Know Thy Enemy – IOTW Report

Know Thy Enemy


11 Comments on Know Thy Enemy

  1. Exactly right! I’ve said for years that the Øbamboozler studied the Constitution like a General studies his enemy!
    We could see the writing on the wall as early as 2007 when you looked at who he associated with, who supported him and only saw far Left radicals, Black Liberation Army extremists and Communists. I was disappointed in 2008, but alarmed in 2012! Now I’m concerned that we’ll even get to 2017 without a major conflict because of the enemy within our midst using Political Correctness to kill off common sense and sanity.

  2. … including even the instinct for self-preservation! We’ve turned ourselves into a nation of White guilt-ridden, granola-eating, Gay-obsessed, coexist bumper-sticker, celebrity-obsessed, kumbaya-singing, hashtag opportunistic, Politically Correct, gullible Eloi.

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