178 illegal immigrant detainees in Texas facilities have the Mumps – IOTW Report

178 illegal immigrant detainees in Texas facilities have the Mumps

DC: At least 178 immigrant detainees in Texas facilities were suffering from confirmed cases of mumps as of Feb. 21, the Texas Tribune reported Friday, citing the Texas Department of State Health Services.

Five additional cases of mumps have been identified among detention facility employees, the outlet also reported.

Lara Anton, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of State Health Services, told Amarillo’s ABC 7 in an email that patients range in age from 13 to 66, and that “there has been no reported transmission to the community.”

Anton added that officials do not know the vaccination status of adult detainees nor children traveling with those adults. Unaccompanied minors, on the other hand, are vaccinated when they are detained.

Seven cases of mumps were identified in a Houston Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in early February, according to the Associated Press. At the time, officials said there was no evidence the illness had been transmitted outside the facility.  more here

12 Comments on 178 illegal immigrant detainees in Texas facilities have the Mumps

  1. I remember the mumps from when I was ten. I stayed home from school and practiced saxophone and listened to music, thick neck and all.

    Give them all kazoos and teach them to hum God Bless America…and then send them packing! They can caravan back to where they came from humming La Cucharacha.


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