Trump: Cruz “Worse Than Hillary, When You Think About it” – IOTW Report

Trump: Cruz “Worse Than Hillary, When You Think About it”

Calling out Senator Ted Cruz for his Canadian citizenship and loans Goldman Sachs, businessman Donald Trump said that Mr. Cruz’s scandals and judgement are “worse than Hillary, when you think about it.”

Speaking in Iowa, Mr. Trump excoriated Mr. Cruz for his actions regarding loans for his Senate run.

“What he did was wrong,” Mr. Trump said, “because he didn’t want you to know that he’s dealing with banks, that he’s borrowing money with banks, that he’s personally guaranteeing loans with banks, because if he puts them down, he’s just like all the other guys.

“It’s wrong. It’s wrong. It’s really wrong.”

Then Mr. Trump attacked Mr. Cruz for “not knowing” about multiple issues, such as his Canadian citizenship and loans. “He said, ‘oh, I didn’t know that.’ How did he not know that?” Mr. Trump asked, referring to Mr. Cruz’s Canadian citizenship.

“That’s worse than Hillary, when you think about it,” Mr. Trump added.

You can watch the video below:

85 Comments on Trump: Cruz “Worse Than Hillary, When You Think About it”

  1. From the darlings at National Review, 1/25/2016:

    “Trump is wrong: Cruz is a natural born citizen. But at least Trump is consistent about wanting to stop foreigners from taking jobs from low-skilled Americans.”

    Oh my Lord.

  2. Ted Cruz is a good Christian man and an honorable statesman. Trump isn’t doing himself any favors by bashing Cruz especially among evangelical Christians and I’m assuming he wants their vote.

    I Will Vote For Trump Or Cruz… we must take the country back from the progressives!

  3. Damn, I hate to see Trump go over to the stupid side.

    Cruz isn’t really a serious threat to him at this point so all he’s doing is giving the number two guy a lift up into the spotlight and shedding the votes of Cruz supporters who might remember this shit during the general.

    I’ve said all along I think Cruz would make the best POTUS but Trump is the best candidate, now I’m starting to wonder about Trump’s savvy as a candidate.

  4. I am curious to see how far will be too far for all those Trump supporters. Is there even a “too far” would be a good question as well.

    It would be an amusing experiment if we had the time to have Trump challenged by each of the other candidates and to observe if he retreats to similar attacks until the whole Republican field, save himself, is just like the Democrats.

    So a man who has reversed a huge number of his lifelong held positions such that he now claims to be conservative is the only true conservative as the “others” are all like Hillary. It would be funny if it weren’t so damn serious. Of course the biggest irony is that Trump is the only one who has held similar positions to Hillary only now he disclaims them and says he’s changed his mind.

    I really do hope he isn’t playing games to get elected, but I do fear the level of anger if he is elected and the ruse falls away. And imagine the damage when he appoints 4 liberal Supreme Court judges. I am sure many of Trumps current supporters will be claiming Cruz did not do enough to warn them and so it isn’t there fault for Trump’s election and the damage that was done.

  5. One other thing about Trump that causes me some concern is Trump’s statements regarding the problem of gridlock in government and his ability and willingness to make a deal. The way I see it, the willingness of the elephants to make deals with the donkeys is the source of most of our problems. Enough with making a deal, let’s see someone stand on their principals!

  6. If this was not already close to a knock punch for me on Trump, his help in giving us a buffoon for Governor in VA is.

    It was a joke that Terry McAuliffe was running for Gov. of VA; it is a sick joke on us in VA that he was elected. Trump supported McAuliffe financially in his bid and blew off support for Cuccinelli. McAuliffe works against most everything I believe in. Will Trump do the same thing?

  7. Trumps my guy. But there’s been a couple times I thought he has crossed the line. This is one of those times. But then again every time he does it his poll numbers go up. I’m anxious to see next weeks polls.

  8. I honestly do not understand how anyone gets so attached to the candidate (I think of political candidates as job seekers) they will ignore some major red flags.

    Cruz was my first choice before he even announced. I sent him money for his campaign. I talked him up to all my friends, including all the younger people I know who were behind other candidates.

    Then I discovered his connections to people who are no better than the rest of the politicians’ superpac people. They are all interchangeable. That’s why major doners wait to see who is going to do well in the horse race. They want the guy who is going to win because it’s that man who they will call after he gets in office to influence their agenda. That’s how it all works, that’s what everyone calls “Wall Street.” Duh.

