off the hook for the rape of a 12 year old girl. And people have their panties in a wad because Trump threw a squalling baby out of his rally?

  14. I got here based on a tweet link. Great post. I dropped by Redstate and Resurgent earlier today and LOL at their top stories. Every single one was attacking Trump. Not a peep about Hillary. Some “conservatives” these #NT guys are, huh? Thanks for the dose of sanity!

  15. Somewhat related:
    Facebook has topic buttons on their trending sidebar.
    When I clicked ‘politics’ I got these kind of “trending” results for Trump:

    “Trump’s comments inappropriate says…”
    “Top political writers believe Trump insane,,,”
    “Trump follower posts racist tweet…”
    “Trump shouldn’t get security clearance says…”

    for Hillary Clinton:
    “Hillary Clinton holds rally in Oklahoma…”
    “New Facebook group formed for Hillary Clinton….”
    “Hillary may set fashion trend for presidents…”
    “Hillary Clinton rally to be held Saturday in…”

    Lofo morons are exposed to this relentlessly and daily.

    They support politicians who have had the House since 2010, House and Senate since 2014 plus a whole boatload of governorships and state houses.

    STILL we have uncontrolled borders, massive debt without an attempt at honest budgets, exploding regulation, 4 Voter ID laws struck down in a week permitting same day voter registration AND illegals are permitted to vote in Kansas. What is that stupid majority doing? Vowing to pass TPP that we’re screaming we don’t want.

    Bob Corker – a so-called CONSERVATIVE co-sponsored – and Cruz voted to pass TPA which REDUCED the Senate vote required to pass TPP to 41 from 60! That’s right. Corker flipped it on its head so you don’t have to vote 3/5 YEA for it to pass, you just have to have fewer than 40 NAYS. How’s THAT for hiding that you broke your promise to NOT vote for TPP?

    Oh, and those same fine conservatives put in TPA that Obama doesn’t have to come back to the Senate for approval for any changes to trade he or a future president wants to make to TPP. He/she can let the trading “partners” put in any language or restrictions they want and nobody needs to be any the wiser.

    So I ask you again, who the hell are these conservatives and who gave them permission to call themselves that?

  17. Trump has my vote, only because the alternative is unthinkable. Trump is an unprincipled opportunist who’d run as a democrat if he thought it was an easier path to the WH. Never could stand the guy before he got into politics, and nothing’s changed. But voting for Hillary or sitting this one out is a worse call.

  18. I attended an event at the NY Philharmonic a couple of years ago with my daughter and my sister. Ever since then the Philharmonic hounds me to death with direct mail, emails and even phone calls!
    What’s my point?
    I don’t know, I just like the term “tubaism”.

  19. Bringing a baby to a political rally is child abuse. When the baby started to cry the mother should have left. Trump was trying to be nice about it. Chances are the mother is a libtard. I wonder will they have her on The View., CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, FOX????

  20. Let’s say the tuba player was billed as one of the greatest in the world. People come to the philharmonic, hear the noise generated by the tuba, and never will go to another philharmonic if a tuba player is invited.>>>

    That’s a strange take.
    I would just think the guy wasn’t a good tuba player and not hold it against tubas.

  21. You’ve come to the right place Lana.

    Welcome aboard.

    The view here on Trump runs the gamut, and nothing is banned, but depending on what you write it could be challenged. You will find full-throated Trump support in some, reluctant support in others.

    One nearly universal belief here is that Hillary must be defeated.

  22. @Fur — I’m always meaning the ivory-skulled idiots at the top of the #NT food chain — the ones who lead the pack. Ryan, Levin, Beck, Romney, Erickson, et al. The smaht ones got the hell out when they could and the ones who started it all, including some ‘luminaries’ at NR, are so entrenched now there’s no way to talk them off the ledge. I suspect this is not about Trump or Killery as much as it’s about their personal stake in the power=$$ continuum. They’ve made their names in being the brain trust/thought leaders in the conservative equivalent of Women’s Studies. I made this point back in January to Mr. Pinko and Andrea Shea King on her radio show. The elitist, ‘purist’ conservatives have become as preening and precious as their counterpart on the Left. This election isn’t about esoteric theory and theorists who live in a sound booth and talk to themselves for 20 hours a week or spend their time on panels at invitation-only conferences (where they spend their bathroom breaks talking to the same dozen people who make up the solar system of the constellation Conservatopia). It’s about real Americans, many who don’t even know what the Left or Right stand for, but know what they themselves stand for, so that when someone who talks like them and knows the same kinds of people as they do (despite having a super model wife and a private 757), and who really seems to understand their problems, of course, but who has real solutions — well, what more needs to be said? The #NT-ers are nuts to think that just because they seem to have a copyright on the word ‘conservative’ , the rest of us won’t thumb our noses at them and say, “Fine. We’ll just call ourselves the Zippity Doo Dah Party” if that’s what it takes.

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