Where is No Quarter? – IOTW Report

Where is No Quarter?

Tammy (Tamminator) sent me a note yesterday saying that the site, No Quarter, is down.

Who is Larry C. Johnson?


Nationality American
Occupation business consultant
Known for commentator on national security topics; former intelligence officer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
Title CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC
Website No Quarter

Allegations that British intelligence wiretapped Donald Trump[edit]

In March 2017, Andrew Napolitano spread the unfounded conspiracy theory that GCHQ, one of Britain’s top intelligence agencies, had wiretapped Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign on orders from President Obama.[1][22] Johnson was the source for Napolitano’s claim.[1][23] The conspiracy theory was later asserted as fact by President Trump, with him citing Fox News and Napolitano.[1] GCHQ responded, stating that the claims were “nonsense, utterly ridiculous and should be ignored”.[24] Fox News later disavowed the statement by Napolitano.[1]


Now a site that’s been running for a decade is gone.

Anyone have any info?

15 Comments on Where is No Quarter?

  1. As soon as the judge spoke about the Brit’s being in the loop in regards to spying on P. Trump he went dark, everything his site ,facebook and twitter all down. I spent 4 years at his site until I got fed up with the troll he let run amuck on his site.
    Good info from him, but he was a big Hillary fan. What really pissed him of was the V. Plame and the yellow cake in Niger affair. Hope he comes back.

  2. Larry is a good guy. He USED to be a Hillary fan until he found out the truth about her. He USED to hate Trump, then he came on board. He is always seeking the truth. I think he made the mistake of talking to Judge Napolitano, and realizing the mistake, he went dark. I hope he comes back, as he was one of the first people on the internet to call this whole “Russia helped Trump” bullshit, bullshit. He also has called out the CIA and said that if the agency is going political then we are all screwed. Stay safe, Larry!

  3. Let’s see now, the Americans didn’t do it the British didn’t do it, the Russians didn’t do it, the Israelis didn’t do it, etc! It, however, was done by somebody! Who was that somebody a smoo?!

  4. I miss Larry also but it is too soon to say it was a mistake to talk with the judge because exactly what happened esp. regarding the NYT interview is still very murky. Evidently information was lifted from a NoQuarter post unknowingly and source information was twisted by Napolitano that made Larry look like a nut. He knows what he is doing in staying dark until this all hopefully blows over.


  5. I’m just going to say this and graciously assume incoming. People “in the know” in the intelligence community do not speak about it to anyone “without a need to know” and they certainly don’t make the TV circuit. I don’t doubt they have bits and pieces or life experience in such matters.
    I’ve known 2 people in my life, one of whom I love dearly, privy to such information. Both had had big egos but neither had loose lips.

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