Trump: ObamaCare Replacement Is Ready to Go – IOTW Report

Trump: ObamaCare Replacement Is Ready to Go

‘Much less expensive and much better’

Donald Trump says he’s got a plan to replace ObamaCare ready to go—and there will be “insurance for everybody.” In an interview with the Washington Post, the president-elect doesn’t say much about the specifics of TrumpCare, though he does say there will be “lower numbers, much lower deductibles.” He says the plan is “very much formulated down to the final strokes” and he will unveil it alongside House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at some point after Rep. Tom Price, his choice for health secretary, is confirmed. He says there will be no cuts to Medicare under his plan, which he says will leave people currently covered by the Affordable Care Act “beautifully covered.”

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump tells the Post. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” Under his law, he says, people “can expect to have great health care. It will be in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better.” Trump, who claims his plan will get plenty of support from Democrats, says he plans to use


13 Comments on Trump: ObamaCare Replacement Is Ready to Go

  1. REPEAL. Not Replace.
    Will the free market for healthcare die like so many areas of freedom when the federal government has unconstitutionally restricted and regulated capitalism.
    Another progressive socialist move generated by speaker Ryan’s Rinos to keep the TAX money generated.
    Not a good sign. If the democrats support it you’ll know it’s socialism.

  2. Trumpcare! I love it. The left will start off derisively calling it Trumpcare but will cease once it becomes popular. Let’s do our part and make sure it is always known as “Trumpcare”

  3. “Insurance” for pre-existing conditions, isn’t “insurance,” at all, but welfare.
    I don’t really have a problem with that, on the level of Charity – but I do have a problem with misleading the public on so important a policy.
    Why do we, “conservatives” included, try to maintain the pretense that, charity is, somehow, the proper domain of Government? It is just this “pretend” compassion that opens the door to all manner of waste, fraud, abuse, and leads, inexorably, to socialism. Why do we fear honesty?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The government has no business getting involved with health care. But as long as fools, lofos, the lazy, and takers are going to demand health care in order for someone to get elected, the conservatives might as well get control to limit the scope and minimize government damage.

  5. To the best of my knowledge, no revenue stream, once initiated, has ever been allowed to dry up. We’re still paying for shit started during the Revolutionary War. The fucking political maggots, regardless of party, will ALWAYS find an excuse to bleed the taxpayers – and the use of “funny-money” makes it easier for the taxpayers to participate in their own fucking.

    izlamo delenda est …

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