The Torch of Reagan’s “Stupidity and Racism” Is Passed To Trump – IOTW Report

The Torch of Reagan’s “Stupidity and Racism” Is Passed To Trump

Reader pageoturner says, “I’ve been doing some research into how establishment Republicans, the media and Democrats described and reacted to Reagan.  I’m old enough to remember how he was mocked for being a failed grade B movie actor and not very smart but I didn’t remember specifics.  I am astonished at the similarity of the insults used against Reagan and those used against Trump.  History may not repeat but it does rhyme.  Here are a few examples and the sources:

—- “I am frightened that the forces of insensitivity to human suffering, of racism, of militarism, of violence, of negativism, are gravitating in and toward the candidacy of Governor Reagan.” Joseph Lowery, head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. – The Daily Iowan 10.24.80

— Quotes below from New York Magazine, 7/21/80

When Reagan Spoke from the Heart, Michael Kramer

“[Reagan] parries the charge that he is unspecific by ignoring it- and wins anyway”

“If you walked through Ronald Reagan’s deepest thought,” cracked Peter Behr, a liberal California Republican, “you wouldn’t get your ankles wet.”

“The intellectual light-weight issue…remains,” editorialized the Wall Street Journal at the end of the primary season.”

“His appeal is powerful because he is in touch with forces that grip us all..we know almost nothing of Ronald Reagan’s real character and capacity. He can rant – we know that – but can he also assess a problem dispassionately and with rigor?  Will his judgement belie his rhetoric? The problem is we can’t know until we elect him – which may or may not be too high a price to pay.”

“As for those words, those charged up words, Reagan’s aides – to a man – dismiss them as necessary language of American presidential campaigns. They urge us to forget any jargon that rises above room temperature.”


— New York Magazine, 10/27/80

“On the road, Michael Kramer takes a long look at the Republican candidate and concludes that nobody does it better when he has the text in front of him or worse when he doesn’t”

“President Reagan? A ‘catastrophe…too bleak to contemplate.”  Jimmy Carter

— In 1980, supporters of President Jimmy Carter regularly intimated that Ronald Reagan was an intellectual lightweight not to mention a warmonger and a racist.

66 Comments on The Torch of Reagan’s “Stupidity and Racism” Is Passed To Trump

  1. Are you seriously comparing Trump to Ronaldus Maximus? What an insult to a man that spent almost 20 years fighting liberals and big government at great expense to himself! Just who did Reagan bribe to get wealthy?

    Trump loves big government. Trump thinks the only problem with big government is that nobody as smart as him has ever run it, and he can do it right. Maybe he can, but what happens next?

    yeah I know…I’ll be Chinese soon…..

  2. Surprisingly a lot of the young military types have discovered Reagan and they’re playing clips of him a lot on their FB pages and good stuff on IG too. Our future patriots are NOT coming out of our educational systems.

  3. Are you seriously comparing Trump to Ronaldus Maximus? What an insult to a man that spent almost 20 years fighting liberals and big government at great expense to himself!>>

    No. You missed the point entirely.
    Reread the article.
    This is not about policy. This is about being the new “dumb, ignorant, reckless, dangerous, incompetent, racist…”

    Just like Reagan.

    Here, let me illustrate the error of your thinking.

    If the second black player in baseball was called a nigger, a coon, a lazy bastard, stupid, shiftless, and a writer said, “the mantle of the epithets has been passed from Jackie Robinson to Larry Doby”, would you be the simp yelling and screaming, as a Jackie Robinson fan, that the writer was comparing Larry Doby’s baseball skills with Robinson??

  4. weak sauce BFH. W was called the same yet he was never hailed as Reaganesque.

    BTW, I used to like W in general, except he spent like a drunk sailor , but when I found out he lied about WMD’s he is toast to me now. He needs to be prosecuted for his lies and the deaths of thousands of our brave warriors that sacrificed their lies for nothing. I hope Trump has him arrested!

  5. Have people forgotten that government expanded under Reagan?
    He ran on cutting the Dept of Energy and the Dept of Education. He cut neither and added the Dept of Veterans Affairs.

    I’m not putting Reagan down, but let’s not get crazy saying that Reagan cut the size of the government.
    He added about 350,000 government employees during his administration.
    Sure, it might’ve been more with a lefty, but to claim Reagan made smaller government would be the type of claim a pol would make- “he added less than what a lefty would, therefore he cut the size of government.”

  6. Who said Trump is Reaganesque??
    Where was that said?

    And no, Bush was not called those things by his own side.
    Reagan was.
    Now Trump is.
    That is the similarity.
    When was Bush called a racist?

    How right was the GOP when they said those things about Reagan?
    How right is the GOP that is saying what they are saying about Trump?

  7. Reagan did a bunch of things wrong, and we could spend all day talking about them, but we are talking about comparing Donald and Ronald. That is an insult to the decades Ronald spent fighting for conservative values. Trump has not done that, quite the opposite.

