Incident at Walmart – IOTW Report

Incident at Walmart

I’m not going to read this over, or edit it. I just want to blog this real quick. Sorry for any errors.

I had to go to Staples for some office supplies. On the way back I stopped at Walmart for Italian Ice. (I have a problem.) Lindy’s is the best.

I grab a box and head for checkout and it’s mobbed. I work my way to the 20 items or “less” aisle. (Should it be “fewer” or “less”? But I digress.) On line in front of me is this Spanish dude with a cart half full with all sorts of crap. It definitely has more than 20 items in it.

BigFurHat doesn’t like when people do not respect signs. Especially when 3 of his friends show up and start putting MORE stuff in the cart as we stand there. (The ol’ “I get on line and you continue to shop” trick.)

Instead of talking to these pricks I go to the girl at the register and ask, loudly, “I’m no math whiz, but are you going to let these guys stay on your line? They clearly have like 50 items.” (They did. They had all sorts of little items from the health and beauty aid section.) ((And Plantain chips.))

Now that I break the ice, the people who were behind me start chiming in. The Spanish dudes don’t even look at us. The cashier says, “we can’t do anything about it. We’ve been told not to say anything to any customer that gets on this line with too many items.”

God bless the little blonde girl with her boyfriend who says, really loudly, “if they were white you’d say something to them.”

I said, “that’s the problem, they don’t even understand English.”

Now the blonde girl starts yelling, “andale! andale!”

One of the Spanish dudes looks back at her and just slowly nods, as if to say, “say whatever you want, I’m doing what I want.”

Now she starts yelling about green cards and EBT cards and being sick and tired of people being too scared to stand up for what is right. She starts telling the cashier that she’s a pussy, and that she should grow some balls.

She asks for a manager. (Meanwhile, they are still ringing up all their stuff at the EXPRESS AISLE.)

The manager comes over and explains that it’s corporate policy to instruct cashiers to ignore customers that ignore the rules. They have a “no conflict” policy.

So I say, “would you have a conflict if I walked out of here without paying?”

The blonde says, “you’re white. They’ll lock your ass up.”

Now the blonde notices some of the items in the cart being checked out- Lubriderm and condoms. Now she starts yelling, “oh, great. Illegal faggots. We have to wait in line for the illegal faggots to whatever the hell they want. Walmart can’t upset the illegal faggots. Hands off the illegal faggots.”

Finally they leave, and then 3 or 4 more people pipe up. I say, “NOW? Now you say something? That’s the problem. Everyone is afraid to say anything. But this is it, people. This right here. You’re giving society away, including you, cashier lady.”

I stop at customer service to double check if it’s store policy to allow people to get on the express line with as many items as you want. The lady says corporate has told the employees not to get into confrontations with customers no matter what they do. Then she shrugged.

The story’s not over.

I take about 5 steps outside of Walmart and who is sitting on the trunk of their car waiting? That’s right. The illegals. And they are about 5 cars away from where I’m parked. (Nice luck, right?) So I stand there, looking at them. Smiling. Nodding. Not knowing what the frig I’m going to do. I stand there for about 2 minutes, acting like I’m waiting for a car, looking in the distance. I’m not that hard to spot. I’m wearing an orange golf shirt and a green Abercrombie fishing cap.

Now 2 other Spanish dudes show up on bicycles, and I see one of them motioning with their head towards me.

Not good.

I go back into the store to go see if they sell rifles. They didn’t. (I’m serious. This is what I thought of. I would have bought it, loaded it and walked out with it.)

As I’m walking around I see two of the guys that were in front of me on line come back into the store and they’re trying to figure out where I am. One sees me and motions to his friend.

I have to think real fast. (I had a phone, but I’m not calling the police. That would be useless.) I walked real fast past the men’s clothing and took a white shirt off the rack and headed for the other side of the store. Luckily, the Garden Center was open. I walked into the center and took off my orange shirt, stuffed that and my hat into the bag and put on the white shirt and exited through the garden center gate.

I walked deep into the parking lot so I could come around from the other side. It worked perfect. As I walked up to my car the Spanish dudes looked at me but didn’t even blink.

I got in my car and drove away.

What’s the moral of the story?

I need a gun.



98 Comments on Incident at Walmart

  1. You racist bastard, BFH! I like woulda ran interference for ya, and probably stuck their tires while I was at it. Better luck next time. Try knocking over their cart ‘by accident’ in front of the manager….and bring some friends with a good vid cam on their phone.

