The more I thought about this, the angrier I got – IOTW Report

The more I thought about this, the angrier I got

Patriot Retort: It’s really, really past my bedtime now and I’m still awake. Maybe it’s the cup of coffee I had at 9:30. Or, maybe it’s because I’m getting angrier and angrier over something Hillary said in the debate.

At the end of the debate, when Trump was talking about Hillary’s lack of stamina, she made this smug comment which she was so proud of, she later tweeted it out:


Honestly, the only thing she pats herself on the back for more than helping get bin Laden is the fact that she was subpoenaed to testify before the Benghazi Select Committee.

Like it is some terrific example of what a great leader she is.

Hillary sat on her ass ONE TIME for eleven hours and she wants credit for it?

When I saw that she tweeted that quote out, I about blew a gasket. I just got angrier and angrier.


28 Comments on The more I thought about this, the angrier I got

  1. So many missed opportunities for Mr Trump. He was in an almost no win situation going into the debate as Clinton had the moderator, if that’s what you want to call Holt, in her corner. He had to walk the line between looking like a bully and making his point. I will give him credit for always calling her Secretary Clinton while she kept calling him Donald in an attempt to show herself as his superior and belittle him.
    I wonder how long she’ll have to “rest at home” to recover from standing for that long.

  2. Funny, before I got on here this morning I was thinking about how Trump did against Hillary last night. She’s debate half a dozen times more in a one on one format but she really has gotten experience with all the times she’s been brought before Congress. She’s been lying at Congessional hearings since the early 1990’s.
    That’s more than 20 years experience. I don’t think anyone in the country has that much experience.

  3. Excellent point Dianny-her smugness was oozing out of our screen-sickening.

    I just came from The NYT and they’re celebrating like the French after D-Day. Secretly, I know they’re breathing a huge sigh of relief that Hillary only had a few questionable body control moments and not the face plant they feared.

    Dan Galt assessed it correctly in that Trump had to walk a fine line, which he did.

    I will never understand why the fuck Republicans continue to agree to these leftist moderators. This asshole was in the bag from the get-go. And coming up is Martha Radditz??? Are you fucking kidding me??? Then Chris Wallace? WTF is wrong with Rinse Penis?

  4. Granny Clinton’s plan was to minimize The Donald by smirking in a “ain’t he a little dervish” manner.

    Trump should’ve slammed her by pointing out that she has been a lifelong liar and a foreign-policy disaster, and yet she acts like this is all amusing to her. IOW, she could give a damn how much she’s hurt our nation and its people. “Is that how you “take responsibility”, Hillary?”

  5. Trump should congratulate Clinton on her marathon Benghazi testimony and then complement her on her epic, groundbreaking Whitewater testimony. She’s a seasoned pro at depositions and hearings.

    “Mrs. Clinton has already answered questions from Mr. Starr under oath three times about other areas of the inquiry. But this is the first time that she will appear before a grand jury. Indeed, White House officials said they believed it was the first time that any First Lady had been called before a grand jury.”–NYT, 1996

  6. I noticed last night she borrowed one of Obama’s most annoying speech mannerisms: The way he says “y’oh” instead of “You know”, or even “Y’know”. As if slurring it hides the fact that it’s a verbal crutch for an overrated orator.

    “We’ve got to have a better, y’oh, method of dealing with, y’oh, blahblahblah…”

    No ways taard of imitating black people.

  7. She also bragged about all the countries she’d traveled to implying how hard that was.
    Trumps answer should have been to point out the disaster she left behind everywhere she went.

  8. She is the Bitch queen of Condescension. Trump and Rinse my Penis should have never agreed to moderators. You know the Clinton Cartel either paid off or threatened to kill anyone serving as the “moderator”. The DNC and RNC could have set up an auto mic controller that would shut off feed for each question at time ending, and switch to the other side.
    People who cannot see beyond the thin veneer of this Hilldabeast are truly clueless. No amount of talk will sway them away from their doom. SNAP SNAP bitches!

  9. I enjoy coming in this site for news updates, however I must say– you people and your language is very bad and vulgar. can you not be more civil with your comments and leave your trash talk to yourselves. Do you really think that the people you comment about read your response’s. I doubt that Hillary or Donald or others even know this site exists. now you can tell me to leave if I do not like the comments-and I will. you are foul mouthed and need to listen to your words. don’t answer, I won’t be back to read your disgusting reply’s.

  10. Oh hey Mary, I’ll fix that for you, hang on… HEY! Watch your fuckin language you foul mouthed bastards! There’s a fucking lady here who doesn’t appreciate your god damn potty mouths and she’s going to go the fuck back to MSNBC or Huffpoo if you don’t knock it the fuck off!
    There ya go Mary, won’t fuckin happen again! Have a great day!

  11. I checked C-Span … they have the full testimony of the Oct. 22, 2015 hearing … it runs about 8 hours … so she actually only put in about a regular day’s work that all the ‘middle class’ working schlubs she cares so much about, do every day … & then she has the nerve to run around & trumpets how much ‘stamina’ she has
    … yeah …. got it

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