Yikes- Cruz affair story goes national on the Tee Vee – IOTW Report

Yikes- Cruz affair story goes national on the Tee Vee



Ted Cruz Calls Tabloid Report on Alleged Affairs ‘Garbage’

114 Comments on Yikes- Cruz affair story goes national on the Tee Vee

  1. Whoa! Ms. Carter took it way too seriously for it to be nothing. Will be interesting to see where this goes. I hope it is true. I’m sick of lying liar pols thinking their just too damn smart for us vulgarians.

  2. How about a iotw poll, Fur?

    A) I believe this to be true
    B) I hope it’s true (go Trump)
    C) I don’t believe it to be true
    D) I don’t believe it to be true but I am willing to spread it everywhere like the fertilizer it is.

    Likely a lot of D-B’s on this site… 🙂

  3. The Enquirer has proven to be the only media source willing to expose the truth about deciteful politicians. They are still standing and nobody has proven them to be liars. In fact, its the direct opposite. Trump is a golfing acquaintance of the owner…. big deal. Hes golfed with just about everyone.

    For the Enquirer to publish this story one must assume they are very, very confident in its veracity. And its been out there for a while and nobody has taken steps to stop them from reporting it. If its a lie someone would have threatened them and stopped them. I cant help but think of the adamant, defiant, deniers that were in the same spot before. Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, Billy Clinton, Johnny Edwards, Denny Hastert, Bobby Livingston, the list goes on. Right now i tend to believe its more likely true than not true.

  4. TO Loco
    You forgot

    E) I don’t believe it to be true and I’ll smack down anyone who questions that as a conspiracy-theory sucker and probably child-abusing Trump supporter.

    A lotta c-E’s here… 😛

  5. Trump BB David Pecker just happens to run the Enquirer. The Enquirer has put out some great articles over the years such as: “Bungling Surgeon Ben Carson Left Sponge in Patient’s Brain!”, “Homewrecker Carly Fiorina Lied About Druggie Daughter”, “Pervy Ted Cruz Caught Cheating — With 5 Secret Mistresses!”, “Jeb Bush Snorted Cocaine On Night His Dad Became President!”, “Jeb Bush’s Girl Caught Loafing On The Job”, “‘Family Man’ Marco Rubio’s Love Child Stunner!”, “Shady Lady Who Could Ruin Marco Rubio!”, “Senator Marco Rubio’s Cocaine Connection!”, “Trump’s the One! The Man Behind the Legend!.”, and “TRUMP MUST BE PREZ!” Anyone see a pattern there? I believe they are 0 for 3 on last count of the women who have come forward.

  6. Yes, the story is true! The story says there are rumors that Ted slept around. It is true there are rumors out there. The story quotes Roger Stone. Now we have a pretty good idea what the source of the false rumors are.

    How many Trump lawyers did it take to craft this story so the NE can’t be sued?

  7. I’d comment more but I can’t even read or post on this site anymore without it freezing up my PC because of all the damn pop ups. It froze up while typing this. Frustrating.

  8. What I can’t wait to see is how Trump followers react when Cruz’s poll numbers keep going up in spite of these fabrications and lies.

    They cheered when it was Trump and many of the stories were true with Trump even bragging about them. I wonder if they will cheer this time.

    Somehow I doubt it…. 🙂

  9. It was Trump who did this to Cruz, you see he is buddies with yadda-yadda-yadda. I’m waiting for: “… but at this point what difference does it make.”

    Is it true? – we will seemingly have to wait for the answer. Meanwhile the cage match continues.

    More popcorn

  10. I have read the popcorn comment many times regarding this latest kerfuffle. It infers one should enjoy watching the show. I for one am not enjoying it. I don’t enjoy watching the conservative movement destroying itself. This is epic tragedy though. It is being choreographed by media, the Democrat and Republican Parties. Quit falling for it.

  11. This is the beginning of the end for Trump.

    If he continues to push this kind of attack against Cruz (which he will because it is who he is) this is going to blow up in his face.

