48.9% of Union Members Worked for Government in 2016 – IOTW Report

48.9% of Union Members Worked for Government in 2016

(CNSNews.com) – The percentage of all American wage and salary workers who belonged to a union dropped from 11.1 percent in 2015 to a record low of 10.7% in 2016, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But the percentage of all union members who worked for government in 2016 remained at 48.9 percent–the same as it was in 2015.

The BLS reported that approximately 14,555,000 wage and salary workers in the United States belonged to unions in 2016. Of these, 7,435,000 (or 51.1 percent) worked for the private sector and 7,120,000 (or 48.9 percent) worked for government.

The percentage of workers in the private sector who belonged to unions declined from 6.7 percent in 2015 to a record low of 6.4 percent in 2016.

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17 Comments on 48.9% of Union Members Worked for Government in 2016

  1. Government union work is workfare, pure and simple, except it produces no product and provides no (or little) service. It is the handing of taxpayers’ money to those who in effect do nothing to support this country.

  2. Off topic: Trump just had a press conference with supporters of judge Gorsuch. Wayne Lapierre on his left, head of Right-to-Life on his right. Democrats heads exploding in 3…2…1. 💥 I must be dreaming. Don’t wake me!

  3. “Unions Our My Cup of Tea”? Is this the class of workers we have in “are” government”?

    I’ve worked for the state government twice and both times (though second time way worse) there was a culture of bullying amongst supervisors, with the second time an outright hostile environment. I think what happens here is what occurs in other countries as well–the worst kind of people tend to get attracted to government work because it allows for the power trips and beating down of others who come onboard thinking they could actually do some work and have a good job. Worse, in so many instances, work doesn’t even get done.

    Government workers have a reputation for sloth, bad attitudes and no production, and it’s not without reason.

  4. Democrats and Unions feed each other.
    Government gives lavish benefits, pay raises and bonuses by contract and force private businesses who bid on federal contracts to use union labor.

    The Union spend $100s of Millions per year for democrat party candidates, provide kickbacks, phone banks, precinct workers, protesters, agitators and thugs to support the democrat socialist/progressives.

  5. I’ve never understood government unions. The purpose of a union is to protect the workers from abuse at the hands of management. But in the case of government workers, the government is the management and the workers actually work for the people (citizens). So you are creating an organization based on the belief that the government won’t treat its employees fairly and that employees must be protected from the people.

  6. Unions are rackets.
    They should be disbanded (and the leadership imprisoned) under RICO statutes – and the fact that they aren’t proves gov’t complicity in the scam.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I have a friend that works for a large metro hospital that used to be a county hospital. He has been there over 10 years and it changed to a for-profit hospital before he started. They still can;t figure out how to stay afloat without gov’t money.

    But about their unions – my friend is a white male supervisor. Whenever any of his employees need reprimanding, suspension or termination, he has to go through HR who is in the pocket of the union. Many (not all, but most) of his misbehaving employees are of a different melanin from him. Whenever management tries to deal with these employees, they are not allowed to give them the same type of reprimand, etc. as is given to other employees of a different color. And now all management must go through special training to “curb their white privilege”. Of course, HR calls it ‘sensitivity’ training.

    I hate unions.

  8. This is kind of skewed. ALL federal employees are non paying
    non participating members of a federal union and have no choice
    in the matter.
    What the pols use the “union” leadership for is a different
    matter and the employees have no say in that.
    So, there is a big part of that article that is bull shit.

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