  2. Either a gun or keep stealing white shirts?

    I was actually called out by one of these non confrontational employees in the 20 items or less isle about 2-3 years ago. It was as we like to call them, affectionately, an Obamason.

    I was actually quite floored, didn’t know what to say. I think my gut reaction was that it was still positive he wasn’t throwing the stuff I selected 4 lanes over, let’s just GTFO, I got things.

    I do recall reading the receipt on my way out, 21 items purchased.

  3. I quit going there a year ago because of shit like that. The second you walk in there, it’s like being surrounded by 3rd world classless trash, and yes, US citizens too. I don’t care what color and what language they speak. Walmart is a magnet for disgraceful, illiterate subhumans- And some times, the employees are just as bad and worse! (Panorama City, CA and North Las Vegas in particular)

    In short. Good for you, glad you’re safe, fuck Walmart and everything they touch.

    Also, Fuck Walmart.

  4. The police will not help you now.
    I was at a convenience store at the beach the other day.
    We have a 35 MPH speed limit on front beach.
    A car blows by while I am getting in my car at 70 MPH.
    I don’t care what you do on the back beach roads but front beach has women with strollers, families trying to cross, runners, etc.

    A sheriff was parked right by me.
    I got in my car and noticed he was out of his cop car. Full uniform.
    I asked why a car can do twice the speed limit?
    He said ” I didn’t see anyone speeding”.
    I said “they just blew by”.
    I drove a bit more and then yelled back at him that “you need to do your job!”

    Well, that went over like a lead balloon.
    Anger filled his eyes and he said “you stop right there.”
    I drove off. Asshole couldn’t get back in his car fast enough to come fuck with me.
    I am a white boy, now the tables are turned. He could pound me into the pavement. (They always could, regardless of what the MSM says.)
    Or perhaps I would pull the Beretta I keep in my car and defended myself.
    Either way I avoided the bullshit interrogation.

    Funny thing is, the asshole got pissed at me while cars flew by his ass totally disrespecting him and his tin badge.

    Fur, a loaded weapon may land you in jail, or you may have that millisecond tinge, while your final breath vacates your body and your final thought is “what the fuck, all the shit I read about and write about everyday, AND I DO NOT CARRY A FUCKING GUN!”

    “Fair-well and adieu to ye FUR Spanish Ladies…”

  5. i have all kinds of woulda coulda shouldas but really I wasn’t there and have no idea how tense the situation really was. I’m not a scrapper by any means but the first thing is to remain calm and carry yourself in a don’t fuck with me way, regardless of your attire. The minute you turned your back they knew they had you. Too bad the loud mouth blonde didn’t come out that way.

  6. Too many of them. There were at least 7 by the car when the dudes on bikes showed up.
    I play lots of poker, and bluffed lots of pots.
    I’m not going to bluff that I have a gun when I don’t.
    Just because it worked in the Godfather…

    No, I had to McGyver my way out of this one.

  7. Whatever happens to you in the store’s parking lot or even inside the store doesn’t mean you’ll be protected under the law. They have a warm spot in their pants for illegals. Which is why when stuff happens in society regarding illegals and the chosen minority dujour, people have to get lawyers and sue the property for sky high amounts.

  8. Come on Fur, you live in Florida now.

    Headline: White-black-hispanic-American Indian, BigFurHat wasted a well-lubricated starfish dreamer for douchebaggery and general mayhem at a Walmart this evening.

    Florida stand your ground law (effective since Bush v Gore 2000) was allowed to stand.
    No charges will be filed.
    BigFurHat plans to return the crappy shirt he was forced to purchase since it was Hecho En Mexico…

    Film at 11

  9. @MJA – ‘illiterate subhumans’ – that’s what you get when you live among them. I live in flyover ccounter and our wal-mart is a wonderful place. Good down to earth people….courteous.

    i can buy rib eye steaks, bird seed, and underwear in one stop….and not be disgusted

  10. The worst part about our local Home Depot is that you have to negotiate the WalMart gauntlet to get there. I’m a rolling road rage case on a good day, and I constantly wonder why I haven’t plowed down a couple of denizens of WalMart along the way.

  11. Unfortunately, it happens even in the great neighborhoods. Porter Ranch CA as an example. Nice neighborhood with 500K + homes have a walmart at the bottom of the hills. (The town protested it) Within a year, the entire shopping center went to shit because that store imported illiterate subhumans. Had nothing to do with the people living inside neighborhood.

