And the beat goes on…. Yale planning first-ever climate fees – IOTW Report

And the beat goes on…. Yale planning first-ever climate fees

Wash Exam-

The price of carbon dioxide emissions could be the next thing to drive up the cost of a university education, as Ivy Leaguers at Yale plan to set precedent by becoming the first school in the U.S. to enact a campus-wide “carbon charge” after signing a pledge at the White House earlier this week.

More than 200 universities attended a White House climate change summit Thursday to sign a pledge on taking steps to transition to a low-carbon economy and reduce the effects of global warming. Many scientists blame greenhouse gas emissions, primarily carbon dioxide, for raising the Earth’s temperature, causing more severe weather, droughts and coastal flooding.

President Obama has been enlisting academic institutions and businesses to reduce their carbon emissions in the runup to a major United Nations climate conference in Paris Nov. 30. Obama intends to agree to a deal there that would commit the U.S. to reducing its emissions 26-28 percent by 2030.


ht/ reddecaesari

14 Comments on And the beat goes on…. Yale planning first-ever climate fees

  1. Artificial Constructs – There are non-physical structures to many things in life that the human can recognize through reasoning. the structures (the constructs) are not physically real, and yet they exist.

    GOODSTUFF’S Carbon Offset Marketplace and Exchange (G-COME)
    Is where you can exchange, sell, buy, barter or trade carbon credits. The aim is to make this the one stop pump and dump carbon offset exchange. With G-COME you can now participate in a program where Aggregators and Brokers are not taking their slice of the carbon offset pie in the sky.

  2. Unless there is a 180 degree turnaround after the 2016 election, the future is bleak indeed. I and the wife will be fine but I really pity the children and grandchildren. I often wake up in a sweat thinking about it. That is probably bad for my own health. But I see so many guys in their 30s,40s,and 50s who don’t even discuss what the fuck went on in France last Friday. They have practically forgotten 9/11/01. Very few ever mention it. Kids no nothing about history but are hep on climate change and the Kordashians or what the fuck is in People Magazine.
    I need a drink.

  3. So, I expect the students to volunteer some of their free time to perform maintenance and landscaping on the school grounds to cut costs and save energy by doing by hand what used to be done by machines.
    And to visit the gym for three hours a day to walk on the treadmills that are hooked up to the grid to help power the lights of the university
    And it is known that the greatest source of heat loss on the human body is the head. Specifically the top of the head. That heat contributes to Global Warming.
    So a hat made with heat reflective properties should be required to be worn by all.
    I suggest Tin Foil.

  4. Just like Cuba. I read once, somewhere , that all people of Cuba, teachers, lawyers, doctors, bankers and so on take time toi till the fields and weed the carrots, and onions. Cut the sugar cane.. I don’t know if it’s true or not but that’s what I read in some mag back a while..

  5. Same old scam. Just like when you ask a regressive how in the world the UN plan on taxing western nations to give billions in money to 3rd world dictatorships is going to help global warming. It’s a question 9 in 10 cannot answer and resort to ad-hominem rebuttals instead. The 1 in 10 will respond with naive, unicorn thoughts that these 3rd world dictators are going to use the money to set up wind and solar energy in their countries and not pocket the money for themselves.

    If the students want something to complain about, it should be this fee and ask how this fee is going to change global warming. They want to make a difference? Turn off the smart phone, go outside and pick up some trash that their fellow regressives threw in the street. Go clean the local stream of the debris their fellow regressives threw in there.

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