Under the tenets of Sikhism, one can remove the turban only at home, during a bath – IOTW Report

Under the tenets of Sikhism, one can remove the turban only at home, during a bath

Two devout Sikhs, faced with a life and death situation, chose to save people drowning and removed their turbans to use as a lifeline.

I wonder if they would be willing to say “I’m not a Sikh” in order to save their own life?

turban 3


7 Comments on Under the tenets of Sikhism, one can remove the turban only at home, during a bath

  1. I’m with you on this one BFH. I remember an Ann Barnhardt post about the French Revolution and I think it was Nuns walking up to the guillotine asking to be decapitated. I thought that was a wholly stupid approach. It’s like lemmings going over the cliff. my God knows me. My God understands me. My God expects me to do what it takes to help my fellow travelers. If I did differently, my God would bitch slap me. We all understand our God differently, and our God accepts for who and what we are. Too many people think it is as black and white as the print on this screen, but it isn’t. People confuse guidelines with rules. We all have different interpretations.

  2. Other lives versus his life. Not quite apples to apples. In the final analysis you can quote the OT with “choose life”. (to lazy to give you chapter and verse but its there) and leave it at that. Fur I do think that the Creator of us all truly knows what is in your all of our hearts I think it boils down to whatever we would choose to do in that moment the big strike against us is if we make the statement because we were afraid of death.

    On one hand I have contempt for the proverbial JW who let their minor child bleed to death but on the other I respect (not agree with) an adult JW who chooses to bleed to death.

    Faith is a very personal thing and I’m for giving as mush latitude as possible. Except for any faith calls for my daughters to be forcefully circumcised or anyone disagree with said faith to be beheaded. Then F YOU Mohammedan & your soothsayer from hell and your rancid vile book.

  3. As I recall, Christ performed acts of healing on the Sabbath which was against Jewish law, and was condemned for it by the elders. I would equate that to what the Sikhs did. Confirming your faith at gunpoint is wholly different, all I can say is that I hope I never am faced with that challenge.

  4. Met a few Sikhs while trucking. Honorable, hard working and devout people descended from a warrior culture. They take their paychecks and convert them to gold, most of which they give to their temples. Very reserved, though, because most people (idiots) associate their turbans with Mohammedans, WHICH THEY ARE NOT!!!

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