  12. If he’s changing his name to Jennifer Nova Femminaquashee, he has bigger problems than jail time for throwing rocks.

    BTW, I w hope tax payers dollars goes for makeup application instruction if he spends any time in jail.

  13. Guns aren’t for everybody. Next time go back in, find the sporting goods and buy an aluminum bat. Walk right the fuck up to them with no expression on your face with the bat hanging in you dominant hand. These ass holes are not athletes and they will split because they’re not taking the chance at even one of them getting their skull split.

  14. Bed, Bath & Beyond has a “don’t chase, don’t confront” policy on any shoplifters. People walk out of there with four or five Rumbas in a cart they haven’t paid for. B3 does have employees dedicated to searching Ebay for any stolen merchandise Majority of eBay posts are stolen goods.

    Glad you’re safe BigFurHat.

  15. You’re in Florida and don’t have a carry license and pistol yet?
    I’m ashamed of you.
    Go to your local range and try out a bunch of weapons, pick the one that fits you best and do the requisite paperwork. Practice–a lot. Take a combat shooting course–using a gun under duress isn’t something that is natural, it has to be learned.
    Be more confident and NEVER show or use the gun unless it’s a life or death situation.

  16. I live outside of ATL and drive in to work every now and then…..

    I have a CCW and always carry on my rides in…..

    I don’t very often carry in the ‘burbs, but I’m beginning to wonder about that policy……things are getting dicey all over.

  17. I have history with this, my solution at the time was to push past the overflowing cart, glare at the cashier, turn and glare at the miscreant, then the overflowing cart. Loudly slam the single purchase down and say: So, I’m breaking the rules too, want to do something? My brother, the police chief, or whatever you feel you can pull off, is on speed dial.
    It helps when you’re 6’4″ and carry at all times. Kind of like that hole card.
    If you are paying with plastic, run your card through and punch in the code, that will screw them up totally. The cashier will have to call the manager and it will be easiest to void the previous scans cause you just hung them up big time. Once you put in your digits, they cannot lawfully deny service.

  18. BFH, Google Florida Penal Codes relating to CCW. There’s probably 10 to 12. Read them and see what good a gun would have done you. Or, what you need to do to stay on the right side of the law. The idea that getting a CCW and a gun gets you a free pass to confront these assholes is misguided.
    I have an AZ ccw which allows me to carry in Florida. But before I’d travel there I would thoroughly review their Penal Codes.

  19. Had a run in with a very drunk,very large Indian(feather,not dot) about four years back that came very close to great bodily harm. I decided at that time that a cpl was a prudent idea. With all the weirdness out there right now,I don’t go anywhere that I can’t legally carry.

  20. A couple of years ago there was an incident at Walmart in the neighboring county, which made the national news. A guy who had just cashed his pay check at a bank inside Walmart was followed out by a guy who grabbed him from behind, stuck something sharp to his neck, and demanded he hand over his money or have his throat cut. As soon as the robber turned to walk away the guy who was robbed managed to draw his weapon and he shot him, killing him. He died on the threshold of the door going back into Walmart.

    No knife was found on the robber, but near by in the parking lot a pair of scissors were found. The sheriff charged the shooter because he shot the robber as he was moving away from him, which the sheriff said ended the threat of being injured or killed.

    Due to public protest about the charges they were eventually dropped. Well, sort of dropped. They were dropped with the string attached that they might refile charges later pending further investigation. afaik they never were.

    They were both locals, the guy robbed was a little guy who lives on the lower rung of the economic ladder, he walked five miles to work as a dish washer at a restaurant near the Walmart, who was frequently picked on, that is beaten up by bullies, which his why he armed himself.

  21. I worked at a walmart for a short time. 90 percent of the customers and 80 percent of the employees were on the left side of the bell curve. Corp. policy is to let customers do what ever they want. I could write a book about all the messed up stuff I saw in my two months there.

  22. HaHa. That brings back memories. About 10 years ago our phone rings at 1:00 am. It’s our neighbors asking for my help because some asshole parked his car on their front lawn while he was using their hose to refill his radiator. So I walk over there and it’s a drunk Injun. I say dude you got your car parked on these peoples lawn WTF? He starts saying something and poking me in the chest while he’s doing it. So I say “You know you’re pretty shit faced right?” He says yea I guess I am. So I told him “”Dude, you got your choice, sit down and wait for the cops to get here or I’m going to knock your ass out”. He sat down. My lovely little neighbors never came out of their house. Last time I ever do anything like that again. Manage your own shit

  23. I always stick an extra mag in my pocket before going into places like this. Stopped a liquor store from being robbed a couple years ago. Asshole never saw my weapon, but figured I was armed or crazy. Grabbed his empty loot bag and fled.

