70% drop in refugees admitted into the United States under Trump – IOTW Report

70% drop in refugees admitted into the United States under Trump

Geller Report: There is a 72% drop of refugees admitted into the United States under President Trump. Refugees – totaling 27,975 – were admitted during Trump’s first year. But 99,275 refugees were admitted during Obama’s last year.1 Totals exclude Asylums2 and Special Immigrant Visas.3

The drop of refugees is attributed to Trump’s rhetoric. Despite legal challenges, the last relevant Executive Order 6 required a brief suspension of entry by certain travelers “to conduct a 120-day review 7 of the USRAP [United States Refugee Admissions Program] application and adjudication process … to determine, and implement, additional procedures to ensure that individuals seeking admission as refugees do not pose a threat to [our] … security and welfare.”

An ad hoc approach to refugee admissions and resettlement was intended via the Refugee Act (1980), amending the Immigration and Nationality Act (1952).8



Who is a refugee?

A “person who is outside…[his] country…, and who is unable or unwilling to return…because of persecution or a well-founded fear [thereof]…on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a…social group, or political opinion.” In consult with Congress, the President may specify a person (or class).8

Taxpayers’ burden for refugees’ “room and board”

In his earlier Executive Order,9 Trump requires two reports from the State Dept: (1) “a report detailing the estimated long-term costs of the USRAP … with recommendations … to curtail those costs”; and (2) “a report estimating how many refugees are being supported in countries of first asylum (near their home countries) for the same long-term cost as supporting refugees in the United States.” 10

Refugee Processing and Resettlement has cost (FY17), and will cost (FY18), estimated more than a billion dollars for each fiscal year.12 Last year (FY17), add social and medical services, the final cost is more than two billion dollars 13 in the Refugee and Entrant Assistance account.

Refugees are eligible for federal public assistance, such as:  READ MORE

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