    Trumps problem is that this kind of attack is akin to a bluff in poker. Eventually you are called and if you don’t have the cards, you don’t have the cards. Trump appears ready to go all-in and if this is his kind of play than I see Cruz calling him and Trump coming up lacking.

    Expect to see more of the rumor and lies, especially if he loses Wisconsin.

  12. Hilarious.

    The harassment, bullying, and threats continue against anyone who criticizes Donald Trump. Liz Mair, whose SuperPAC ran an ad featuring the GQ photo shoot of Melania Trump, is getting deluged with threats and has seen her home address published. Her mother has urged her not to leave the house. – Mona Charen

    Now hold on a minute.
    I thought the Cruz people disavowed this sort of attack on Trump, that it was out of bounds to go after Melania because her career was modeling?

    This ad wasn’t “criticizing” Donald Trump.
    It was going after his wife.

    Why is NRO defending Liz Mair?
    She’s just a nobody who made a poor decision and a below the belt ad.

    So let me get this straight.

    Supporters have nothing to do with candidates when they attack Trump’s wife, but supporters have everything to do with Trump when they hit back.

    “That some members of the Republican Party are sanitizing and normalizing Trump (yes you Senator Sessions, former Speaker Gingrich, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham) makes them complicit in this slide into brutishness.”

    Isn’t NRO sanitizing and normalizing the attack ad against Melania?

  13. I hope Cruz wins the primaries.

    I would lose so many friends if I should witness them rooting against Trump in the general election.

    And then if he should win the presidency, to watch right-wing sites sitting in the peanut gallery, wishing and hoping for Trump gaffes so they can pile on in “I told ya so” fashion, it would be just too hard to witness.

    It might be best if Trump had something to do with the National Enquirer story and it bounces him out of the race.

    As I said, Cruz and Trump are not that far apart in policy, and I can get what I need out of either one.

  14. The GOPe deserves what happens to it.
    I for one am enjoying the show.
    I was faithful since my first vote.
    We started this country with a shootin’ war,
    don’t see why we cant have another to set things aright

  15. “As I said, Cruz and Trump are not that far apart in policy, and I can get what I need out of either one.”

    It’s not policy you should be worried about between the two. It’s the ability to execute the policy. Trump’s entire career has been built around the ability to define the objective, assemble the team necessary, and execute. Achieve the goal.

    Cruz, just another damn attorney.

  16. BFH,

    I agree with you on Liz Mair If you are going to go after some candidate’s spouse you get what your asking for.

    What I find interesting is that this was a Facebook ad with little circulation, targeting a specific demographic in a specific State.

    Not that it excuses the subject of the ad, but how many of us or the nation would even know about the ad had Trump not brought it to the attention of so many?

    It’s almost as if Trump wanted to pick a fight and took a non-Cruz affiliated Super PAC Facebook ad as the vehicle.

    I wonder if it was supposed to be cover for the National Enquirer article, sort of a tit-for-tat type setup.

  17. Cruz having extramarital affairs shouldn’t be a surprise or unbelievable. His egotistical personality needs constant attention. Trump has the same characteristics, but at least it’s obvious. Cruz seems sneaky and hypocritical. He should just admit to having affairs if it’s true, before he suffers the same fate as Herman Cain.

  18. It doesn’t matter where the ad came from or how small – Charen is in a weird way defending it.
    Trump’s response was ridiculous, posting a “bad ” picture of Heidi.
    But Charen is being just as childish.
    She is smart, but she was not thinking when she wrote that piece.

  19. First of all I agree with Brad. Cruz is ugly.
    Had the article said one women I would have said no way. But, 5?
    Holy crap. Five women now have to come forward and say yes or no.

  20. The Titanic (America) is sinking and we’re looking for a sacrificial goat to throw overboard to placate Poseidon (the media).

    Sanders is a communist, HRC is a murderous lying traitorous dog (hag), and we’re focussing on Trump and Cruz?

