11 Ways To Get a Letter from the White House – IOTW Report

11 Ways To Get a Letter from the White House

Under the current administration? No thanks.
I’ll end up getting a visit from SS, among other things…

AtlasObsucra: As we all know, citizens of the United States enjoy certain unalienable rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, festive balloon drops, and the ability to leave our dogs millions of dollars.

But according to recent tradition, Americans receive certain unalienable courtesies, too—like the occasional birthday card from the Commander in Chief, typed out on impressive stationary so that we can show it off to our friends. It turns out that, with planning and a bit of patience, it’s not terribly hard to get snail mail sent to you from the White House.

The last 15 presidents have responded to fan mail with branded stationary—in the late 1870s, Rutherford B. Hayes took to sending admirers a simple card emblazoned with “EXECUTIVE MANSION, WASHINGTON,” and signed and dated in his loopy hand. Over the next century or so, as the duties of the office grew, presidents started farming out their signatures to volunteers and autopens. These days, such requests are handled by the White House Greetings Office, who have the whole thing down to a science, sending out congratulation cards ‘from’ the First Family “in accordance with long-standing guidelines,” as it says on their website.

If you know those guidelines, though, the rest is easy.


7 Comments on 11 Ways To Get a Letter from the White House

  1. I’ll wait for approximately six months. If things go south, I’ll be waiting forever, because if they do, toast is on the menu for the foreseeable future.

    I’d like to snag something for my parents. They had friends in the Civil Service who worked at the WH and used to get a Christmas card every year. Between retirement and the purge, but mostly the purge, no more. It would be kind of neat, but again, in about six months. Anything sooner? I would so hate to see good stationery go to waste.

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