Wikileaks: Journalists Dined at Top Clinton Staffers’ Homes Days Before Hillary’s Campaign Launch – IOTW Report

Wikileaks: Journalists Dined at Top Clinton Staffers’ Homes Days Before Hillary’s Campaign Launch

Breitbart: Several top journalists and TV news anchors RSVPed “yes” to attend a private, off-the-record gathering at the New York home of Joel Benenson, the chief campaign strategist for Hillary Clinton, two days before she announced her candidacy in 2015, according to emails Wikileaks has published from John Podesta’s purported accounts.

The guest list for an earlier event at the home of John Podesta was limited to reporters who were expected to cover Clinton on the campaign trail.

The email thread starts with Jesse Ferguson, the campaign’s Deputy National Press Secretary and Senior Spokesman, describing the venues and target audience of each gathering:

We wanted to make sure everyone on this email had the latest information on the two upcoming dinners with reporters. Both are off-the-record.

1) Thursday night, April 9th at 7:00p.m. Dinner at the Home of John Podesta… This will be with about 20 reporters who will closely cover the campaign (aka the bus).

2) Friday night, April 10th at 6:30p.m. Cocktails and Hors D’oeuvre at the Home of Joel Benenson… This is with a broader universe of New York reporters.

The “broader universe of New York reporters” includes several top news anchors for network and cable channels, many of whom are listed as a “yes” for the appearance:

From ABC: Cecilia Vega, David Muir, Diane Sawyer (who could only stay for 30 minutes), and George Stephanopoulos.

From CBS News: Norah O’Donnell.

From CNN: Brianna Keilar, Gloria Borger, John Berman, and Kate Bolduan.

From MSNBC: Alex Wagner and Rachel Maddow (“TRYING”).

From NBC: Savannah Guthrie.   MORE

10 Comments on Wikileaks: Journalists Dined at Top Clinton Staffers’ Homes Days Before Hillary’s Campaign Launch

  1. I’ve actually been reading through these emails (don’t tell Chris Cuomo!!!) for the last week and I have to tell you, it’s been an education. It’s clear that the primaries were just a formality to Team Clinton. They knew from the get-go, even before she announced, that the nomination belonged to her. The level of arrogance and entitlement is astounding.

  2. Most of these people are in the tank anyway (although I’ll bet they actually don’t realize it). In any event I don’t really have a problem with this unless they got gift bags when they left. You’ll probably find real journalists in the past would attend these dinners or cocktail parties to make connections for future use, pick up tidbits of gossip that may help with a story, eavesdrop on other conversations, get a free meal because back then journalists for the most part weren’t celebrities with huge salaries and just to get a feel for the upcoming campaign from one side. If any of the GOP candidates invited the same guest list you’d probably get the same response.

  3. @Dianny October 18, 2016 at 1:01 pm

    > The level of arrogance and entitlement is astounding.


    (Well, I guess if you really believed there was going to be a “contest.” But, if I’m the co-CEO of Chipotle, and I walk into a Chipotle, and ask for a burrito, I wouldn’t be surprisaed to be handed one.)

  4. Damn, I’m ticked. I’m not a journalist but I play one on the internet (better than the real fake thing by the way) and I was not invited. I sure did want that free lunch the DemocRATs talk about so much!

  5. @ Dianny
    ” They knew from the get-go, even before she announced, that the nomination belonged to her. The level of arrogance and entitlement is astounding.”

    She hardly hits the campaign trail now. So, does it mean she knows the white house belongs to her?

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