2 Teens Arrested for Robbing Nine-Year-Old’s Lemonade Stand – IOTW Report

2 Teens Arrested for Robbing Nine-Year-Old’s Lemonade Stand


Breitbart: Two Florida teens were arrested Wednesday after authorities say they robbed a lemonade stand, KXAN reports.

Nine-year-old Lucas, joined by other neighborhood kids, operated a lemonade stand at the apartment complex where he lives in Hillsborough County, FL.

Things were going well at the lemonade stand until Lucas was robbed.

“I did pretty well. I made $13.41 and then I got robbed by two people. They took all the money and then they took my iPod,” Lucas told KXAN.

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Deante Small, 19 year-old thief—>


14 Comments on 2 Teens Arrested for Robbing Nine-Year-Old’s Lemonade Stand

  1. @Blink December 31, 2016 at 10:17 am

    > [H]ow dare they! Don’t they know the government wants a monopoly on shutting down a child’s lemonade stand!

    WANTS!? How dare YOU! The Government already has, by a-divine right, a monopoly on shutting down EVERYTHING! (That hasn’t been duly licensed, by the purchase of appropriate indulgences, subject to change without notice, your rights may vary.)

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