    Look! Over there! Squirrel!

    izlamo delenda est …

  21. Ted Cruz is so ugly that when he was born the doctor slapped his mom.

    Ted Cruz is so ugly that when he was a baby hey used to feed him with a sling shot.

    Ted Cruz is so ugly they use to tie pork chops on his legs justo get the dogs to play with him

  22. I can’t personally put any stock into this story at this point considering how “the source” of the “official” story so carefully worded its accusations: From the Enquirer website:

    “Private detectives are digging into at least five affairs Ted Cruz supposedly had,” claimed a Washington insider.”

    Are all of the Trump supporters here willing to convict Cruz as being guilty based on something as flimsy as ” a “Washington insider” CLAIMS that private detectives are digging into affairs Cruz SUPPOSEDLY had”? If so, I hope I’m never accused of anything where any of you would be members of the jury sitting in judgment of me.

    The tease has a lot of weasel words like “alleged”, “rumored”, claimed, etc. If I remember the other politician’s (Hart and Edwards specifically) cases correctly, The Enquirer had valid, photographic evidence of the affairs that their own reporters had taken and released – not blurred photos including at least a couple of well known TV personalities that had publicly worked with Cruz in a professional capacity based on rumors from a “DC insider”.


    The tenor and timing of the story does accomplish some political purposes though, regardless of veracity. It poisons the well against Cruz in upcoming primaries for those who are anxious to find fault with anyone claiming to be a Christian (other than Trump of course who claims to be a “devout” Presbyterian… which is a bit like saying you’re a committed agnostic these days).

    It also makes Cruz defend against scurrilous charges that have the lasting effect of damaging his personal reputation whether they are true or not while also taking focus away from the actual issues of the campaign.

    It is also a personal distraction that Cruz will have to deal with on multiple fronts (regardless of whether any of it is true) like family, supporters, public relations and friends.

    As proven here in the comments section, some people are more than happy to help destroy Cruz even if the rumors turn out to be nothing but lies. There is a fair percentage of people who will always believe this story regardless of any facts because of their own personal dislike of Cruz or their blind adoration for Trump.

  23. BFH said:

    “I hope Cruz wins the primaries.”

    Well, he won’t. We are, in all likleyhood, going to an open convention. The result of that is going to make what is happening now seem boring. If trump has 1100 delegates and Cruz has 1099 delegates and Trump does not get the nomination, chaos will ensue like we never seen.

    We best be getting prepared for President Hillary.

  24. Awwww … BULLSHIT!

    When the GOPe pulls a fast one, the sheeple will walk around muttering to themselves …

    Bahh! Bahh! Did ya see that? Bahh! Bahh!
    *wringing of hands*
    Bahh! Bahh! This sux! Bahh! Bahh!

    izlamo delenda est …

  25. ” If trump has 1100 delegates and Cruz has 1099 delegates”
    On what planet do you think Cruz is going to get that many delegates? Oh, the same planet that you think Cruz can win the General Election.

  26. BFH,

    My intent was not to defend the original ad as Charen is evidently attempting to do. I was just taking note of how this became a story in the beginning. While the ad was stupid, childish, and way out of bounds, I seriously doubt it would have gotten any play had it not been for Trump taking notice and posting about it.

    It would have died a forgotten misguided attempt to hit Trump during a primary. Instead we are going on a week talking about it mainly because of the original attention it was given plus Trump’s silly responses. While I don’t blame Trump for taking issue with the original ad, his responses are what have fueled the continued attention.

    And all of that has now led to this libelous National Inquirer story that obviously is intended to hurt the candidate and his wife.

    It all seems way too contrite and directed as if the original ad was a means to provide cover for the ends, which was this National Inquirer story.

  27. You know anonymous, there is just one problem with your fantasy. The Inquirer chose 5 women and so far 3 of them are prominent and one of them is working for his opponent. If any of this were even remotely true,

    Trump would have already used it to crush Cruz and be done with him since the sooner he gets rid of him the sooner he gets to 1,237.