    It’s not even important to talk about who the superpac doners are. The important part is that Cruz acts like he’s a man of the people and everyone buys it. How much of a man of the people can someone be, how much can he be a constitutional purist when someone is into him for 38 million bucks? that’s just for starters. Then, when you look at what he does and doesn’t support you get the whole picture and it lines up.

  9. What I am curious about regarding the dual citizenship of senators is this: was there some amendment that did away with the requirement that a senator be a US citizen? NOT splitting hairs here, and certainly not specifically directed at Cruz, but when that requirement was written into the Constitution, dual citizenship was not permitted to US citizens. In other words, if you immigrated to the US you had to be a resident for a certain length of time before you could apply for citizenship. You HAD to renounce all ties, loyalties, etc. to your home country at the time you took your naturalization oath. Looked at in that light, one would think that ALL current senators should have renounced all non-US citizenship nine years prior to running. Is this even followed anymore?

  10. Im starting to think that Aussie song title, ” Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds (votes for) You” applies to Trump. He needs to get his chit together soon, and in a giant step in the right direction.

    Else he won’t get my primary vote. If he doesn’t win the R nomination Palin endorsed another loser. He’ll only get my vote if he wins the nomination to keep whatever kind of trash the Ds throw up out of the WH. Leaving Palin picking a winner whose ego has consumed his common sense. He’s crossing into despicable me.

    If he’s losing to Cruz he should lose like a man, with some grace and style. not a brat. We have an a_hole traitor in the WH already. I have no desire to replace him with just an a_hole.

  11. From

    Cruz did not disclose that he had obtained loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank that combined were worth between $350,002 and $750,000 until July 9, 2012. That was after his May 29, 2012, primary election, and after he had already loaned his campaign nearly $1 million.

    Cruz took out another Goldman Sachs loan for between $100,001 and $250,000 for his 2012 campaign, but that wasn’t reported on his financial disclosure report until May 15, 2013 — by which time he was already a U.S. senator.

    In both reports, Cruz did not report the loans were for his campaign. That was not required by the ethics law, because those forms are simply intended to disclose personal finances (assets, liabilities, etc). But he should have reported using the loans for his campaign in separate campaign reports with the Federal Election Commission. He did not.

    I like Cruz. I like Trump better.

    But when your salary is $175K/year, like Ted’s is, with two young daughters, it’s not plausible to suggest that you aren’t very aware of having taken seven figures of debt on.

    So not reporting it, especially when you’re a brilliant guy like Ted with his world-famous photographic memory, looks like you’re hiding something.

    Since this is an election, after all, Trump would be a moron not to make political hay of this.

  12. Amen. Some backers even pull the plug on their pledges and put that money into the other party’s person in the general election if their man looks like he’s going to lose. That’s what Trump is talking about when he says he was part of the establishment as a business man.

    And, hey, I see a lot of comments here calling Trump bad names. I thought that was verboten. Is it only Cruz who is hands-off?

  13. The litmus test for me and many others is who is willing to play with big donors. No one can be naive enough to think that someone putting down 10-20 million dollars is doing it out of the goodness of their heart. They want something in return for it, otherwise they would put it somewhere else. This is how Obama got all the unions’ money in 2007/08. And he delivered.

    Cruz has demonstrated that he is willing to play. Trump has not. And that’s only the short game. If Cruz or anyone else who takes huge amounts of donors’ money runs for a second term, they’re going to have to explain to their donors why or why not they didn’t come up to scratch in the previous term in order to merit more money from them in the second term. And the wheels on the campaign bus go round and round all through the town.

  14. We all know about loans we all know about Canada we all know about donors we all know Trump has been liberal all his life we all know he probably shouldn’t be talking smack about Cruz we all know Cruz is a strong Christian. Let’s focus on getting the progressives out of the White House and ‘Make America Great Again’ or Take back America or however you want to phrase it.

    Get behind your preferred candidate and support him but be ready to vote for Trump or Cruz!

  15. But that’s not quite true, is it? Until it was brought up, “we” “all” didn’t know about Cruz’s loans or where they originated. Until it was brought up, we all didn’t know about Cruz’s dual citizenship or that he only recently dropped his Canadian citizenship.

