11-Year-Old California Girl Becomes Youngest Graduate of Irvine Valley College – IOTW Report

11-Year-Old California Girl Becomes Youngest Graduate of Irvine Valley College

Breitbart: An 11-year-old California girl has broken the record for youngest student to graduate from Irvine Valley College — just a year after her older brother set it.

FOX 11 Los Angeles cameras just had to come out to record little Athena Elling’s graduation ceremony as she walked across the stage last week with other students who towered over her.

After proudly accepting her Liberal Arts associate’s degree, she jokingly told the outlet, “I’m really, really happy and excited because I got to beat my brother’s record.”

Her brother, Tycho, became the youngest student to graduate from Irvine last year, also at 11 — but at the time he was six months older than Athena is. more

9 Comments on 11-Year-Old California Girl Becomes Youngest Graduate of Irvine Valley College

  1. ““I really want to be an actress or maybe like a divorce attorney, [or] an allergist, because I myself have allergies and eczema,” she told reporters when asked what her career plans are.”

    …God bless her for managing to succeed despite the DEI handicap of being White, but you can see by this rather wide swing in career choices that the life experience that SHOULD be concomitant with a degree is absent in one who hasnt reached puberty yet, let alone actually know anything about the world.

    And sure, theres time if theres money, but “Liberal Arts” isnt career track for MD, a degree is totally unnecessary for “Actress”, and I would HOPE one of such tender years isnt corrupt or cynical enough to go into what pretends to be “Law” in the year of our Lord 2024.

    Two of those have a high burnout rate even if you DONT start a decade early, and a 15 yo intern isnt going to inspire a lot of confidence in patients or patient familes even IF theyre hardened to the nasty realities of human illnesses and injuries, which most arent.

    God bless her for being an achiever, but maybe she should spend some time being a child first.

    Life is only learned by living it.

    And the vast majority of those lessons arent available in a lecture hall.

  2. Diploma Inflation.

    The abuses of Early enrollment and concurrent enrollment programs for Secondary Ed. students has made Higher Ed. a farce…more of a farce.

  3. Either she’s a super genius….or the degree requirement have dropped that much.
    I suspect the latter.
    Suggested reading (check it out of the library)
    There are some chapters near the beginning of RAHeinlein’s “In Pursuit of the Pankera” (2020), where the protagonist Zebediah Carter explains how he got a worthless degree (education?) without doing ANY course work. And this was in 2020. I’ll have to re-read & see if there’s a parallel chapter in RAH’s earlier work “Number of the Beast-” (1980).

  4. We had one at the college I went to. The parents and staff were absolutely clueless regarding the damage they were doing to him. Actually they just didn’t give a damn. He was a smart little fellow, but drank from the prog kool aid. He was also an apple polisher and a goody two shoes.


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