8 Years – IOTW Report

8 Years

“Walk toward the fire. Don’t worry about what they call you. All those things are said against you because they want to stop you in your tracks. But if you keep going, you’re sending a message to people who are rooting for you, who are agreeing with you. The message is that they can do it, too.”

– Andrew Breitbart, 1969 – 2012

19 Comments on 8 Years

  1. I’ll never forget when he confronted Anthony Weiner at his press conference in NYC. Andrew Breitbart brought down Carlos Danger, and that eventually brought down President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton, when her e-mails were discovered on his wife’s computer. We all owe a great debt to Andrew Breitbart for his conservative activism.

  2. I was at Breitbart’s last blogger conference at. CPAC 2012 when he walked in with Bannon and David Bossie wearing Guy Falkes masks, back in the Occupy phase of the leftist movement. Andrew was tightly wound.
    He attended a party the week before at the home of bill ayers and bernadette Dohrn. And was dead two weeks later.

    I was on the front row and video recorded the whole thing. I sent this event to Big Fur on a DVD years ago.

    Maybe IOTW will publish it someday. It has historical significance. I used to run DisruptTheNarrative until I couldn’t stand running a blog. Because it’s hard.

  3. Andrew Breitbart believed that the advent of cell phone technology would empower everyday citizens to become citizen reporters with the ability to record and post what the so-called “main-stream media” would not, and finally erode the monopoly of the corporate leftist democrat media.

    He was a visionary, and he was right. We the people will overcome. Donald Trump is a testament to that.

  4. Thanks @MJA – for remembering, because I forgot!

    I consider myself fortunate enough to have browsed the website he developed himself after he left Drudge. It had this sepia kind of tone with a war college from the NE somewhere, not sure can’t remember the name right now (Norwich Academy?), as his major sponsor.

    Will never forget ‘where I was’ when I learned about his death. Thought to myself, ‘those effing bastards”.


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