    It seems to me that when the digging into the facts surrounding Cruz’s campaign money gets a little too focused, out come the long knives accusing Trump of being “a liberal all his life.” And that’s not true either. It certainly isn’t true now, when it matters. And Trump has never had any powerful insider motivation to build his ideological chops for party affiliation one way or another. He hasn’t been building a political resume. So, in the interest of facts:

    2012-Present: Republican Party; 2009-11; 1987-99
    Indie: 2011-12
    Dem: 2001-09; 1987
    Reform Party (Ross Perot): 1999-2001
    — Populism, Fiscal Conservatism, Protectionism, Anti-Corruption.

    I think it would be more honest to defend Cruz in a constructive way than it would be to tear down another great candidate in order to make up for your candidate’s criticism. Isn’t that how all this infighting started? We’re supposed to be steely-eyed, truth-loving conservatives and that’s not what I see here. I see win at all costs even if some important facts are ignored. I want to know the implications of those glossed-over facts. I want to know that the man I’m nominating can overcome potentially crippling charges made against him by the Democrat lap dog media and the SOB’s who will run a down and dirty defense for teams Clinton and Sanders.

    I hope others share this goal, otherwise we’re not really changing much in our deeply corrupted government.

  16. Whatever ‘anonymous’ obviously you’re one of the trolls that was always dogging me because I support Cruz. I’m playing by the rules and I’m free to support Cruz without being called names by Trump supporters and I’m going out of my way to support Trump as well as Cruz so unless you want to use your real screen name and tell me what your problem with me is DON”T reply to one of my comments again. Thanks…It’s never enough with some people!

  17. @Magnum. I do not want to bang heads with you. After all, we want the same thing in the long run. But anonymous is not being a troll. If you don’t think his points are valid than tell him why. I don’t like what Trump said. It would be far better for him to let someone else tackle this. But lets try and take the emotion out of this discussion.
    And by the way I hate the “anonymous” bull shit.

  18. That’s because Blue collar Dems are flocking to him just like Jessie “The sphincter” Ventura pulled off in Minnesota.

    This might not end well, Trump is unpredictable to say the least.

    But still preferable over anything the Progs throw up! (pun intended)

  19. Magnum, You have a very active imagination.

    Why must you always make it so personal? I like to go off facts, not feelings. And in this case you made a blanket statement that Trump is a life-long liberal. That’s simply not a fact. No need for drama. You wouldn’t overreact this way if your mechanic said you need a new transmission or your cable company sent you a late notice.

    I’d like to hear about how Cruz overcomes some of these things said about his finances. They are very important — to me as well as others. That’s a fact.

    And as far as my online name, it’s a free country. If the good people who run IOTW want me gone, I imagine that’s their right. Are you now a writer for them? I ask this seriously because you seem to be taking the role of vetting many commenters, including the esteemed Mr. Pinko. Your tone has taken a somewhat bullying quality.

    Most Respectfully,

  20. Trump has been saying this, tweeting this and posting this to his FB page for over a week. Why tho outrage starting today?

    Trump has also sold us out on ethanol. McConnell won’t let the Senate vote on a bill that affirms Cruz’a eligibility, and the GOPe is snuggling up with Trump. I’ve been saying this for a week!

    I don’t mind legitimate policy debates, but the constant calling of Cruz a Canadian and being a “Nasty, nasty guy that nobody likes” told me just what kind of character Trump has.

    No, I will not vote for Trump.

    I don’t trust liars.

    PS: Iowa polling is looking great for Cruz, and that is what this is about.

  21. We should stop trying to have logical discussions of any political nature here and stick to gratuitous humor. NOBODY IS TARGETING OR PICKING ON YOU. If you think any of what was said is incorrect, defend your position.

    Better yet just say Cruz is my guy no matter what because he represents my values better than the rest of the candidates.

    Got it. End of story. But that shouldn’t stop the debate.

  22. I speculate a simple answer to why Trump can afford to alienate staunch Cruz supporters is that he sees the growing disaffection people have toward any candidate who is part of the current political machine. And rightly or wrongly lumped in with that machine, Senator Cruz is a member. And unfortunately Cruz has been a political animal in the Senate, even though his politics have been in support of the Tea Party constituents who sent him there. Cruz suffers from the terrible double-cross of so many who were championed by the Tea Party and I believe that people have been so betrayed by Tea Party politicians, they cannot stand to be made greater fools by any elected politician who they took a stand for. I wouldn’t blame Trump’s supporters for this. The blame lies with those awful heels in the Senate and House who misjudged how long they could get away with it and did not believe those watching them could do anything about it. There should be some empathy for the American people who have been so thoroughly betrayed they now seek a true outsider with no strings attached and no personal benefit derived from being president. Such an occurrence may not come again, in our lifetimes or ever.