  8. When you title an article ” The Torch of Reagan’s “Stupidity and Racism” Is Passed To Trump” you are comparing the two.

    BTW, just how long has Trump been a republican? A conservative?

    and who on the right are calling Trump a racist?

  9. Reagan grew the Government .3 percent. He grew the economy at about 200%. Reagan did very little wrong. If a Trump is 25% of Reagan we should count our blessings. However I expect a lot more than that out of him. Menderman your facts suck at best.

  10. “Menderman,

    Name the stated Hillary policies you can get behind.

    Name the stated Trump policies you can get behind.”


    Both Hiliary and the dude that gave her money to get elected have no stated policies I agree with.

    What’s your fav?

  11. @Menderman – I tried to get Google Translate to get “the raters are idiots” but it insisted in making the dang thing singular no matter what.

    BTW, I have stayed out of your ongoing skirmishes because I probably will vote for Trump. Be assured, though, that I am very understanding of and sympathetic to your comments about him. I don’t feel one tiny bit guilty for not voting in elections even though the “bad” candidate got the job. They’re all bad to me. The only reason I’m seriously considering a Trump vote is that although he will do a lot of damage if he’s president, he’s in my opinion more likely to do damage to people and institutions I hate and despise than do damage I won’t like so much.

  12. So it was Donald Trump who told you Bush lied about WMD. Did it occur to
    you that Trump was talking through his ass at the time? (Last year)
    The intelligence of the entire civilized world agreed that Sadam had WMD
    when Bush invaded Iraq. Talk about weak sauce!

  13. BFH,

    I can’t read Chinese. Why the censorship?

    My point, if someone misunderstood, is that Coulter stated it well in a book. The Democrat talking point has always been every republican president or republican candidate, including Ike, was an idiot. It takes many years, after the “idiots” fix the problems left to them by the previous Democrat administrations, before the Democrats can admit they really weren’t that stupid. It gets worse when they try to channel their spirits after their death. More than one (D) has try to be Reaganesque.

    Let’s take a vote on who is the most intelligent: Trump, BHO, Sanders, or Hillary

    Let’s take a vote on who has been more successful in private life?

    My last point is this old playbook isn’t going to fly with Trump. He will swat them away.

  14. Trump said that in February at a worldwide televised debate ( 3 months ago, not last year), so it is his current position….right? And why would Trump lie about something so serious? No, in order to believe Trump, I do have to call W a lying scumbag that killed kids for fun. W should be hanged from the neck until dead! Hiliary only killed 4 people in Benghazi, W killed 5,000 in Iraq and he should be punished!!!!!!

  15. Menderman, I said your facts suck, they are one sided. You only state one side of the equation. Reagan produced a tremendous amount of prosperity and patriotism durring his reign. Menderman I’m starting to think you are a Chinese plant.

  16. When you title an article ” The Torch of Reagan’s “Stupidity and Racism” Is Passed To Trump” you are comparing the two.>>>

    How come you cannot admit that you flew off the handle claiming that the comparison being made was Trump’s policies versus Reagan’s?

    Nowhere was that comparison made.
    It’s about exactly what I titled the article.
    Trump is getting the exact same treatment Reagan did when the GOP called him a danger, a racist, a simpleton, a lightweight, ignorant, etc. And he wasn’t any of these things.
    These epithets are independent from policy.
    Why can’t you see that?

  17. Oddly, Uncle Al, all of the sudden all the “assessors” think my vote is gonna make the difference as to which idiot occupies the White House come next January. What’s up with that?>>>

    Drama queen gotten off yet?

  18. The WMD programs and weapons that W&Co used to gin up war fever were at most suspected, and there were many intelligence analysts and agents who did not even believe that. Yes, after The Coalition stomped all over the place there were indeed WMDs found…that bore no relation to the claims used as part of the attack justification. So it is TRUE that W lied about WMDs and was only lucky that some turned up after the fact.

  19. laying low after Beirut was wrong. Wonder who talked him out of bombing the hell out of Syria then? After operation “Reach out and touch someone” (USS New Jersey bombardment)

  20. Both Hiliary and the dude that gave her money to get elected have no stated policies I agree with.>>>


    Look everyone/.
    Menderman does not agree with the following:

    -Building a wall on the southern border
    – On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare.
    – Veterans Administration reforms
    – The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.
    – Immigration reform
    -Repatriation of corporate cash overseas
    – Simpler tax code that cuts taxes for the middle class
    – Putting America first in all negotiations
    – Pro-Israel policies
    – Ending Common Core
    – Strengthening our military
    – Getting tough on Islam
    – Choking the free flow of Muslim refugees to America
    – Conservative SCOTUS picks
    – Ending the culture of PC

    Menderman stands with the absolute morons who think a Hillary presidency or a Trump presidency matters little.
    It’s a position arrived at through emotions and has very little basis in reality or rational thought.

