February 2016 – Page 23 – IOTW Report

History of Solar Power

Friday, 19 February 2016, 21:00 MJA 6

As a technology that has been around for well over a century, solar power is neither novel nor new. CFP: The power of the sun is what makes life on [Read More]

Bern It To the Ground

Friday, 19 February 2016, 20:15 BFH 8

The Feral Irishman was taken with a reader’s comment at AngryWhiteDude where the guy said that he’s planning on voting for Bernie Sanders just so we can get the destruction [Read More]

пиво run

Friday, 19 February 2016, 19:30 BFH 14

https://twitter.com/nourlnews/status/699180823640207360/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw Unless you can read Russian you might not know what’s going on in this pic. Click more.

Special Ed PAC Folds

Friday, 19 February 2016, 15:45 Dr. Tar 10

After leaving MSNBC, Ed Shultz founded Americans for a Strong Middle Class, a super PAC that is very pro union. In three months of operations it managed to raise ??????? [Read More]

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