  23. Hey Anonymous, I always have a hard time taking someone seriously on their word about what they claim about their candidate when they post it as “Anonymous” and then say “It’s not even important to talk about who the superpac doners are”.

    So you aren’t a regular and you don’t need to give any details about claims and accusations you make because “it’s not even important”? You make some serious accusations and claims about a candidate, maybe it would be good to give some details to back them up instead of leaving them unsubstantiated.

    Trump, Cruz, Rubio, etc…, they all have loans and they all take campaign contributions. Trump has the added issue of all the money and deals he has made and will make with those same wealthy donors as well as the banks. Yet I am to believe, according to your accusations, that Trump is clean and the rest are dirty and just the same ole, same ole?

  24. Welp, there you go, as good as giving the GOPe’s seal of approval to Trump. 😉

    Bob Dole Warns of ‘Cataclysmic’ Losses With Ted Cruz, and Says Donald Trump Would Do Better

    “I question his allegiance to the party,” Mr. Dole said of Mr. Cruz. “I don’t know how often you’ve heard him say the word ‘Republican’ — not very often.” Instead, Mr. Cruz uses the word “conservative,” Mr. Dole said, before offering up a different word for Mr. Cruz: “extremist.”

    “I don’t know how he’s going to deal with Congress,” he said. “Nobody likes him.”

    But Mr. Dole said he thought Mr. Trump could “probably work with Congress, because he’s, you know, he’s got the right personality and he’s kind of a deal-maker.”

    The remarks by Mr. Dole reflect wider unease with Mr. Cruz among members of the Republican establishment, but few leading members of the party have been as candid and cutting.
    [end quote]


  25. Not me Sweetie. Trump just solidified that I will never vote for this assclown no matter what might be on the opposite side. I will vote for Hillary and or the Marxist Jew boy Sanders, before Trump.

    At least with those two clowns I can expect a correction in the form of revolution. It would be just more of the same if Trump is elected. I refuse to vote for a pos like Trump ever. He is dead to me now.

  26. This reply is to Woody and I’ll take his comment point by point:

    Hey Anonymous, I always have a hard time taking someone seriously on their word about what they claim about their candidate when they post it as “Anonymous” and then say “It’s not even important to talk about who the superpac doners are”.

    — Okay. That’s your right, of course.

    So you aren’t a regular and you don’t need to give any details about claims and accusations you make because “it’s not even important”?

    — And being a regular is important how? How does that change what I am saying? I suppose you mean that because I haven’t been commenting here that I am automatically to be held in suspicion, is that correct? That is also your right, naturally.

    You make some serious accusations and claims about a candidate, maybe it would be good to give some details to back them up instead of leaving them unsubstantiated.

    — Yes, they are very serious claims. Though they are not mere accusations. If one was to research fact-based material easily found from various organizations whose job it is to provide that information, one can see that all of the candidates have campaign finance information available as a condition of their candidacy. No one is trying to hide it from public view, that would be a no-no according to the FEC. Look them up for yourself. There are several you can cross-check. If you are serious, as I believe you are, then you will want to do this as a fundamental part of your own research. However, if I give you the web addresses for some, I risk being accused of all kinds of nefarious motives, am I right?

    — As to your concern about my writing, “It’s not even important…etc.” I wrote that because the main point of my comment was not that it’s not important at all, but that (if you read it in context) the large donors are interchangeable. That is, the same pool of donors are just as willing to give to any candidate of any party who is in a position to further their causes/agendas. The belief that there are really big money donors who are heartfelt about a particular candidate because of who the candidate represents is not based in fact. The fact is the donor is interested in the donor and only in the candidate who can further the donor’s interests. If a candidate, in this case, Cruz, though it could be any candidate, that candidate is beholden as Molly Ivins used to say, “To dance with them what brung ’em.” It’s not rocket science, as you well know.

    Trump, Cruz, Rubio, etc…, they all have loans and they all take campaign contributions.