    So it will be interesting to see just what the outcome is and who gets crushed because it isn’t looking like Cruz is going to be the recipient. Either the story will die as the lie that it is or it will be peddled by Trump and his team until it crushes them.

    Either way it is kryptonite for whoever tries to use it.

  28. I want to know what planet the people are from that think that either Ted or Donald walk out of a brokered convention with the nomination.

    And on that fateful day, Trump and Cruz supporters will be walking away, battered and bruised, as allies, knowing they were both screwed, wondering how Paul Ryan got the nomination.

    The reason for Trump will be realized, too late, and the #NeverTrump coalition still won’t get it.

  29. Hmm, now this is getting interesting, at least the ties to this story.

    GotNews.com looked into the sex scandal allegations surrounding Senator Ted Cruz and finds them utterly lacking. They come from supporters of Marco Rubio, not Donald Trump.

    So while even GotNews won’t touch it they did find that the story comes from supporters of Rubio. What makes that interesting is that Liz Mair and her “Make America Awesome” Super PAC are funded by Rubio supporters. So it would seem that the intent is to hurt both Cruz and Trump by targeting them both from two different angles.

    As such there is a connection, just not having to do with either Cruz or Trump as being the instigators. Rather its establishment Rubio supporters who are the culprits.

  30. “I want to know what planet the people are from that think that either Ted or Donald walk out of a brokered convention with the nomination.”

    Exactly, but now the GOP is using Cruz as a tool, and I do mean tool, against Trump. And neither candidate seems to get it. I wish these two would wake the F up and realize everybody on the planet is getting played by the GOP. Ted should STFU and fall in behind. Be a VP for four years and a president for eight. He could learn a lot from Trump.

  31. If there was anything, I mean anything, even a forged letter the mainstream media would use that to beat a Republican, any Republican over the head. Some divorced GOP governor makes a spicy statement to his female aid- BLAMMO that is news. The only time the National Enquirer does real work is when it involves a Democrat operators because the mainstream media won’t touch it.

    The news of John Edward’s love child which was spawned while his wife was on Chemo was broke by the NE. And the mainstream media was dragged kicking and screaming to cover that.

    If there was anything that could stick on Cruz all of the alphabet news groups would be covering it and Trump would be throwing a Roman Orgy to celibate his victory.

    Dan Rather should be applying for a job at the NE- looks like a man of his caliber can always find work if he needs it.

  32. Ken
    March 25, 2016 at 5:14 pm

    First of all I agree with Brad. Cruz is ugly.
    Had the article said one women I would have said no way. But, 5?
    Holy crap. Five women now have to come forward and say yes or no.


    Here’s a problem with the five women coming forward, their pictures are already plastered every where. I doubt Trump would put anything out there that wasn’t true. The NE has been sued in the past and is now careful with what it publishes. Seems to me if it wasn’t true the five women would have already lawyered up and spending the money for libel and slander before they won the case. Nope, there’s going to be more embarrassing things come out of this. Wait until the women start talking. If I were one of the 5 I’d be jealous that there were 4 others being stroked by Swaggert Cruz. My pie hole would be talking 24/7, nothing could shut me up. On the other hand, Swaggert Cruz is no prize looks wise, so I wonder what kind of gifts he brought with him to the party?

  33. Fur said, “I want to know what planet the people are from that think that either Ted or Donald walk out of a brokered convention with the nomination.”

    I’m from Earth, fella. Wake up and consider:

    The GOPe lets Ted rack up enough points to “stop Trump” from winning a clean majority…

    …then finagles its way (changing “the rules” etc etc) to nominate Cruz ( e.g. with *extra* delegates from here and there)…

    …then, just watch as – NOT the “conservative base” but – the
    millions upon millions of Dem and Independent crossover voters walk away from the GOP nominee…

    …giving US President Clinton…

    THE REASONS they would do this?
    …the GOP Establishment has a victory in maintaining “status quo,”
    the GOP gets to say, “SEE?! A conservative CAN’T win!”

