6,000 Cruise Passengers Quarantined With Chinese Couple Possibly Sick With Coronavirus – IOTW Report

6,000 Cruise Passengers Quarantined With Chinese Couple Possibly Sick With Coronavirus

Jerusalem Post

Some 6,000 people are being kept on board an Italian cruise ship as tests are carried out on two Chinese passengers suspected of having caught coronavirus, a spokesman for the Costa Crociere cruise company said on Thursday.

The couple arrived in Italy on Jan. 25 and boarded the ship, the Costa Smeralda, in the port of Savona that same day. They subsequently came down with a fever and are suffering breathing difficulties.The liner has visited Marseilles in France, and the Spanish ports of Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca this week before docking on Thursday at Civitavecchia, north of Rome. More

18 Comments on 6,000 Cruise Passengers Quarantined With Chinese Couple Possibly Sick With Coronavirus

  1. If they have it and it is confined to a closely quarantined population of 6000 then we should know exactly how contagious and dangerous it really is within a couple of weeks.

    So let’s think of those passengers as guinea pigs and keep them confined on board and away from any outside influences till it runs its course and shows us exactly what we are dealing with and what to expect from it.

  2. Reminds me of this adobe flash player game:

    Play Pandemic 2 here, one of the best flash games ever made!
    Pandemic 2 is one of the best games of all time! Its your job to infect everyone in the world with your disease. Your virus starts out in one country and you have to spread it around to other countries, but these countries will shut down their borders if they start seeing a virus developing in another country. So they will close their airports and or boat harbors, there by disallowing you to spread your disease to their country. That means game over for you! There are things you can do such as mutate your disease to allow it to become airborn or make it able to live in water, but somehow this does not let your disease cross oceans to reach island countries that shut off their borders after the first sign of coughing in another country, but its whatever really! That’s what makes this game hard, its like your a ninja, a ninja disease trying to sneak into countries and kill everyone at once.


  3. How long can they stay isolated, people on board have to eat, their sewage tanks must have a limited capacity. Where do they dump their infected cargo? Get more food? Fresh water? Dump the gray water? There are several questions to answer.

  4. I would never get on board one of those
    floating cattle cars.Living 7 miles from
    a major cruise terminal we hear alot of
    horror stories in the Galveston newspaper.
    Like stomach virus that causes everyone to
    puke up all the piles of rich food they wolfed down…

  5. Last cruise I went on the first couple days everyone washed their hands after pissin n shittin and overall had decent bathroom manners. By day 3 and 4, dudes come in piss all over the terlit, shit all over the floor, terlit paper all over the place and hardly anyone washed their dirty mitts. Cruises are nasty germ infested virus holes no thanks to neanderthal drunktards.

  6. Hellfire and sandy applesauce Jimmy, my portfolio depends on global trade.

    Might as well stock up on non essentials since the price of…..:checks calculator:….everything is about to go up.

  7. Mask and glove futures, Aaron. Diversify into survival gear.

    For me, it’s 40′ ketches headed for Patagonia. Hey, it’s summer down there right now. Who wants to crew for me?

  8. “The liner has visited Marseilles in France, and the Spanish ports of Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca this week before docking on Thursday at Civitavecchia, north of Rome.”

    Uh oh.

  9. Panic and despair will set in on that cruise ship, unfortunately.

    Officials on land will prevent ANYONE (Italian citizens) from getting off that ship until they know what the effing deal is…


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