Felonious Punk – IOTW Report

Felonious Punk

by jedi clampett

31 Comments on Felonious Punk

  1. Nothing will come of it, I lament.

    Benghazi. Nothing.
    IRS targeting of citizens. Nothing.
    Holder in Contempt of congress. Nothing.
    Secret Server. Nothing.
    Stonewalling, withholding information. Nothing.
    Veterans Affairs corruption. Nothing.

    A lot of bluster but no consequences. All involved retire with full benefits, keep their job, get a promotion, or go on the run for President and nearly win. And with control of the White House and Congress, there is no repeal of Obamacare. Nothing.

  2. I want to be wrong! We’ve been given so many opportunities. Waist-high and over the plate. I mean, we still don’t even know exactly where Obama was and exactly what he was doing during the terrorist attack in Benghazi, do we? Did anyone even ask the question? So, what’s the basis to hope that THiS time someone will feel the wrath of the Law?

  3. Not even 90 days in and are we to throw in the towel on team Trump, I don’t think so. He still has many people to appoint in many departments, the AG is missing his right hand man and when J. Sessions is at full staff that is when we will see people going to jail. President Trump and his people mean business, have patience, things will happen in due time.

  4. Owl Ears. Not so fast. Sessions is a deliberate man, not a hack.
    He’ll do the who, what, when, where, why, and how the fuck? routine before he moves. I just hope the investigation doesn’t screw up the World Series.

  5. Owl Ears. See my comment above how can he make a case in 3 days and have her in jail in 5. You all need to get a grip. Do we want to see a unprepared indictment and then nothing comes of it or do we want to see them have a air tight case and people go to jail.
    The wheels of justice seem to roll slow but like I said these folks mean business. It won’t be Gowdy or Chaffetz running the show it will be a real Department of Justice headed by Jeff Sessions.

  6. Saltine, the video is the indictment, issue warrant, arrest,jail, hold for trial. Plenty time to build case just as defense does. Evidence is confession. Then watch the scramble of slimeballs looking for immunity to testify.

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