    — They all have two ears and are running for president, too. That does not make them even remotely the same and I’m only talking about the source of their campaign financing. To-date Trump’s only loans have been from his only superpac, Make America Great Again, of which he is the committee chair. His total contributions from individual donors rates 16th out of 16 candidates, totaling 5.83 million. His expenditures are the least of all current and former candidates. He holds no fundraising events and only attends those that have been given for Republican committees, districts or states, not for his own campaign.

    Trump has the added issue of all the money and deals he has made and will make with those same wealthy donors as well as the banks.

    — Now you are trading in speculation with no substantiation, while every candidate but Trump has taken large money donations for their super pacs.

    Yet I am to believe according to your accusations, that Trump is clean and the rest are dirty and just the same ole, same ole?

    — Again, not accusations. And no, you can believe whatever you wish. But the big money donors involved with superpacs have always meant influence in politics so it is, as you aptly say, same ole, same ole.

    Anything else?

  27. I’ve borrowed money from banks. Dealt with banks. Got a mortgage from a bank. Used to work at the Fed. Am I worse than Hillary? I thought I could take him or leave him. Increasingly, I’m thinking I can’t take him at all.

    We expect politicians to ideally read, interpret and implement the Constitution as written. I know Ted Cruz can do that, as he’s been doing it almost singlehandedly since he entered the Senate, making enemies of most of the GOP. That makes him a hero in my book.

    I can see that Mr. Trump is a skilled negotiator, realtor and investor. How well he can stick to the Constitution is an open question, and that’s a critical matter as our precious republic gasps it last.

  28. ” How well he can stick to the Constitution is an open question”

    I keep hearing that dumb ass argument. You make it sound like after he’s elected he’s going to fire everybody else on Capital Hill and become King. The founders put a bunch of check and balance in place as well as several different branches of government to make sure that can’t happen. Can we stop that argument now?

  29. You all are missing it. Trump is in it to win it. In politics your first goal is to knock out the other guy and then the other guy. Next up for Trump is the first dem that gets in his way. He shut Hillary and Bill up with one rebuttal about sexism. Who else has done that in the last 15 years. Woe to you who gets in Trumps way. Look at who Trump is fighting the Gop the dems the main stream media and now here at IOTW, and he is still winning. The man has earned his place as the front runner. No one has convinced me that he can’t win and why Cruz will. I will vote for Cruz if he is the nominee.


    I disagree. I read most every comment when I have time. I have seen some pretty nasty comments aimed at Magnum.

    When he started posting about Cruz, it was information. He may have been overzealous, but he never bashed Trump. Then some readers started to engage with him, sometimes not-so-nicely. He fought back.

    He has been branded an agitator ever since. I’ve kept out of most of it (I do speak up at times), but I thought you would like to know what I think.

  31. Claudia,
    I think the massive non stop posts put me on the offensive. I’ll admit that. I could visit the Tree House and get one side of the story. But that’s not what I’m after. I’d like to see these debates be more X and O’s and maybe list reference on where some of the info’s coming from.

  32. Here’s what I can’t stand. Trump makes a statement on the stump which is always public and the crowd goes wild. While Cruz makes anti-Trump statements to all his private fundraising events and if even one of them gets leaked his spin doctors are all over it, telling us what the senator “really” meant.

    Trump makes an honest assessment of Cruz’s superpacs and their influence and the crowd wants his head on a pike. Cruz actually has big donor superpacs and Trump is the devil himself for even mentioning it.

    Trump is owned by no one. He says what he thinks. Some of us like that, warts and all. Why? Because if we had the guts and the personal finances to run for president, we’d say the same things and we’d probably make the same mistakes. Why? Because we aren’t politicians. Like Trump we just want to Make America Great Again. That is all.

  33. If Trump wins I’m celebrating. If Cruz wins I’m celebrating. I’m in a win/win situation. 😉

    Updated Disclaimer: These termination-worthy views and opinions expressed on this web site by the ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko are soley the ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko’s.
    These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
    The ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  34. Cruz hung out with Glenn Beck welcoming illegals in at the border with teddy bears and soccer balls.

    I wonder who Andrew Breitbart would vote for in this election given that he once said, “Glenn Beck is dead to me.” Just wonderin’…

    Trump/Cruz 2016!