  21. Us drama queens fly off the handle…that’s what we do. It must be the moon phase and the fact that Mars is in opposition that made me think that the article comparing Trump to Reagan was about comparing Trump to Reagan. My bad dude. I’ll try to not read into what you post and just know what you mean by it before you post it. Sorry ’bout that.

  22. Reagan took control with a firm hand and great advisors. Remember who he replaced.msometimes a marginal decision is better than no decision at all. Sound familiar as our head Bitch is over in Japan apologizing for god knows who. Not me. I’m wondering if this ignorant cock sucker has actually ever studied history or has he just invented it in his little drug damaged mind.

  23. Woah BFH! You said stated positions, not written ones. I love some of Trumps written positions, but his stated ones are way different. His stated positions are hard to keep up with.

    Ever notice that Trump never talks about cutting spending? He even said he would just print money to pay off that in his written positions?

  24. Actually Menderman he’s mentioned cutting back or eliminating several different Government entities. It’s nice to know you view Trump the same way you view Reagan. I got your number now.

  25. So it is true Uncle Al THAT THERE WERE WMD< well hidden, but found.

    And it is also true Menderman that you used to like W in general until you found out he lied about WMD, then he became toast to you.
    You found out "he lied" three months ago from Donald Trump.
    Dat don't make no kinda sense to me. You seem to be fighting a war on three or four fronts and getting your ass kicked. Over and out!

  26. Moe, Menderman is trolling you.
    He’s trying to get people to turn on Trump because Trump said Bush lied.

    It’s not clever.
    In light of Hillary’s lies, statements and beliefs and actions, getting all twisted over Trump saying Bush lied, and using it to justify sitting back and allowing Hillary to win, is pretty asinine.

  27. Watch Menderman repeating over and over that the post compared Trump’s policies to Trump’s, watch him say that he didn’t read the article he only read my post (the post IS the article, the article IS the post), and one can start to understand how he can believe not voting for Trump isn’t at all aiding Hillary get the white house.

  28. You said stated positions, not written ones. I love some of Trumps written positions, but his stated ones are way different. His stated positions are hard to keep up with.>>>>>

    And where are his stated positions left of Hillary’s??
    Where are the stated positions that are left-wing?

    I’ll wait.

  29. All I can say is I voted in my first presidential election for Ronald Reagan in 1980. It wasn’t an option, just like not voting for Trump in 2016 is not an option.

    I voted for him by absentee ballot in 1984 because I was stationed overseas.

    Reagan united the country from the malaise of the Carter years. Jimmy wanted us to were sweaters and turn our thermostats down because of natural gas shortages. He gave us gas pump lines. Carter was the worst president until BHO came along. The only difference in incompetence is that Carter probably loves the USA in a lesser warped way..
    He was a leader and he had a plan to defeat communism. It worked until we allowed the slime molds to mutate into to other movements like the Greens and Progressives. Stateless, but hell bent on screwing us. Now they are going for the grand prize.

    I usually don’t comment rudely on other commenters here, but I have has a few beers.

    Menderman, you’re an asshole tonight.


    And asshole….the Chinese fear Trump’s printing press….that’s the end game..a boundary of negotiations

  30. Menderman was just trolling and he was playing both sides of the fence in order to score points in a debate.
    It fell flat.
    Menderman is not a bad person, and he’s a patriot.
    He’s just so anti-Trump he’s not at all considering just how bad Hillary is.

    He says Voting for Trump because he’s not Hillary isn’t good enough.
    Yes… yes it is.

    He’s faddishly trying to “out-principle” others by being the self-appointed sentinel watching over conservative principles, and they are going to wear their tri-corner hats and save America by aiding Hillary.

    What’s more patriotic than preventing Hillary from taking the reins of America?

  31. Tommy, You might be right. But let’s consider Trump. If you’re on the wrong side of DJT, it’s scorched earth. I got no problem with that. I do beleive Bush loved our country. But he sucked at a lot of things. Head and shoulders compared to the gay Hawaiian running the place now.

  32. Brad. I watched a great series on HBO last week. ” John Adams.”
    I loved it. In one scene there’s a conversation between Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams. They were bickering. From my memory, Franklin said something like, We should not tear ourselves asunder while fighting a common enemy.
    In our case the common enemy is socialism, and Killary Klinton
    Those guys were brilliant compared with what we have to deal with today.
    Cruz was close, but alas, he couldn’t overcome the elitists and the media.
    The Republic is in trouble.

  33. One additional bit I learned: Reagan was the candidate Carter’s people hoped to run against. They perceived him as the most beatable. Of course, 69 year old Reagan – the oldest presidential candidate ever – won in a landslide. Trump is 69.

  34. Reagan was a giant compared to Trump, in hindsight, because he used his drama for good, not for derision.
    Reagan was much more modest a man than Trump, and did not attempt to laud it over his fellow human beings. He used his modesty as a sceptre; Trump uses his bullying as an ax!

    A world of difference, despite the same slogan!

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