The Party in Power Did Not Stop Obama. Why? – IOTW Report

The Party in Power Did Not Stop Obama. Why?

Yes, this was already posted by Pinko attributing the proper author, Wayne Allyn Root.


Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama? Don’t you wonder why John Boehner and Mitch McConnell talk a big game, but never actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the purse strings, yet has never tried to de-fund Obamacare or Obama’s clearly illegal executive action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre, right? It defies logic, right?

First, I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed. Secondly, I believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are having affairs, or secretly gay, or stealing taxpayer money, the National Security Agency knows everything.

Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money from his own bank account. The NSA, the SEC, the IRS, and all the other three-letter government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They surveil everything. Thirdly, many Republicans are petrified of being called racists, so they are scared to ever criticize Obama or call out his crimes, let alone demand his impeachment. Fourth, why rock the boat?  After defeat or retirement, if you’re a good old boy, you’ve got a $5 million-per-year lobbying job waiting. The big-money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose, they win.


Who represents the upsetting of this apple cart?

Maybe it’s Ted Cruz. Maybe not.

– See more 

ht/ kpark

39 Comments on The Party in Power Did Not Stop Obama. Why?

  1. I think somewhere there is a giant bunker.
    The Power behind the Powers is selling tickets and the price is loyalty.
    “You do this next, then you do that, or you’ll be outside when we let loose the culling agents. You don’t want to be outside, do you? Out there with the mob? Scratching and clawing? Didn’t think so. That’s a good boy, feels good to be part of a team now doesn’t it Son?”

  2. explains why fox news (& little Ricky Robato) went after Trump so hard in the last debate…. Cruz jumped in too….

    …but then again, Trump fell for it

  3. Trump can’t wait to open up libel laws and limit free press and he has seen what Obama has gotten away with on executive orders and he wants to try his hand.

    Why Bill thinks Trump will upset cart is funny. Trump is part of the corrupt system and funneling money and praise to mainly liberals and to super PACS that are anti tea party. So he is not going to upset any balance but will keep playing the game he has always played.

    I love Bill but he is wrong on this

  4. Molon fox and CNN wouldve done the same to Cruz if he had fraud lawsuits or had flipped flopped on so much. In fact they have done it to all that flipped or supposedly flipped.
    So poor little Trump is getting mistreated? I don’t buy it and it’s laughable.

  5. They share the same agenda. The GOP E picked the weakest possible candidates to face him. He is a beard, as they plan for Hilary to be, advance global governance and socialism while maintaining the illusion of a two party system for the dead enders.

  6. They know the press is corrupt and will sacrifice itself to promote and defend Dems.

    They assume the general public is dumb and is easily manipulated easily by the press.

    So they never serious try to oppose Obama and the radical left’s agenda.

    It’s only when the roof falls in and there is a total disaster that the press actually shuts up and gets out of the way to let the adults clean up the mess, but they left and their captured institutions will blame Conservative for the disasters they make every chance they get.

  7. @jp ~ really? where were all the ‘gotcha’ Cruz videos, graphics & charts?

    they wanted to take Trump down… Cruz would get the same treatment if he were/becomes the front-runner

  8. Seriously, the race hustling industry is booming.
    All agenda driven.

    The republicans in charge have bought in hook, line, and sinker.
    Those bitches are running scared.
    Go against the black man with his pen and phone?
    They dare not.
    Call them a racist and the bitches cower behind Sharpton.

    Watch any TV show, movie, commercial, etc.
    Many have black men and white women couples as the norm.
    They all have to have the quota, even when it is a predominantly white endeavor.
    Supergirl gets with black Jimmy Olsen
    Peggy Carter gets with black scientist
    White Girl in NBC’s Blindspot has a new black superman
    Survivor has a black guy that resembles Obama, on the smart tribe of course
    A new show has white girl and black girl lesbians

    The Academy Awards next year will be all black winners.

    Until someone pushes back this shit will divide us completely.

  9. Is Cruz clean?
    You have to look at works. As my senator he has done exactly what he said he would do and agree with most of it.
    So I would take him over Trump any day because his views and policies have been steady for years and he has defended US sovereignty, 2nd Amendment, and state rights before the supreme court. So with his works in the past fighting for liberty, his constitutionalist views and fighting GOPe like he said he would as senator I would say he is clean or much cleaner than Trump without the skeletons in the closet that the Dems will bring out in general.

