62 Richest = The Other Half – IOTW Report

62 Richest = The Other Half

Oxfam has declared that mankind has an inequality problem. In their latest report “An Economy for the 1 per cent,” they claim that the richest 62 people “own as much wealth as the poorest half of the world’s population.”



They are calling on the world leaders meeting in Davos this week to shut down tax haven nations to prevent the rich from stashing their money out of reach of income taxes.


The 62 Here


21 Comments on 62 Richest = The Other Half

  1. You are trying to hard, quit it. Maybe create some kind of foundation that you will still give you full control. Hide it under the name joe6pak no one would look for it there.

  2. Those with huge wealth that they created themselves I have utmost respect, admiration, and gratitude for. They have made the whole world wealthier.

    Those with huge wealth that they got via crony “capitalism” or by using the power of govt for their own enrichment, siphoning wealth from the productive, I have nothing but contempt and scorn for. Arrogant parasites.

  3. It seems that these greedy, envious bastards are missing a few statistics:
    . How many people living a good life would be plunged into destitution is these 62 disappeared?
    . How many of these ‘poorest half of the world’s population live in Communist, Islamic and black-run nations?
    . What percentage of the world’s athletes are in the NFL, NBA, etc?
    . What percentage of these 62 richest people are happy compared with that of the rest?
    . How many jobs would be lost if “tax havens” were eliminated and that money went instead to corrupt politicians?

    This article is absurd and its remedies for a non-problem are far more sinister than mere idiocy, they embody the worst of human vices and demagoguery. This is some Evil shit.

  4. Money isn’t static, it’s not finite. Just because someone else has it doesn’t mean you can’t get your own. Understand that point and you’ll understand why it’s pointless to show envy and jealousy attempting to count someone else’s money.

  5. Let those 62 people enjoy their wealth. Personally, I’m dirt poor but I don’t begrudge them one bit. I think the concept of income inequality is nothing but a socialist notion, an attempt at wealth redistribution, it’s un-American and I want no part of it.

  6. Oxfam values “fairness in outcomes” not “fairness of opportunity.”

    It’s how children think, not adults who realize we live in a Positive Sum World (these 62 people are generating more wealth, not taking from a limited level of wealth, the Zero Sum World).

    Perhaps Oxfam should focus on doing away with income taxes altogether and take away the incentive for the rich to stash their money in tax havens.

  7. What a bunch of pikers! Collectively they are worth about $1,610 Billion! That’s half the worlds wealth? Hell, Obama spends more than twice that every year, and he didn’t even make the list!

    You could take all their money, and not make a dent in just Obama’s addition to the national debt!

    It makes you wonder how we are gonna pay off that $20,000 billion in debt doesn’t it?

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