Schlichter: The Establishment Flunkies Flunk Out – IOTW Report

Schlichter: The Establishment Flunkies Flunk Out

Kurt Schlichter: All human institutions are essentially a reboot of high school, and within the political scene the Never Trumpers are convinced that they are the cool kids despite being the chess club of American politics. No, they aren’t the cool kids. They’re geeks, they haven’t won a tournament in years and, more importantly, they’re the freaking chess club.

In contrast, we normals are just that, the members of the student body who have lives and after-school jobs and girlfriends and who don’t care about the dorks padding their resume with student body presidencies or, in this case, jobs at the Eagle Liberty Council for Freedom. Except now we normals have been forced to pay attention because the would-be in-crowd has so totally screwed things up that there’s no real choice but get involved in campus activities and burn down the whole damn schoolhouse.

Trump is the torch, and the Fredocons in the chess club are panicking because when the school goes up in flames so does their identity. And their meal ticket.

But they brought it on themselves. You can’t get “F” after “F” after “F” without eventually flunking out. What have these guys achieved? The clowns they support in Congress can’t even repeal Obamacare. That’s a total no brainer, and therefore should have been right up their alley.

We normals are sick of being looked down upon and exploited by a bunch of people who, if this was a movie, would be played by James Spader – except trainwreck 2017 James Spader, not louche/suave 1986 James Spader. I guess that makes Bill Kristol the Nepo-Con Duckie, if Duckie was a less-cool, backstabbing deep-state-loving weasel trying to sell Molly Ringwald a cabin on one of his crappy cruises.

In place of trying to earn respect by demonstrating competence, they’ve chosen to try to diss us into submission. George W. Bush decided to go all Mean Girls in a speech that insulted his (former) supporters while delighting the left, and therefore the Never Trumpers. Now, if you read W’s speech on paper, every word of it about bigotry being bad is true. But you give speeches in context, and here the context is decades of leftists and their media poodles falsely accusing the normals of racism and bigotry. So when W adopted that language, he also knowingly or negligently adopted that narrative; the former newspaper and current brochure known as the L.A. Times crowed: “In stunning attack, George W. Bush rebukes Trump, suggesting he promotes falsehoods and prejudice.”


And so, of course, the supporters of this Trump guy are therefore….  Well, you get the picture. That is, if you’re not being willfully obtuse, like the Fredocons, who were delighted that Bush decided to break his 16 years of super-principled silence in the face of liberal attacks to slander the very people who had voted for him and defended him. If being “principled” means letting liberals use you like a slit trench then trashing the people who had your back to please the people using you like a slit trench, you can keep your damned principles.

  The Rest Is Here

11 Comments on Schlichter: The Establishment Flunkies Flunk Out

  1. I wonder if Bill Kristol has ever had dirt underneath his fingernails? Besides his favorite thumb. I wonder if he could ever change a flat tire. I wonder if Little Fat Billy has ever had to tell employees you need to cut their hours even more because all the work was going off shore. But hay, I guess as long as him and his faggot Globalist buddies are doing OK. Or not.

  2. was gonna say that high school was shooting too high … but on reflection, Kurt is correct … once they’ve gone through jr. high, with all their teachers telling them they are so special it’s high school where these fucktards start to think that their insipid thoughts, juvenile behavior & asinine ideas actual will create a ‘New World Order’ w/ them in charge of the Enlightenment … it’s no wonder they think the way they do
    they haven’t altered their opinions of themselves one bit since then … they have always so been enamored by their own brilliance that they are blinded by the thought that they could be wrong

  3. Mayhap Bush was starting to get that people loathed him for all the damn money he spent, so he figured, “Might as well try to kiss arse and get in with the cool kids.”

    What other explanation for the reality that for eight years he said not word one about the bulls** Obummer pulled and yet a year here can’t go by without him getting on his knees under the Democrat bleachers?

  4. Is there not going to be a betting pool for who was the Republican helping the DNC fund Fusion GPS? Because it’s going to be the Bushes or McCain at the end of the day.

    Who has a bunch of money laying around to thrown in with Democrats. Hrm. Fake war hero who married a billionaire and nurses grudges like a maternity ward with his effeminate nancyboy groupies Graham, Flake, and Corkboy?

    Or disgruntled, entitled dynasty spurned, after all they did for us, for lack of energy and $75 salsa bowls?

  5. Brad, I doubt he even drives himself and if the car gets a flat tire he probably blames the driver. Illegals probably mow his yard and clean his house.
    His kind look down on us and we’re not as stupid as they think we are. One of my favorite moments during the primaries was when all these GOP candidates were at the state fair in their brand new blue jeans, plaid shirts and shiny boots and Trump shows up in his helicopter dressed in his real version of casual wear.
    I’m sure those like Bill thought he was going to turn off rural voters and the working man because they were too damn stupid to get who turned us off and why.

  6. Old Racist White Woman

    It’s hard to be mentally sharp when you never exercise and you never argue your point against a legitimate foe. I bet most days he never gets out of his bath robe. Just sobs all day, except when the soaps are on.

  7. Great essay. I agree with every word, with the exception of one sentence in the last paragraph…”the republican party has changed”. That, unfortunatly, is yet to be seen.
    The truth of it is, IMHO, the Normals need to abandon the uniparty and form the Normal Party, and elect Normals to office, not lifetime career politicians, not members of the millionairs club, not elitist Harvard snobs with questionable credentials. Actual, normal Normals that know how to get things done. Grass roots orginizations like the tea party and others were on the right track, but at the time, didnt have a way to get their un-adulterated message out to the masses. The MSM still held the reins of info distribution, so….
    Mr. Trump got elected by saying the things that we Normals wanted to hear, chief among them “drain the swamp”. Too bad after it is drained, the smelly bottom slime, choked with entrenched weeds, still will remain.
    I cannot tell you how it should happen, but heavy equipment needs to be deployed to fill that swamp in completely. The Founders were forced, due to the communication tech of the times, to meet in a central hall to make the decisions that shaped the future of our land. Pres. Trump has shown that it possible to get the message out to the people, MSM be damned. We Normals had better start thinking along those lines, and sooner rather than later, or we will still be bitching about how “things are” 30 years from now.
    If we havent been nuked into oblivion by then, that is.
    My fellow Normals, time to put up, or shut up.

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