McCain Whines About Threats to Globalist “New World Order” – IOTW Report

McCain Whines About Threats to Globalist “New World Order”

NewAmerican: Warmongering U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.; shown), perhaps the most aggressive neocon globalist in the Senate, complained in Europe last week that what he called the “New World Order” was “under enormous strain.” The widely ridiculed “Republican in Name Only,” or RINO as critics refer to him, also defended key globalist institutions such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), both of which are under growing pressure from outraged citizens demanding a return of national sovereignty and self-government. Critics were quick to ridicule McCain and some of his Kremlin-centered conspiracy theories, but the globalist establishment fawned over his comments.


With the “New World Order under enormous strain” amid what he described as a “the titanic struggle with forces of radicalism,” American and European globalists “can’t stand by and lament, we’ve got to be involved,” McCain was quoted as saying by the online EU Observer. In other words, those who oppose his vision of globalism and Big Government are “radical.” Meanwhile, those who support his extremist vision of never-ending unconstitutional war, the erosion of national sovereignty, and an end run around the U.S. Constitution’s limits on government are the “moderates.” At least that is what the failed GOP presidential contender wants people to believe.    more here

14 Comments on McCain Whines About Threats to Globalist “New World Order”

  1. IMO McCain is no more than a low life,traitorous,money stealing,America hating bastard. Too bad he survived his last crash trying to learn to fly and too bad The “Cong” didn’t finish him on the spot and save America decades of damage to sovereignty.American disgrace!!

  2. The Soviet communists figured they could take us down by infiltrating Education, the Media, the Courts, the Seminaries, and D.C. The North Vietnamese figured they could take us down by letting McCain go free. Not sure who’s done the most damage.

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