Why Did James Comey Delete His Memo? – IOTW Report

Why Did James Comey Delete His Memo?

Weasel Zippers-

How strange is this?

The above is a segment of a letter from the Senate Intelligence Committee asked Daniel Richman, the man who James Comey had supposedly leak his memo to the NY Times.

Comey, after saying he felt he needed to take notes to protect himself in his conversations with President Donald Trump and then being so concerned about going on record about what happened in the meeting that he supposedly had Richman leak the contents to the NY Times, deletes the memo that had been on his FBI laptop?

Also it should be noted that the reporter who spoke with Richman said that the the leaker (Richman) did NOT have the memo, that he was remembering what he had been told about it.

So here’s a question that I’ve been asking since the media broke the story of the memo: is there even a memo and who has even seen it?

Or is this all just a fevered attempt by Comey to retaliate that mushroomed and got out of hand?

ht/ All Too Much


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44 Comments on Why Did James Comey Delete His Memo?

  1. The volumn of lawlessness coming out of Washington, D.C. is just staggering. Those people don’t even care what we think, they are convinced that they will get away with anything and everything.

  2. So, let me see if I understand my “Cliffs Notes on ‘Journalism for Dummies'”:

    The New York Times editors thought not the unverifiable memo, not a copy of the unverifiable memo, not the recollection of the person who allegedly wrote the memo but can’t find it, not the recollection of the reporter who allegedly saw the unverifiable memo, not the recollection of a witness who told the reporter he allegedly saw the unverifiable memo, but the claim by someone who specifically said that he never saw the alleged memo to a reporter at The New York Times (maybe?) that there might be a memo that might say something is sufficient verification? Why that “news” isn’t fake, at all. I think it might, possibly, say that, somewhere, in “Cliffs Notes on ‘Journalism for Dummies'”. If “Cliffs Notes on ‘Journalism for Dummies'” actually exists, of course.

  3. How can this approach Nixonian scandal if they can’t even put their hands on a memo — either in electronic or paper form?
    The Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight. This is getting better by the hour. LOL!

  4. @BFH:

    From what I understand he had “no intent” to delete them.

    But he was so stunned and astonished, and he was so weak, that he probably imagined that he’d written memos that he hadn’t, or imagined that he deleted memos that he hadn’t written.

  5. I think he did testify, or at least state, that he did provide them to Mueller. Mueller should be asked about that.
    Give me his laptop, if they were on there, I bet they can be found, or a record of them having been there. I don’t think they ever existed. He’s just gaming the system and using the press to do it.
    If they did exist clinton probably gave him the rest of the bottle of bleachbit.
    He’s a lying, dirty, cop. Mueller might be too.

  6. Weasel words constructed to obfuscate and confuse.
    Comey is down. Many more swamp critters to come. It can’t be kept on a scorecard, which is intentional.
    You silly voters wish to drain the swamp but we imbeds have labored hard so that the swamp is ill defined and the alligators look like bunny rabbits. Good luck suckers.

  7. Deleted? Have we learned nothing from Hillary? Confiscate the computer and find that sucker! Or did he use bleach bit, also? These people really make me sick. They are the epitome of the leftist thinking that laws are for the little (deplorable) people. Time to open the damn jails.

  8. @Joe6pak

    Yep. Mueller is Comey lite. D.C. Bureaucrat cut from the same cloth. When democrats say yes to him you know process crimes and other treachery is coming. Beware.

  9. Like Lois Learner the backup was destroyed for the last 365 days as was his hard drive, every computer and phone he has ever used etc. Why do these things happen to such ‘good’ well intending people?!

  10. Last night Geoff C. and I were watching/listening to Jay Sekulow rattle off all the laws he thinks comey may be in jeopardy under and we looked at each other and said, “Wouldn’t it be great if Trump tapped Sekulow for his legal team?”

    Just learned that Jay Sekulow is now a part of Trump’s legal team at the WH. I bet money Trump was watching FBN/Dobbs last night.

  11. Anonymous None of his computers were damaged or files deleted his office and computer were sealed, government phone locked the minute he was Fired , at that point he had no way to touch anything he might have wanted to delete this team learns fast not to trust the deep state.
    And yes it has got out of hand for the deep state , the deep state is going to double down real soon , the one guy that could keep everyone out of jail might go to jail himself.

  12. I went back to a February 18, 2017 post titled: “Has Trump trapped his leakers?”

    Two comments stood out:

    This one from Geoff C. The Saltine:

    “Jethro whows what is going on with the intel community after barry has had his run of things.
    To me it sounds like Flynn set this whole trap up with help from the good guys in the intel community, they took the bait and its about to blow up in their faces.
    One other thing about Flynn is he is very good at espionage, he is one of the most well read military leader like Mattis, these are smart people that President Trump has hired across the board not a clunker in the bunch, we are very lucky he is in the White House.”

