157 Years Ago Today: The First Shot At Gettysburg Is Fired – IOTW Report

157 Years Ago Today: The First Shot At Gettysburg Is Fired


Garry Adelman and Dan Davis of the American Battlefield Trust discuss the First Shot Marker at Gettysburg, marking the beginning of the battle on the early morning of July 1, 1863. This video is the first of our three day Gettysburg extravaganza so be sure to stay tuned for more! Watch

15 Comments on 157 Years Ago Today: The First Shot At Gettysburg Is Fired

  1. I think the reparations crowd needs to read this, how many white Union soldiers died to keep this nation intact, and free for all people. As most of us know, (those of us that learned something in school) this is just one battle of so many.

    The mayor of Seattle just showed the BLM bastards that they better not be marching at her house. CHAZ being taken over by Seattle’s cops this morning.

  2. The movie Gettysburg with Jeff Daniels as Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlin of the 20th Maine Division is one of my favorite Civil War movies. I may have to get out my DVD of it and watch it again. The fight at Little Round Top where the 20th Maine fought off (by running at the Confederate soldiers with nothing but fixed bayonets) and won by keeping the Confederates from flanking them and overrunning the Union’s position was probably one of the pivotal points of the Civil War as well as Pickett’s Charge. It’s a very long movie and is well worth watching again.

    Daniels is great, but Martin Sheen as Robert E. Lee? – Dr. Tar

  3. Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlin is one of my heroes and had the best looking full bushy mustache of anyone ever. He won a Congressional Medal of Honor for his fighting at Little Round Top, was wounded severely and almost died later in the war and was on General Grant’s staff when General Robert E Lee surrendered at Appamatox in April 1865.

  4. I don’t know why the statue destroying America hating leftists are mad at General Robert E. Lee as he purposefully lost the battle of Gettysburg and hence the Civil War!

  5. Great movie, but Daniels is such a flaming libtard now it’s hard for me to watch. He was perfect in the role, but reality bleeds over into fantasy for me and it ruins the film. Kinda like some stupid thing you said 20 years ago can ruin your career…

  6. …I’ve been to Gettysburg. One of the most awesome things you could do there was simply walk the fields. Going down into the Devil’s Den then climbing between the boulders up the daunting hill towards the Federal position would be absolutely TERRIFYING under a withering fire and with a slow-loading heavy rifle and NO sidearm, and I got tired just WAlKING it on a sunny Spring day. You could then switch sides at the road crowning the Federal positions and consider those hardened veterans purposefully and skillfully negotioating all that cover with the sun glinting from their bayonets as they level and fire, think about the thick, obscuring fog of gunpowder smoke, and consider how they could be flanking you at any time because the hellacious battle din makes it impossible to even hear a shout.

    …and that’s just ONE battleground, you should walk Pickett’s route in from the field from Confederate lines to the Cospe of Trees into the very muzzles of Meade’s looming cannons that would have been whickering shotgun blasts of grapeshot through the Confederate ranks and imagine how awesome and terrible THAT was for BOTH sides as the Federals faced massed, long bayonets coming right AT them and their slow-loading weapons…

    …their Civil War was about territory.

    Our will be about mobility.

    It will be just as savage, but our weapons are better.

    Walk those fields. Consider that courage.

    And whether YOU can be the equal of it in the dark days ahead…

  7. The South should have never fought at Gettysburg, they lost the war there when they very will could have won it if they’d moved on to attack Washington DC instead.

    Learn a lesson, only fight the important battles that will add up to a win and back off from major ones that stand in the way of it.

  8. …you can also argue that Gettysburg was the training ground of Fake News, if you’ve seen the “Devil’s Den Dead Sharpshooter”…

    “Gardner and his assistant, Timothy O’Sullivan, actually staged that dramatic scene by moving the dead soldier, who was not a sharpshooter but a common foot soldier, from another location in Devil’s Den to the barricade to create a dramatic tableaux, complete with carefully dressed accessories that included the musket, accoutrements, and uniform items. Gardner and Sullivan took two plates of the Confederate at the wall, one of which was a stereoview. The fact that the corpse was photographed in two separate locations went unnoticed for nearly a century until Frederick Ray, an illustrator for Civil War Times, wrote the short article, “The Case of the Rearranged Corpse” in the October 1961 issue of this magazine.”


    …fake news, even THEN. Didn’t change anything THEN, but set the stage for lying media NOW.

    …and, as with the weapons, the technology has made the LYING much easier, TOO…

    …side note: they let you go, at least in 2015, right into where this picture was posed. Somewhere, there’s a picture of ME in the same place and pose (sans rifle).

    …which I kind of hope I never see again, it’s actually pretty unsettling…

  9. …as for the “reparations” crowd, I’ve also been to the National Cemetary at Gettysburg, and many, many other cemetaries scattered over many states besides, and I’ve seen something they should see there.

    Whatever debt was owed, it was paid for long ago.

    In Blood.

    You can go to any of those cemetaries to see your the reciepts any time you’ve a mind.

    They usually are quite humble, just a name and a rank in many cases, and sometimes no more than the word UNKNOWN and a count of the battle dead below.

    Not much to look at, those reciepts.

    But they cost THESE men EVERYTHING.

    So YOU are owed NOTHING.



  10. I haven’t been to Gettysburg yet but I have been to Arlington. They are both hallowed ground paid for in blood of all the brave men who died fighting for our country. No reparations are needed for slavery because it was was paid for in the blood of over 600,000 men who died to end slavery in America. And we of this generation are not responsible for the sins of our ancestors. The 2 other places that are hallowed ground are the American cemeteries at Normandy and at Bastogne that I’d like to visit someday as well.

  11. @geoff the aardvark – been to Gettysburg and Arlington, have not been to the cemeteries in France yet, but when I went to the Battle of Little Big Horn many years ago, my hairs were constantly standing up, VERY eery..

    BTW, Gettysburg while obviously a cemetery and a battlefield, is actually the largest sculpture ‘park’ compared to anything like it, in the WORLD.


  12. I am at most a 2 day drive away from the Little Big Horn, maybe I should make a road trip there to see where Custer and the 7th Cavalry were wiped out by the Sioux. And while driving I can listen to Gary Owens and the Girl I Left Behind etc. Ghost, I’m sure you’ve seen the episode of the Twilight Zone where a US Army tank on maneuvers gets unstuck in time time and ends up at the battle of the Little Big horn and the soldiers/national guardsman end up also getting killed by the Sioux.


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