Geraldo stuns Fox News viewers by agreeing with Trump, blasting NFL protesters: ‘Give it a rest!’ – IOTW Report

Geraldo stuns Fox News viewers by agreeing with Trump, blasting NFL protesters: ‘Give it a rest!’

BPR: President Donald Trump lit into the NFL’s protesters once again after Giants defensive end Olivier Vernon took a knee while a military hero sang the national anthem on Thanksgiving Day.

“Can you believe that the disrespect for our Country, our Flag, our Anthem continues without penalty to the players,” the president tweeted. “The Commissioner has lost control of the hemorrhaging league. Players are the boss!

President Trump found an unlikely ally on this issue in Fox News journalist Geraldo Rivera.

“The president senses he’s on the right side of history,” Geraldo said. “And he’s with the majority of Americans.”

“You know, you can’t say that about many, or too many other issues,” he added. “But on this one, I think, people just get the sense, you know, ‘give it a rest.’”  watch

14 Comments on Geraldo stuns Fox News viewers by agreeing with Trump, blasting NFL protesters: ‘Give it a rest!’

  1. The 2017 Season that Wasn’t

    J.J. Watt is out
    Aaron Roders-out
    Stupid Chargers moved to L.A. for 10,000 fans
    Many teams with horrendous records
    Matador defenses
    Idiot protestors
    Insulting our military
    Expensive ticket prices

    Not many good storylines this year.

    Pack it in. No one wants to see spoiled brats going through the motions to pick up a paycheck.

  2. Fewer Tail Gate parties
    Low sports bar attendance
    Fewer Monday night getogethers
    No more Sunday football at the club
    Giants suck
    69ers suck
    It’s week 12 and I’m proud to say I haven’t watched a game.

  3. “Geraldo is finally right on something. Now he can go back to being a dick”

    Ya know most those assholes that take selfies, like Giraldo does, have sexual issues. Just sayen any day now.

  4. I wouldn’t know about it. I always change the channel when it’s announced that JR is on next.

    On the lighter side. Yesterday I watched a few minutes of the Titanic movie. There’s a subtle jab at JR in the scene when Bill Paxton opens the safe recovered from the ship. Not finding the valuables expected, the submersible operator warns him that JR’s career never recovered after broadcasting an event with a similar outcome.

  5. Up here in N.E. Oh-ho-ho, some pharmacy managed to straighten out Geraldo’s meds temporarily. Don’t worry – he’ll go off the rails again real soon. As for the Cleveland Clowns – total disaster there. Local high school powerhouses play better than these idiots do.

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