  10. Molon
    That tried to say Cruz flipped on gang of 8 with video. Then Megan had to admit she was wrong in debate because they lied about his stance.

    They went after Rubio as well with video on gang of 8 and rightly so. So Trump isn’t the only one.

    Fraud lawsuits and flip flops are fair game. Especially when they happen within a year or weeks. The hard hitting stuff was warranted. He gets double the news time than anybody and it is not negative all that time either.

  11. Bennett makes sense. When you think about it, in 2012 we gave the Republicans the majority in the House and what became of that?
    Then in 2014 we gave them the majority in both the House and the Senate and what have they done with it?
    Nuthin. Zero, Zip, Nada, Goosegg, that’s what!
    Now we have a choice between a business man and professional politicians.
    Fool me once, shame on you.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.
    Fool me three times?
    It’s time to shake thing up, big time!

  12. JP
    Statistically it can be proven 99.9 percent of attorneys that venture into the political arena never accomplish anything. Particularly when they come from an Ivy League school where you don’t excel unless you are a progressive. Some are even married to people that are entrenched in the finance world.

    It can also be statistically proven that non attorney politicians can make a positive contribution to our country.

    Tell me where I’m wrong.

  13. @jp ~ my point is they tried to bring Trump down much more than anyone else on stage …. they had 2 vids on Kasich too (they wanted him out to help Robio) … because Trump was leading & establishment will do anything they can

    … expect the same for Cruz if he starts leading

    (& Kelly lied about the ‘D’ rating of Trump College; she’ll lie about Cruz if/when he leads)

  14. Poor widdle Twump!
    Always getting picked on in debates.
    I guess that is why nobody calls him out on cheating by breaking the rules against talking to his handlers. During the last debate he was so brazen the handler walked right up on stage rather than breaking the rules offstage as he did in the other debates.
    Yeah, FOX had it in for him so badly that they let it happen.
    FOX also gives him more free air time than all the other candidates combined. What a way to unfairly knock the guy out.
    To be fair, CNN and MSNBC like Trump more, so FOX should try harder. They even let him screen questions and FOX doesn’t.
    So, FOX is bad, get your news from MSNBC and NPR so that everyone knows you are on his side.

  15. Brad, I imagine Trump employs a thousand attorneys.
    That is fine but to paint Cruz with the same brush of ambulance chasers is crap.
    To beat the system in place you need to have the knowledge.

    Face it, 0bama may leave his phone & pen behind but he won’t leave his Black Shield.

  16. Loco,

    Take the emotion out of this. Trump does employ a bunch of attorneys. Just another tool. Everything I wrote above is accurate. Stop listening to what they say for now, and look at where the candidate came from and what they’ve achieved.

  17. Molon I agree completely that media will go after the guy leading.

    They have attacked all the front guys. If it’s a legit issue like flip flopping I’m fine with it but you do it to everyone.

  18. Molon is right we should be talking about implications mad In story.
    I thought this was totally a weird thing for Bennett to write so this something else. I’m confused. So who wrote it.

  19. Implications of the story?
    As near as I can tell, it is a fraud perpetrated by someone who’s opinion most rational people would ignore.
    Why didn’t he go balls out and claim Ronald Reagan wrote it today?
    Had he done that I would have tried to read it as satire rather than the paranoid ramblings that it was.
    People that are confused about why things are happening the way they are just do not understand politics.
    In a nutshell; There is not a national conspiracy involving 10s of thousands of people all keeping the same secret for years and years.
    If you want to see this kind of thing on full parade, just hang out at huffingglue for a few days.

  20. The “See more” link to Bill Bennett’s article is a must-click. An incredible article that explains more than you can stomach about the Republican Party, Obama, and why the establishment is so afraid of Trump. Please read.

  21. Knock-out drops in their drinks, when they come to they are shown pictures of themselves naked and in bed with a minor. There would be no way to recover from that.

    Maybe we’ll get some death bed confessions later on.

    Fuck ’em all. Tear it down and start from scratch with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as templates. And all the fucking lawyers in prison. And if you think that is a cheer for Trump, Trump would be defenseless without his team of lawyers. All the motherfuckers in prison!

  22. Has anyone seen the “other” stuff on the website this piece was written on? Go to the main Site and you’ll know what I mean. ULTRA CREEPY!

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