Well, that was quicker than I thought – IOTW Report

Well, that was quicker than I thought

Wednesday I wrote that someone needs to pound a stake through the heart of Chelsea, because she has political aspirations.

Aspirations confirmed. Chelsea is being groomed.

ny post-

While some pundits are declaring the Clinton political dynasty dead, sources tell us that it is far from over. Chelsea Clinton is being groomed for the New York seat held by Rep. Nita Lowey.

Chelsea could run for the seat in NYC’s 17th Congressional District once Lowey, a respected, 79-year-old career politician with nearly 30 years in office, decides to retire, we have exclusively learned.

Lowey’s district includes parts of Rockland and Westchester counties and, conveniently, Chappaqua, the Clinton family home base.

In August, Hillary and Bill Clinton purchased a home next door to their primary residence in Chappaqua for $1.16 million, which is intended for Chelsea, her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, and their two children, Charlotte and Aidan.

While Chelsea currently lives, and is registered to vote, in Manhattan, she could easily make Chappaqua her legal residence in order to run for Lowey’s seat when it becomes vacant.

A source told us, “While it is true the Clintons need some time to regroup after Hillary’s crushing loss, they will not give up. Chelsea would be the next extension of the Clinton brand. In the past few years, she has taken a very visible role in the Clinton Foundation and on the campaign trail. While politics isn’t the life Hillary wanted for Chelsea, she chose to go on the campaign trail for her mother and has turned out to be very poised, articulate and comfortable with the visibility.”

41 Comments on Well, that was quicker than I thought

  1. ” and has turned out to be very poised, articulate and comfortable with the visibility”….Which channel of the Magic Mirror are these people watching?…..Is Eddie Murphy gonna do Chelsea’s voice overs?…LOL

  2. did she not get a gig where she was paid to stand in front of a camera and talk and was fired after only 6 months because she was lacking intelligence and charisma? You can go a long way in politics if you have intelligence or charisma- but if you are lacking in both.

    If she wants to follow in her mother’s footsteps her husband needs to get elected Governor fast. It’s a long road to go from wife of a Governor to FLOUTS to Senator, to Sec of State to nominee. The clock is ticking.

  3. She got beat with the same ugly stick that beat the crap out of Amy Carter–and if she’s going to replace Lowey, then the local GOP should start doing their oppo research on her ugliness just to be ready to hit the ground running on the day she announces–they have two years to get ready.

  4. She is knee deep in the corruption and Wikileaks demonstrated she uses the foundation to pay her bills and for her wedding. She also makes HRC look like the life of the party. You can’t buy or learn charisma. She has none of it. So maybe in liberal NY they can get her into the Senate but she isn’t going national, no way, never going to happen. Plus she married a loser, a guy that fails at everything he touches. I sense downsizing from that nice NY mansion in her imminent future.

  5. Chelsea could run for the seat in NYC’s 17th Congressional District once Lowey, a respected, 79-year-old career politician with nearly 30 years in office, decides to retire, we have exclusively learned.

    Decides to retire? How about it is decided to retire her. N. Lowey had better sleep with one eye open, gripping her pillow tight.

  6. All the more reason for Trump to announce Guiliani in the AG job and start reviewing the Clinton Foundation investigation up to this point with a view to actually doing a real one.

  7. You have to admit, she does meet all the requirements (for the democRATic party that is) She’s not real bright (being polite), she’s not attractive (code word for BUTT UGLY) and she comes from good communist stock! That’s their Ideal candidate for the JACKASS PARTY!

  8. It’s clear that Chelsea’s congressional bid has some marketing problems and she needs to lose the now deceased Clinton moniker….What do ya’ll think of ‘Chelsea Hotchacha?’…

  9. Ambassador to Libya would be a good start. She could wear full niqab.
    If Chelsea gets into office how long will it be before she pushes ass ugly and dumb as a box of rocks as disabilities?

  10. Chelsea is “…(is) comfortable with the visibility.” Well, maybe SHE is, but the rest of us sure aren’t!

    Nita Lowey held that seat for 30 years; can you imagine what Chelsea will look like in 30???!!!

  11. Nope. America doesn’t like political dynasties. The Adams – not important. The Roosevelts – not important. The Kennedys – the “dynasty” consisted of the 3 brothers; John Jr. was not interested, Caroline was once floated as a Senatorial candidate and flopped, and the rest of the Kennedy brood were disasters. The Bushes – Jeb may have a state career left, but not a national one. The Clintons – they are so yesterday. Of our great Presidents, Washington had no children, Jefferson had too many, Lincoln’s son was not interested, and neither were Reagan’s children.

    It’s not easy establishing an American political dynasty, and I think it is ingrained in our national culture to be wary of such dynasties.

  12. I hope chelsea gets to see her corrupt mother hang for treason. Maybe she will think twice about continuing the fuck-over of America.
    She is the clinton mafia’s last hope now.

  13. She should change her last name for PR reasons. It would be good if she’d use the name of a town in England. That way any and all campaign email from or about Chelsea Scunthorpe would get tossed in the pr0n spam bucket.

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