  24. WalMart has a policy, that if you buy a gun (rifles & shotguns do not require a waiting-period) in-store you cannot have it until the sporting-goods manager escorts your ‘merchandise’ to your vehicle ….been there, done that…..regardless, solves BFH’s problem, though
    …be sure to purchase ammo too.. 🙂

  25. Glad you’re safe.
    BRAVO on your courage and integrity to speak up.

    Yes, get a weapon, if you don’t already have one.
    But a gun would NOT have helped in your situation (9 guys).

    The only suggestions I could add would be:
    1) Crimson Trace lasers are a great accessory to a handgun, especially if you’re not an expert.
    2) Do consider both pistols and revolvers (many say “old school”, I say dependable)

  26. Best line I ever got from one of the neighbors –( a practicing Buddhist and absolutely non-violent)
    While I was loading the truck (4 0r 5 rifle cases, 2 pistol bags and the steel targets) for a trip to the farm where we shot, she called out to me “Have a good time and hit what you aim at.”
    A houseguest of hers said something about a neighbor with guns and the response was: “I could never be violent to another person—-but I have his number on speed dial.”

  27. There are so many comments, I didn’t read through them all so if I’m repeating, my apologies.

    Fur! You should have just come on to the guy. I’m sure you don’t need to speak a foreign language to let him know you’re into him. And he probably knew enough English to tell him you made a ruckus just so you could get on his radar and trade phone numbers.

    Make love, not war, then shoot him.

  28. Last time I broke my hand was on a Mexican’s head in a walmart parking lot. He followed me out of the store after an incident in an isle where his family had the shopping cart sideways blocking the isle and would not respond to me saying “excuse me”. I had turned my cart around and called him an asshole. He called me a pinche pendejo, so I advised him to go fornicate with his mother, in Spanish.
    I was looking for him when I left the store, and there he was behind me. I nailed his ass before he had a chance to strike, I could see he was going to, and he went down like a sack of shit. But I hit the bastard so hard it broke the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones in my hand. And that was the end of it. Could have saved my guitar playing hand if I had a gun.

    Today you are better off with a firearm. Especially if there are more than one asshole to deal with.

    You sound like a fun guy to shop with, BFH! 🙂

  29. And be as good as tried, guilty and hung before the first one’s head hits the pavement. I feel ya but that’s just how it is now. A no-win for Fur and the leatherboys knew it.

  30. I carry because ‘they’ do.
    Some people were irritable misanthropes before they got old and needed the protection.
    A CCW, and the Constitution, DO give you the right to defend yourself, if you feel you’re in danger. Your analogy is poor. Being a grumpy bastard on your part does not give another the right to violence on their part.
    1st and 2nd, go together, like peas and carrots, eh Forrest?
    I’m not a Bad Brad, do have some real bad boys on speed dial, eh?
    A close friend was recently raped, 62 yo stroke victim. The perp was glad to be taken into custody, safer there.
    Some of those bad boys went to the bond hearing, perp didn’t even try for bail, wise choice.
    “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.” – Robert A. Heinlein

  31. interesting piece. Does it actually work though? I mean, reliably? or is it like the first and last KelTec I owned, the small PF9, that never made it through a full mag without a misfeed of some sort?

    I dumped it for my Glock 19 that will eat anything.

  32. the walmart i go to looks as if it is located on the border of mexico, sierra leone, pakistan and the US . it is so
    culturally diverse it’s impossible to shop. in produce as the filthy shoppers touch every lettuce head, bean & banana .
    the meat is all tossed about & upside down. people who
    don’t speak english constantly replace goods on shelves
    that ot of place. clothing unhung on racks ..
    obama-sons pimpin’ about with their new
    dew’s in the middle of the afternoon. new sneakers, clothing,
    golden neckware, diamond earings a handkerchief to pat off the excess water from the stain of spending the welfare dollar.
    headscarves & stupid muslim caps here & there along with strange tounges chirping about like the lower level of the
    tower of babel.

    wallmart is a great american idea. it was never meant to
    be like this.

  33. I have driven across the country twice in the past 14 months. From LA and from Seattle. Spent a month doing it the first time and three weeks the second time.

    Both times we stayed off of the interstates as much as possible.

    Medium to small towns mom and pop stores and restaurants. All in all a wonderful experience.

    Most city dwellers have no idea how wonderful the “flyover” country really is….