    And this one from Third Twin:

    “It figures that Trump would be the Undercover Boss, too.”

    Geoff C. and I were speculating back when Flynn was fired that this was part of a bigger set up. I wonder….

  13. BB, I know. But as they say, it takes a thief to catch a thief. It would take a plan at least as sophisticated and twisted to catch comey and reveal at least some of his network. I think Mueller is thinking twice, thrice and more over whether or not he really wants to be The Special Prosecutor at this point.

  14. AA, I just can’t beleive they had that much foresight. It would be awesome if they did. I heard rumblings about Flynns involvement with the Turks way before Trump picked him. I still think that’s a reach. However I think DJT totally controls the board.

  15. Bad Brad why do you think it is a reach? Comey just screwed himself in front of the whole world. We have not seen the rest of the gang in front of congress , there hubris knows no bounds just watch. Trump knows how to play the game and he plays to win. And we are the people that he is playing for.

  16. “Mueller needs to be shown the door as quick as possible.”

    Yep, your services are no longer required, Mr. Mueller. Go play golf with Obama now.

    The day they picked him to direct the Special Counsel show, Erick Erickson said that this was the best that PDT could hope for, because Mueller was “an upstanding guy”. Kiss of death.

  17. BB — Are you talking about Trump first hiring Flynn as part of the set up? No. I’m talking about Trump using the Flynn flap to create the set up. Here I was, stating only a couple days ago about how pathetic the Left’s crazy conspiracy theories are and I can’t believe I’m positing such a thing. But! But, Geoff C. and I were actually wondering and discussing how it was possible that Trump would use the reason (excuse?) that he was firing Flynn because “Flynn mislead the Veep.” It just didn’t add up at the time. Trump gives people — and especially trusted friends (and Flynn spent months and months criss-crossing the country, keeping the same insane pace as Trump, working his ever-loving ass off for the campaign) second chances. And when you add that whatever Flynn did with the Russians or anyone else is probably not illegal or even untoward and it makes even less sense.

    I think Trump saw an opportunity (remember that well-developed predatory sense of his?) and Flynn (who has a well-developed understanding of espionage) hatched a plan to catch some rats.

    Usually, after one of these sorts of “scandals” there is always the political talk show circuit afterwards where the scandal-ee makes their case. There was none of that. Flynn just vanished like he never existed. Very odd. Remarkably odd.

  18. AA, I’m not seeing.
    As you know I’m totally a Trump fanatic. As you guys are. Trump did the stand up executive thing by firing Flynn for lying to Trumps second in command. As painful as it was for Trump. Just that simple. I’d love to see your theory proved. I just don’t think that’s realistic.

  19. Geoff C. The Saltine, I have a good friend who is a chess wizard. Back in our college days, he used to hustle chess games at parties, playing blindfolded against a team of players which was free to look at the board. He always won. He told me that playing a team, even blindfolded, is easier than one-on-one, because egos and the need for consensus always cripple the team from the start. They would collapse even faster when he threw unconventional moves at them. And the drunker they were, the better for him, of course.

    I think blindfolded PDT is handing the deep state their ass, because they are flabby, unimaginative and drunk with power. When they reach the point where they start blaming each other publicly for the disastrous last move, the game is about over. The sandbagging of Lynch by Comey may signal the onset of the end game.

  20. @Third Twin — Fabulous assessment!

    @BB — I’m probably giving too much credit to the Deep State. But, I don’t know. There were just “things” about Trump’s surgical excision of Flynn that doesn’t make any sense.

    We’ll see. Gingrich wrote two novels about political intrigue and even he said he would not have had the imagination to write what has happened in this past week regarding comey. He said it would have just been too unbelievable.

  21. I still totally believe Flynn is one of the white hats who sacrificed himself to catch the swamp rats. He and Trump know what they are doing. Not smart enough to elaborate, but AA has it.

    BTW, next, Comey will say his dog ate his laptop with the memo.

  22. @joe6pack — you have to keep the game in your head. That was demonstrated in “Charlie Wilson’s War” by the guy in the park playing chess against half a dozen other players on half a dozen different boards. He didn’t physically play against them, just verbally gave them his moves.

  23. Thirdtwin, nice comment. Trump has fought many battles over the past months on all fronts and as far as I can tell he has not lost one, he seems to stay several steps a head of his and our enemies and I still stand by my comments above.
    He is shrewd and smart and he has many smart (in a different way) people to help him think Bannon.
    There are many people that are afraid in Washington right now after Comney threw Lynch under the bus, this is just the beginning. Still winning.

  24. Notice that this supposed deletion of the alleged memo follows Trump’s attorney’s counterattack. Comey is doing a Clinton and hiding potential evidence.

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