The Terror of Target Tinkling – IOTW Report

The Terror of Target Tinkling

Want to read a load of crap??

It’s about a woman who had a horrible experience at Target when trying to pee in a stall.


I was alone in the restroom. There were two large handicap-access stalls, complete with baby-changing tables, and two regular stalls. I headed all the way down to the farthest single stall, up against the wall, and I sat down to take care of business.

That’s when stuff got weird.

The outer door opened, and someone came in. She walked past the three open stalls and stood directly in front of my door. Then she leaned over and placed her eye firmly up against the gap between the door and the frame and stared in at me.

I am not making this up. And let me tell you, it was awkward. Bizarre, even. This wasn’t a case of someone hoping all those occupied stalls aren’t really occupied. Mine was the only stall that was occupied. She deliberately stopped and stared in at me. My startled eyes met hers, and she moved away, into one of the larger stalls.

I got out of my stall as quickly as I could, and as I stood washing my hands, her voice called out.

“Sorry about that,” she said. “But you know, Target lets men and homosexuals use just any bathroom now. I was making sure you were a woman.”

I didn’t say a word, because I really didn’t know how to answer that.

Was she expecting a transgender woman to be lying in wait, hoping to… what? Urinate differently behind a closed door? Was a pedophile or a rapist in a dress and a bad wig going to crawl under the stall walls while she sat, even though this is a public restroom in a very busy and popular store, when anyone — including employees with walkie-talkies — could walk in at any time and catch them? And don’t even get me started about the homosexuals. I guess she’s just worried they’ll leave homosexual germs around or something.

I walked out, utterly gobsmacked, and it wasn’t until I caught up with my daughter and told her the whole ridiculous story that I realized the complete and utter irony of it. This woman deliberately made me feel horribly uncomfortable just because she was uncomfortable with the extremely vague possibility of someone being different than expected behind a closed and locked stall door.

My daughter raised a brow and asked, “Did you tell her that your teenage daughter has a girlfriend?”

“She probably would have blinded me with hand sanitizer or something,” I joked.

Anna just shrugged. “I feel sorry for her. I mean, with everything going on in the world, this is what makes her afraid? She doesn’t even know how creepy she’s being.”

Come on… the woman had to know she was being creepy. And it was really, really creepy. She just didn’t care. Either she had an agenda to let me know she was taking a certain “moral” stance about a new policy, or she really is afraid enough to do something rude and creepy even though she knows it’s rude and creepy.


ht/ col. angus

24 Comments on The Terror of Target Tinkling

  1. So now the shaming of normal people who believe that biological sex = gender starts. Obviously, the moronic bint that wrote this hasn’t bothered to read the news lately.

    I strongly suspect that this entire story is a false narrative from some SJW loser that is funded by some nefarious George Soros outfit. If someone tries to “eyeball” me in a bathroom stall, they are pretty certain to get a literal face full of piss before I stomp a mud hole in their perverted ass.

  2. I am not believing this for one second.
    It has gotten so I just don’t believe anything about stories like this.
    If she had been that creeped out she would have reported it to Target not some slimy wyman’s site.
    The reference to her lezbo daughter cinched the saddle.
    She is taking people for a ride.

  3. How come there’s no law suits or stories about girls wanting to use the boys urinals? The last Target story vilifying normal people was about a butch woman “shamed” using the girl’s room because someone thought she was a guy – but why was she even there?? It was after the policy announcement, so she should have been overjoyed and jumped right into that men’s room. You can’t win.

    The whole point of this is to 1) eliminate the idea of the right to privacy, 2) regressively eliminate any protection of a females for creeping Sharia..

    “A woman alone is like a piece of fat in the sun.” Hirsi Ali

  4. Perverted absurdity.

    “My daughter’s a pervert but she’s my daughter, so I have to believe that she’s normal and all the normal people are REALLY the perverts … SEE? Because those who kill killers are killers, and more REALLY the killers who are the killers of killers, than the killers, themselves.”

    “Got it?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If you are inclined to make something up, then at least make it interesting and spicy. Something along the lines of a letter to Penthouse.

    Dear Sirs:

    I walking into the Target restroom one day needing to readjust my thong and push up bra because these undergarments did not really fit my perfect body, when three men/women/men-women approached me and offered to…

    You get the picture.

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