​ President Trump Offers Assistance to Stop Mass Killing in Chicago – Letter to Governor and Mayor – IOTW Report

​ President Trump Offers Assistance to Stop Mass Killing in Chicago – Letter to Governor and Mayor

CTH: Chicago has been under Democrat political control for two generations.  The murder rate amid black communities is horrific.  No-one has done anything to stop the crime and violence and it continues to escalate.

Yesterday President Trump wrote a letter to Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot offering assistance from his administration: READ

14 Comments on ​ President Trump Offers Assistance to Stop Mass Killing in Chicago – Letter to Governor and Mayor

  1. Ramona, my guess is that BLM is skeered to tangle with Shitcago thugs. Besides they don’t want to interfere with the phenomenal job of turning it into a more hellish hole than the dems already have.

  2. someone sent me this on FB makes a lot of sense
    Many people are looking at this anarchist situation in Seattle and asking “WHY is nothing being done?”.
    THIS IS BAIT for President Trump. Just in case anyone needs a primer, under our system of government, use of the national guard in a state is the responsibility of that state’s governor. Many people believe that the president is the one who activates the guard for things like this. He can FEDERALIZE the guard, and bring them under his command, but it’s not his place to activate them for use when dealing with a state issue.
    If Trump reacts independently, it will be a violation of the 10th amendment and is an impeachable offense. So, think… why would the Governor’s and Mayor’s do nothing? 🤔
    Nothing is being done in blue states, because they WANT Trump to take the bait and deploy military forces.
    If he does that, then he owns the consequences, rather than these chickenshit and traitorous governors, and these same states will then beat his ass to death in the media, claiming that he is usurping states’ rights by using military force against the wishes of the states.
    Trump is correct in not taking this bait, but the downside of it is that people who misunderstand the states’ role in their use of their national guard will accuse Trump of doing nothing. The left will play that card too, in order to sway voters.
    What’s going on in Seattle is the State of Washinton’s problem to solve, not the federal government. Don’t think for a minute that the lack of any meaningful action on the part of the left is anything but a calculated move in these blue states. This is all about GET TRUMP. It’s never been about anything else.
    👉 Share to spread the word of law. Seattle is being worked by their own local government. And the people of CHAZ think they have the support of their local politicians. They’re just pawns!

  3. Maybe, they could break up the alliances between aldermen and the gangs. Instead of letting the gangs provide manpower, fundraising and security, maybe these lying thieving aldermen could do their damn jobs.

  4. @seaoh

    Totally agree and endorse your argument.

    Schmuck Chomper is having wet dreams and
    Puke-Lousy is drooling in her pants at the

    should POTUS Trump take their bait

    This will be a campaign issue
    unless the people are informed
    of their treasonous treachery

  5. I still think she looks like the victim of a Haitian voodoo ritual.

    I’m going to print out that disturbing picture and stab some pins through it to test my theory. Results to follow.

  6. “arm the citizens” That’s a laugher. Arm the same people that keep electing politicians like Lightfoot and Pritzer? The same ones that have ignored the 1 man crime wave in Springfield maned Mike Madigan? And who elected his daughter as Attorney General??

    What, just helicopter a couple of barrels of pistols over the city? I grew up there and everyone I keep in touch with has weapons except my REgressive sister who believes thats what the police are for and keeps voting for these worthless politicians. That’s the mentality you’re dealing with.

    So wake up bud. Nothing is being done because not enough people give a shit.

    This offer was DOA. If they wanted to do anything, like arresting people having a BBQ or walking/biking along the LakeFront, they’d do it.

  7. “arm the citizens” That’s a laugher. ”

    First of all, I’m not your Bud. Second of all, the animals doing the shooting are cowards. Sneak attack ambushing assholes. At any rate the possibility of receiving return fire will be a huge.


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