Now It’s a Gym Owner Jumping on the Ivanka BashWagon – IOTW Report

Now It’s a Gym Owner Jumping on the Ivanka BashWagon

So, so stupid.

When a gym owner in DC found out that Ivanka took a class under a pseudonym, the moron went on Facebook to haughtily virtue-signal that this was unacceptable and that she wants “a meeting” with the president’s daughter.


22 Comments on Now It’s a Gym Owner Jumping on the Ivanka BashWagon

  1. This is shabby and wrong and self-defeatingly stupid for any small business owner, and on so many levels.

    What a way to squander some unexpected access to the First Family.

    DC voted 95% Hilary. This little mufffin is just playing to her base.
    But publicly outing a female VIP who visits incognito will guarantee she won’t get any more incognito VIPs.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  2. Sears/Kmart are clients of mine. Brick and mortar is tough enough already. Why bone yourself up the ass like that? My company has already changed payment terms with them, tightening their credit line. Idiots are in
    Big trouble. And now this unforced error.

  3. This all so vomit inducing. As the great Mayor of NYC used to say: “Nobody asked me but” Ivanka, use the White House gym. If the WH does not have one, have Dad build one and hire a cadre of trusted trainers. Invite only your friends. As a taxpayer, it wouldn’t bother me in the least. Money well spent I’d say. Great savings on security- S.S. FBI etc. It probably would upset the already upset and the media, but WGAS?

  4. Some. People are calling her including me and telling her ass of she have some of the GYM in Washington, D.C. And Virginia but people are piss with the owner so she is about to loose a lot of money trust me

  5. Sears and K-Mart are goners now. Sears SOLD their craftsman tool line last month, which would be the only logical reason anybody would do business with them. Seriously, has anyone here been to a Sears in the last year?

    And KMart, well – as Rain Man stated so concisely, ‘K-Mart sucks’.

  6. That didn’t work out so well. From their FB page.

    Mark Long This include the family of the POTUS ?
    Like · 91 · Yesterday at 11:20am
    Bernadette Alcala-Lansberry
    Bernadette Alcala-Lansberry Who cares if she used an alias, did the building burn Down? Did people convulse and writhe in pain? Nope. Lay off Ivanka! She shouldn’t have to have a dialogue with you. She paid the fees.
    Like · 74 · Yesterday at 1:18pm
    Niki Kauai
    Niki Kauai How to destroy your own business in three easy steps:
    1. Be ungrateful.
    2. Badmouth your clientele.
    3. On Twitter
    Like · 70 · Yesterday at 3:41pm
    Kelly Beatty
    Kelly Beatty I hope your business tanks.
    Like · 54 · 23 hrs
    Fred Miller
    Fred Miller time to boycott this sorry ass shit hole of a gym! your gym is a fuckard hang out !!
    Like · 31 · 21 hrs
    Hubby Tahitian
    Hubby Tahitian You have violated the privacy act. I hope Ivanka sue you for it! Folks, you can’t trust this business! They divulge your infos to the rest of the world!!
    Like · 25 · 3 hrs · Edited
    Karen Ewart
    Karen Ewart To the owner: Well, aren’t you the leftist pig? Or should I actually call you bully? You call out somebody for attending your class when previously you bragged about Michelle Obama going there? Let me remind you, you ignorant woman, that the President’…See More
    Like · 11 · 4 hrs · Edited
    Karen Ewart
    Karen Ewart Way to promote the gym while simultaneously bashing Ivanka Trump. By the way Mahlum, lose the hairstyle.

    Susan Powter did it better.

    30 years ago.
    Like · 6 · 4 hrs
    Mark Long
    Mark Long 😂
    Like · 1 · 4 hrs

  7. Went to Sears last year and it was a ghost town. Rack after rack of clothing on deep discount. Bought new washer and dryer and earned a bunch of reward points. Went back during the Christmas season and bought some tools, also deeply discounted. But my general impression was this store won’t be here much longer.

  8. Kmart no longer exists in Richmond. At least the civilized side. Sears is the only anchor store in a failing mall on north side. Macy’s closed. The place is overrun with packs of dindus and is not safe.

  9. Geezuz, way to kill your business. In a few months if Trump continues his winning ways the fact that Ivanka is a member would become the city’s worst kept secret and the movers and shakers would try to join up. Now, the owner has shown all the members that there’s no confidentiality at that club and that the owner has no business sense. A hell of a lot of the people in DC are political opportunists that may be Democrats now but will switch in a moment if Trump really starts to win. This gym owner is about to feel that.

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