  34. An open convention is part part of the legitimate process, a brokered convention is not. People are already convinced that if none of the candidates gets 1237, the game is rigged and won’t be satisfied with the GOP nominee.

    Trump will go into the convention with a lead, but no majority, Cruz second. If Cruz becomes the nominee, that will be the day #NeverCruz is officially launched.

    The comments responding to me will prove I am right.

  35. Ohio Dan,

    The “popcorn” I speak of is for the reading of all the posts here. I don’t feel this is a “good thing” for the republican side of the race or either candidate. I pray ‘it is’ garbage.

    I WILL SUPPORT the nominated Republican no matter what, yes even if the GOPe pisses on my back again. The truth is that if we allow bickering to hold us out of the polling place we will all suffer a slow and painful death at the hands of the left. The effing gig is up, the communists are inside the wire. Either we hang together or we will surely be hung separately.

  36. If they steal the nomination and foist that piece of shit Paul Ryan on us or any other rat, there is bsolutely no way I will vote for him. To do so is an endorsement of their treacherous sedition.

    There is no way I, nor almost everyone I have spoken to, will give them my vote to endorse and legitimize what they are doing. It will only serve to keep the dying country from facing the inevitable next steps we need to take to restore our way of life. What that is, I dont know but the sooner we face it the better.

  37. We’ve sunk to criticising looks now over unsubstantiated claims from the National Enquirer? Really?? Good grief. I’d expect that from them left, not the right. WTG folks. You rock.

  38. Lucifer has put this whole brouhaha up on the Satan-Vision Big Screen and has rolled out the popcorn machine.

    Here I thought Easter would be just another typically boring weekend. 👿

  39. TO Mike Brown
    That (a paul Ryan nomination) would simply mean the suicide of the GOP. WELCOME IT. The sooner, the better. We NEED a new Party.


    TO Navi
    Good to know you write us off. KEEP your sanctimony. NO loss here, as far as I’m concerned.

  40. Jagplad- Here here! I vowed not to vote for McCain when he pulled the gang of 14 but when it came time he was the lesser evil.

    Hillary is more evil than any we have to choose from or are thrust upon us. That is the sad truth.

  41. As the propaganda arm of the progressive stormfront, the media, forms an invisible shield around and leaves untouched the most vile, corrupt ,dissembling ,dishonest political figure ever,
    Hellaroid Clinton.
    Anyone still want to claim the republic isn’t finished?

  42. @Anon: What Swaggert was bawling about was he got caught. I expect to see the same coming from Beck when he finds out his apostle Swaggert Cruz is an adulterer.


    March 25, 2016 at 7:19 pm

    We’ve sunk to criticising looks now over unsubstantiated claims from the National Enquirer? Really?? Good grief. I’d expect that from them left, not the right. WTG folks. You rock.


    Navigator, yeah it’s pretty pathetic when they started making fun of Trump’s hair and then came out the cartoons, and characters depicting Trumps hair on odd things. Then there were the comments on Jebbies nose, Carlies face then her voice. It’s been an endless array of making fun of people’s appearances. What’s the most pathetic, is this is all we have to choose from. Being handed a candidate that we don’t want or like is worse than what’s running for the office. I won’t vote for someone I don’t like just to be voting. I did that with McCain and Romney and look what we got both times. Expect it from both sides, Republicans are far from being saints.

  43. Damn….it sounds like Goldenfoxx has had a near lethal dose of Trump cool aid and makes me think of the obamabots back in 08. He has a damn good message but then again so does Cruz.

    I can’t help but think what Trump is saying is America has been fucked over by politicians long enough, it’s time to get fucked over by a business man for a change.

    Think back to the last time you bought a used car!.