  35. AGREED 😉 but a flippant passing remark is not a deal breaker. The over-reaction to the remark is humorous at best. It’s not like he’s using it as a campaign slogan. LOL 😉

    These termination-worthy views and opinions expressed on this web site by Mr. Pinko are soley Mr. Pinko’s.
    These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
    Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  36. Hey joe, If you haven’t read Art of the Deal, I strongly recommend it. As a former negotiator myself, it’s not about pulling the wool over peoples’ eyes. You might pull off one really good “deal” using that tactic, but good luck having any credibility after that.

    It’s about solving problems that need solving and you don’t do that if no one wants to talk to you. I know a lot of people hate that Trump talks about getting along with everyone, but he doesn’t mean he capitulates to everyone. No. He’s talking about persuasion and getting people to agree with him. That’s what good negotiations are all about. Read it, I think you’ll enjoy it.

    The Art of the Deal spawned all kinds of books and methods used by corporations, including the very popular Covey books, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It took negotiating from win/lose to win/win. As my boss and mentor always said to me, “It’s not what’s fair, it’s what the parties agree to.”

  37. “esteemed Mr. Pinko”

    WOW! Wait ’til I show BigFurHat THAT! I want a raise.

    These termination-worthy views and opinions expressed on this web site by the ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko are soley the ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko’s.
    These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
    The ESTEEMED Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

  38. This reply is for Anonymous as it took a while to find his reply to me above.

    You are definitely a political type in that you use many words and say very little. I read your reply and other than affirming my right to this or that you really didn’t answer much in terms of actual facts and instead simply told me I should go look it up because your accusations are enough proof for your post. A “take me at my word” approach, which would work if your handle wasn’t synonymous with unknown writer and as such your veracity cannot be tested by past postings.

    So I did look up Donald Trumps FEC filings and darn if I didn’t find a whole slew of those dirty banks, including the two that gave Cruz personal loans. It seems that Cruz is a pauper when it comes to loans from those banks though when compared against The Donald. Many of Donald’s loans are actually listed as over $50 million, which begs the question, if those banks wanted to strike a backdoor deal with say a President Donald, what do you think the chances are he would be willing to make that deal?

    And you are concerned about Ted Cruz and his simple loans of $1 million or less?

    As for SuperPac money, here is Trump’s Contributions breakdown;

    Federal Funds $0
    Itemized Individual Contributions $1,041,005
    Unitemized Individual Contributions $2,776,974
    Total Individual Contributions $3,817,978
    Party Committees Contributions $57
    Other Committees Contributions $0
    Candidate Contributions $100,779

    And here is Cruz’s;

    Federal Funds $0
    Itemized Individual Contributions $6,883,585
    Unitemized Individual Contributions $5,306,058
    Total Individual Contributions $12,189,642
    Party Committees Contributions $0
    Other Committees Contributions $28,495
    Candidate Contributions $0

    Gee I don’t know, but maybe that $28,495 from “Other Committees” might bring them more sway than the $12 million he raised from individuals, but I don’t think so.

    Oh and while we are talking about PACs, on the FEC database there are no less than 5 other PACs registered backing Trump while there is 1 PAC registered as backing Cruz.

    What surprised me the most about this short investigation was first how wrong you were about who is owned by who and second how much Cruz has raised from individuals rather than groups. It seems the PACs are more or less supporting the losers in the form of JEB, KASICH, and RUBIO. A few are backing Christie.

    Lastly, after researching this and considering what you said I should have realized you couldn’t be right in the first place. Cruz is supposedly hated, he can’t win, and he won’t make deals. So why would any PAC give a guy like that money when it would go against their interests?

  39. I see the size of crowds (plus hear of those turned away). These are massive crowds for Trump in oklahoma today. Just impossible to fathom how thousands will turn out to see a candidate. Especially in the primary. Unheard of. (shakes head)

    I dont like the tenor of this campaign season. Wish it were not so, but it is what it is. Maybe the candidates know that whoever wins the primary, wins it all, so its balls to the wall to win now.

  40. @AA, I read it years ago, really a good book. I just see red flags when I hear him say gridlock is a problem and he knows how to make a deal. We already have too many deals! I’m still thinking Trump/Cruz is our best bet but I’m not optimistic.

  41. “Jeez Pinko, calm down. They wrote Steamed Mr. Pinko.”

    Shit! Never mind.

    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this web site by the STEAMED Mr. Pinko are soley the STEAMED Mr. Pinko’s.
    These views and opinions do not necessarily represent those of, BFH, and/or any/all contributors to this site.
    The STEAMED Mr. Pinko accepts the fact that he may be fired at a moment’s notice.

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