$50 Minimum Wage Seriously Debated in California – IOTW Report

$50 Minimum Wage Seriously Debated in California

Fox News

A Monday night debate in California between several candidates vying for an open Senate seat included a question about raising the minimum wage to $50, an idea that one Democrat candidate has floated.

“In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report that very recently $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by,” Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee said when asked to defend her previous support of a $50 minimum wage and explain how it would be “sustainable.” More

34 Comments on $50 Minimum Wage Seriously Debated in California

  1. Because folks can’t get enough of those $45 Happy Meals at McDonald’s. LOL. Somebody OBVIOUSLY has a lot of stock in robotics companies, because those are the ONLY things going to be doing “minimum wage” work if something like this passes. There is truly a “ladder of success” in life. We all begin, when we have no real skills, on the bottom rung. Government keeps knocking the bottom rung off the ladder, working their way higher and higher to the point that nobody can get onto that ladder anymore…which is fine with them…they want more dependent voters anyway.

  2. ““In the Bay Area, I believe it was the United Way that came out with a report that very recently $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by,” Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee said”

    Well if you raise the minimum wage to $50.00 an hour The United way can re adjust that figure to $350,000.00. These people are clueless. She says this as they are closing fast food places left and right. Due to them raising the min wage for fast food employees to $20.00. Being stupid is one thing, being incapable of learning from your past mistakes need a new term. How about Libtard.

  3. If people were working a 40-hour week, it would work out to $104,000 a year – before taxes – which they claim is “poverty level”. But almost no one is working full time any more. Guess they should aim for $75 or $100 bucks an hour. Just to flatten the curve…

  4. Lee, a professional politician with no private sector experience, is an example of why professional politicians with no private sector experience should never be involved in economic decisions. Fortunately, I don’t think anyone else on the stage, including Schiff, would support a $50 minimum wage unless they want to fast-track the ruin of California.

    But if, for some reason, they do raise the minimum wage to $50 an hour, I plan to buy stock in UHaul.

  5. So people will actually have to learn how to cook their own food due to every fast-food place in Californicate closing. On the bright side there will be no more mass looting of these places.

  6. Governments can mandate any minimum wage they want, the actual minimum wage will remain where it’s been stuck for eternity -ZERO!! And with the government mandating $50/hr there won’t be any shortage of people earning the real minimum wage.

  7. No entry level jobs, no summer jobs for teenagers, no employment for low skilled workers and a lot fewer stores and services until inflation catches up to the price of labor. Seems like a winning formula to me.

    Good luck with $20 an hour minimum wage you have on the books now California. You’re not going to like it. Oh, and you should probably brush up on your Spanish, since illegals are going to be filling all those blue-collar jobs that qualify for minimum wage.

  8. Wyatt

    As you’ve probably already figured out, they’ll trot this idea right down to the “Guaranteed Living Wage” water trough so no one will never need to work again. Vote for me and I shall set you free. If brains were dynamite that bitch couldn’t blow her nose.

  9. Frankly I don’t think this is due to professional politicians with no private sector experience – yes that is a true statement, but I think this is the action of professional Communist politicians attempting to destroy Capitalism. Capitalism works on meritocracy in that you earn what you deserve. Letting the government mandate wages, let alone exorbitant, unrealistic wages is suicide!

  10. @Brad: you are correct sir. As Friedman observed, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

    We had made a decision to move from California to a state closer to family. It was a sad day when we left because I knew I would not be able to afford to move back even though I had done pretty well in my career.

  11. I remember my Dad’s first response when he heard someone on the news say “service economy” as manufacturing plants were shutting down and their jobs were moving overseas back in the 80’s. “Our country can’t survive with everybody serving each other fast food”. Like most sane people, he saw it back then.

  12. Jethro

    If you do not add value to something, you don’t have an economy. All your doing is passing money back and forth. But it’s also being bled off. Another big thing about manufacturing is what the micro/macro crowd likes to refer to as economic multipliers. Commonly known to you and I as a vendor base. Or job creators.

  13. JB_Honeydew

    You need to go by their definitions to understand where they’re trying to take us. Service based economy, everybody fixes and services everyone else’s copier. Except for their own. They call some one.
    Manufacturer. Machined all the parts for that F18.

  14. How about adjusting minimum wage based on individual family size. Single? Your min is $15. Nonworking spouse? Add $15 min. Add $5 per child.

    So a polyamorous melange of a dozen with a gaggle of kidlets could potentially pull down high six figures for basically busing tables and supervising a self-service line in the grocery.


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