  44. Occam’s razor:

    Is Trump really a Trojan Horse 4 Hillary/Sanders…
    Is Trump just that stupid to push everyone into #NeverTrump…

    Trump just could not be that stupid so it’s door #1

    supporting smears @ Cruz is beyond the pale

  45. Goldenfoxx, I hear what you’re saying. I really don’t care but Trump’s hair was always a world wonder even before politics. It goes with being a celebrity. I’ll always vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Am I happy about it? No, but if more people did, we might not be dealing with the clown in the WH now.

  46. Just asking, is there something wrong now about looking heavenward to where God is? Is there something wrong now about getting on your knees and praying? I’m beginning to think Republicans are bashing Christians too right along with the democrats. Am I missing something? Tell me again what our nation was Founded on?

  47. OK you two, so of there’s fire where there’s smoke when should this be brought to light? The timing is as good as it can get for “our side”. Reports are coming out tonight that the same campaign that started the wife insulting escapades leaked this. Rubio’s. Now there’s reports that there’s a video. Bottom line this needs to be either proved or disproved before we go on.

  48. JohnS
    Trump also has about 99.9 percent of small businesses owners. And they are solid conservatives.
    Actually what a dumb statement. Have you checked the polls lately. You are delusional.

  49. BB; Yes! I have checked the polls.
    Trump is winning!
    He has no need for any naysayers. They can go sit in the corner until this is over.
    We don’t need them as the tiny amount of Republicans that disagree are overwhelmed by the crossovers.
    Trump 2016!

  50. @John S

    Soooo, Donald Trump doesn’t need us Conservatives? He has enough Democrats voting for him? So if Hillary wins, the Dems win? And if Trump wins, the Dems win? I see.

    Oh wait, I forgot, I was supposed to sit down and shut up. How’m I doing?

  51. Loco,

    Well you got me there, that two out of about a bazillion. And I was quite aware of them when I made that statement. Let’s stick to individuals that are current. Dude, you’re not ignorant, don’t tell me attorneys are not a problem in our political system. I’m pretty sure we had this discussion a year ago or so and we were in agreement. Snap out of it.

  52. BB; you are right.
    No president brought us closer to downfall than that lawyer Lincoln and his crazy wife.
    We survived him, can we survive Cruz?
    Why take a chance?
    Trump 2016!

  53. Statistically it can easily be proven that 99.99 percent of attorneys that become politicians never accomplish shit. That was my original statement asshole. Where was I wrong?

  54. Bad Brad——–“Now there’s reports that there’s a video.”

    Nooooo, I don’t ever, ever want to see Ted amorous, horny or naked. He’d have to me at his smariest when amorous. Yuck, barf, gag for just the thought.

  55. TO Plain Jane
    The videos ar of Cruz going in and out of a hotel with “a woman other than his wife.”


    TO Bad Brad
    JohnS’s latest trolling incarnation is as an idiot “Trump supporter.” Do not feed the trolls; that’s why his posts don’t make sense…they’re bad jokes (in his little mind).

  56. And I don’t usually comment as an a-hole like this, especially during Easter weekend, but you LURE the worst out of me. So who’s trolling who again? See my previous post.

  57. This is what truly sucks about Cruz vs Trump.

    An excellent website like Moonbattery gets trashed.

    Same with Dave Blount, who isn’t here to defend himself.
    Not that he has to, his excellent work speaks for itself and those knocking him can’t hold his jockstrap.

  58. Only a matter of time when the Ted sCruz ship sinks.
    I rather hear Donald Trump’s imperfect unscripted message than sCruz’s rehearsed polito-bull-shit-preacher-speak.

  59. You looked up the term but didn’t bother reading the links in the article. Gotcha. FYI, it’s not just gay porn, but considering how you feel about Trump, it’s easy for one to assume. And you act so sanctimonious, but had no problem posting Cruz’s alleged sex acts in The Bullpen. Oops. What’s the matter Czar, you don’t like being outplayed at your own game, player? I’ll move along now.

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