  34. “my Glock 19 that will eat anything”

    LOL…. Yes they will… My 36 slim line would cycle a Buick….

    Thousands of rounds fired using all kinds of ammo, never a mis-feed….

  35. WalMart and Target in my town, a half mile apart. Same price on the common items, but two completely different worlds.

    I have no desire or need to go to the WalMart. Ever. Besides, they’ve basically told every right thinking person to f*** off. I took their words to heart and did just that.

  36. You need 2 things. Yes, a gun ( i prefer the Springfield xds 45 but thats me) the other thing you need is a couple kids who speak the lingo. I have one son who can decipher whats being said in Spanish, and his older brother who can speak it.
    The best part, the younger one, 14 years old, fire red hair, the older, blond hair blue eyes. They never see it coming. Living in a rural area with lots of apple orchards, we get bus loads (literally drive them here in a bus) and they always hit our garage sales.

    Generally speaking, they buy lots of stuff, and everyone is happy. But we have had our run ins here and there. Always humorous when we have him call them out for playing dumb, or the time they were planing to steal stuff. Did i mention Springfield? 🙂 When there is a group of people, who are on your property, up to no good, i found a universal language. Ruger Super Red Hawk 44 mag 8.5 inch barrel. No words. Everyone smiles, is polite, and leaves quickly. With Open carry, you don’t need words. Sure, it enormous and used for killing deer, but it’s also has an amazing shock factor when they see you walk out of the house with it. You don’t even need to load it, you could beat them senseless if necessary with it.

  37. We have been talking about carrying a gun here for years. You moved to Florida.
    Why not buy and carry a gun ?
    I f your going to shoot your big mouth off. Get and carry a gun.
    Brad has the right idea tho. Start with a bat. That’s what I do.
    But I carry two guns.

  38. Just to carry the conversation a little further down the road. . .

    once you DO get your pistol (CCW or not), a good idea is to carry concealed (CCW or not), what the sheeple don’t see, they can’t bleat about. Also, I don’t know what hand you normally shoot with, but learn to carry IWB (Inside the Waist Band) cross draw. It sounds silly and clumsy to cross draw (across your body), but you’ll “print” a lot less when you’re out in public and need to bend over to pick up/get something low. (see above, not scaring the sheeple).

    If there are any terms that are unfamiliar to you, I’m sure you know how to look them up online, or have a good gun owning friend that you can ask.

    DO get your pistol, and apply for a CCW gooberment permission slip. And good luck.

  39. and NOW that Wallys got the TPP (and BTW, WhoTH wants to be “partnered” wiith pecific “trans”) with the Ohole and the Pacific rim, just look for even more pants-warming AND WEALTH redistribution…

  40. GZ did NOT use “stand your ground”!
    In Florida, it deals almost exclusively with IN your home, perhaps in some cases on your property.

    At my range, they always say, “if ya have ta shoot someone in the yard, be sure to drag the carcass into the house by the time the cops arrive.”

  41. Those fuckers understand exactly what the sign says and they understand a whole lotta English too– they love to fuck with whitey. Hope they didn’t do anything to the blonde chick. Were they parked in the fucking handicap space in the parking lot too?

  42. John Moses Browning and the Texas State Legislature assure me that I never have to run back into Wal-Mart and buy another shirt. Me? I’d started following me, I’d have asked them in Spanish if they needed my help learning to count to twenty. If they didn’t recognize the stateside version of the A Shau Valley thousand-yard stare for what it was, then that’s their problem.

  43. Reminds me of a time I was in one of these cheapo liquidator type stores. I had my hands full with a few items, as I walked toward the cashier checkout. What goes running up in front of me is this 5×5 spanish lady to cut in front of me. She didn’t have anything, but she is waving to her amiga which has a cart full of junk. Which she proceeds to cut in front of me with.

    My jaw dropped; thinking how inconsiderate can you be, to push your way in front with a cart full of crap, while I held a few items. Not one for being shy I started voicing my opinion, which received a reply, in broken English; “jou no jentleman”.
    Which required a reply of you’re no lady, and you have no class.
    All the while the 2 were jabbering back & forth like baboons. I’m sure they weren’t talking about my good looks.
    Finally when the 2 banshees were done & left; I received a knowing and sympathetic look from the cashier. She knew these 2 rude, & uncouth (most likely) illegals, were wrong, but she was powerless to do anything about it.

    To all Western civilized people; I say stand up for your rights, and the rights of others. Don’t let the uncivilized hordes get away with their uncivilized behavior.

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